Howdy folks!
Well, as we near the end of the year, you can see I've posted a few new videos which I hope you enjoy. While the "End Of The World" is only a few days away I thought since I don't usually post written blogs here, I might as well do it now, properly.
I've been writing reviews, tips, easy-to-get achievements and more for the past two years here, all starting because I felt that all the online reviewers were slowly becoming too business-like and lacked the passion and love the average gamer has for all their games. It dawned on me that if I, the average gamer, wrote a review about games, it might give newcomers a better idea to what they might like and prefer. As I write these words I have over 9'000 views on this blog, (Insert Dragonball Z joke here) and I never thought it would continue to grow, I doubted that I'd even get as high as it is now and for that, I truly have to thank you. Whether you're a viewer, a subscriber to my Youtube channel or just a passer-by looking for an honest opinion about a DLC you've been looking at, I truly thank you for all the support over these last two years.
As 2013 approaches, and with many fantastic game titles soon coming out, I can only hope that you continue to enjoy my work.
On a serious note, the Fable review will be coming shortly, but since Christmas is now a week away, things are definitely becoming hectic. There will be a shortage of videos until the new year due to me taking a personal break, a thing I have never done before, the exception being unscheduled events such as family issues, funerals and things such like that. However some reviews and Five Easy Achievements will pop up between here and there.
But I digress.
I sincerely thank you for all the support over the years and I look forward to bringing more reviews, silly videos and gaming news in 2013.
From Al Fatman to you, merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa and stay safe over the holiday period.
And as always, have fun and game on!
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Choose My Torture!
Warning! If you have a weak stomach, don't watch this video. It may make you vom.
Otherwise, enjoy and thanks for watching!
Monday, 10 December 2012
Review: Skyrim Dragonborn DLC
G'day folks!
From rumour, to confirmed and then highly entisipated, the Dragonborn DLC was hungrily downloaded on the day of release to many eagar fans. With a return to Skyrim and the Dovahkiin, we see ourselves attacked by cultists in any random city, only to kill them with ease (of course) and a note found on one of their bodies, indicating their orders. A man named Miraak has sent orders to have you the "fake imposter" dragonborn killed and your now legendary tale wiped from history. So you must travel to Solstheim in Morrowind to find and put down the man who tried to have you killed.
After arriving to Solstheim, you find most of people there under some kind of trance, each chanting the same message over and over.
However, seeing as I nearly spoiled the entire Omega DLC, I shall stop myself here!
Some of the great new perks in the new DLC is weaponry. With the inclusion of two new weapon types, we get to see a new look of our characters, and the various rumours of a new DLC based on the origin of Skyrim may actually be true. New weapons, spells, shouts, armour and more for you to discover, the game also offers updated graphics. From Morrowind and beyond, the graphic detail is greatly shown, especially during "Black Book" sequences (trying to give detail without spoiling huge plotpoints).
Puzzles also make a bit of a comeback as part of the new content will require you to gather items and solve how to get to new regions.
The only issues reported about the DLC so far are ending boss fights where some enemies do not die, AI following issues during quests and areas refusing to load. However, I personally have only experienced one out of the three and Bethesda have already released statements for a quick patch coming in the near future.
Although this new adventure in the Elder Scrolls series and blew on the embers of the furious PS3 gamers, the Dragonborn DLC is definitely worth the price. Sure, it does seem a little more costly, but with the effort gone into audio, new areas, graphics, arsenal and more for you to uncover, this new content is definitely a worthy add into your download list.
Out of 10, I give the Skyrim Dragonborn DLC an 8.5/10
Good points
+ New weapons and armour types
+ Stunning graphics with new areas
+ Diverse new characters and vocal acting.
+ Definitely worth the price...
Bad points
- ...but still a bit of a longshot.
- AI glitches
The Dragonborn DLC is only available on Xbox 360 for now at 1600 MSP
From rumour, to confirmed and then highly entisipated, the Dragonborn DLC was hungrily downloaded on the day of release to many eagar fans. With a return to Skyrim and the Dovahkiin, we see ourselves attacked by cultists in any random city, only to kill them with ease (of course) and a note found on one of their bodies, indicating their orders. A man named Miraak has sent orders to have you the "fake imposter" dragonborn killed and your now legendary tale wiped from history. So you must travel to Solstheim in Morrowind to find and put down the man who tried to have you killed.
After arriving to Solstheim, you find most of people there under some kind of trance, each chanting the same message over and over.
However, seeing as I nearly spoiled the entire Omega DLC, I shall stop myself here!
Some of the great new perks in the new DLC is weaponry. With the inclusion of two new weapon types, we get to see a new look of our characters, and the various rumours of a new DLC based on the origin of Skyrim may actually be true. New weapons, spells, shouts, armour and more for you to discover, the game also offers updated graphics. From Morrowind and beyond, the graphic detail is greatly shown, especially during "Black Book" sequences (trying to give detail without spoiling huge plotpoints).
Puzzles also make a bit of a comeback as part of the new content will require you to gather items and solve how to get to new regions.
The only issues reported about the DLC so far are ending boss fights where some enemies do not die, AI following issues during quests and areas refusing to load. However, I personally have only experienced one out of the three and Bethesda have already released statements for a quick patch coming in the near future.
Although this new adventure in the Elder Scrolls series and blew on the embers of the furious PS3 gamers, the Dragonborn DLC is definitely worth the price. Sure, it does seem a little more costly, but with the effort gone into audio, new areas, graphics, arsenal and more for you to uncover, this new content is definitely a worthy add into your download list.
Out of 10, I give the Skyrim Dragonborn DLC an 8.5/10
Good points
+ New weapons and armour types
+ Stunning graphics with new areas
+ Diverse new characters and vocal acting.
+ Definitely worth the price...
Bad points
- ...but still a bit of a longshot.
- AI glitches
The Dragonborn DLC is only available on Xbox 360 for now at 1600 MSP
Friday, 7 December 2012
Review: Mass Effect 3 - Omega DLC
Howdy folks!
The battle that many people have waited for, the recent release of the Omega DLC has had many fans in a fury over many things; the fight to retake Omega, new enemies and weapons but above all, the first featured female Turian!
Starting this mission is kind of sly but a smart and classic move by EA. With a simple message from Aria, Shepard flies off to the Citadel for a meet up, only to be taken for a car drive with Aria to reveal her plan to retake her home.
Upon hearing her proposal, Shepard completely shoots her down, refusing to do it. But when she puts her entire force of Blood Pack, Eclipse and Blue Suns at your disposal (Much more than just the factions you collected on the Citadel) with a chance to take out The Illusive Man's near Right Hand man along with it, he reluctantly accepts. However, her only rule is that no one, absolutely no one, from your team or the Normandy can join her on this adventure. (This is kind of a cheap way of not hiring back any of the vocal actors back for the DLC, no character ever mentions the takeover of Omega throughout the entire game)
With this, you and many ships fly to Omega in Cerberus ships, attacking them while their defences are down only to fail and be shot down to crash land at the lowest level of the station.
And that's enough of the intro, more possible spoilers soon to come!
Gameplay is much of the same, while the new weapons do indeed KICK ARSE against the new enemies, not much is offered. The DLC is mostly focused for the Renegade users, especially where a stand point mid game will offer Shepard to take the Renegade option 3+ times in one cutscene. The issue? If you take the option, you kill hundreds of civillians, if you don't, there is a chance that you will kill Aria and your new found friend Nyreen Kandros (The female turian...who turns out to be Aria's old love interest...awesome), however the gameplay redeems itself with classic Mass Effect tasks and a possible shoutout to the first game as mid game, you will have to fight off multiple enemies and disarm four bombs. While there is a small fleeting mention of Mordin as you pass through his old clinic, there is barely any other attention to past or present crew members between Aria and Shepard, a return to Omega for Garrus would have been interesting or some more backstory of the system by Javik would have been inventive as well. But of course if this were to happen, Nyreen or Aria wouldn't have been available as squad members but seeing as Nyreen only appears a few times during the entire DLC, another crew member to help out would have been nice.
Voice acting by Sumalee Montano and Carrie-Anne Moss are quite well done but lack much of an "oomph", especially it comes to dramatic scenes. While the animation does save face for the sake of the melodrama between the "lovers" does kind of become lost with a near energyless projection.
Without completely spoiling the new DLC, the writing, acting and gameplay is definitely up to par with the standards of the game, however for this fan, it failed to "wow" me such like "Lair Of The Shadowbroker" did last year. Maybe EA and Bioware were hoping for something to live up to that sort of reputation, but for a DLC to have AI glitches here and there, no real effect on our War Assets and barely any on the storyline, Bioware and EA have released an ordinary DLC.
Out of 10, I give Mass Effect 3 - Omega DLC an 6.5/10
Good Points:
+ Expansion on story of Aria
+ New guns and enemies? Awesome
+ Classic ME tasks
Bad Points:
- Underwhelming voice acting
- AI glitches prevent storyline (Aria follows instead of leads)
- Barely any effect on War Assets
- No hollow return to Omega for Garrus? Aw.....
The Omega DLC is out now for 1200 MSP
The battle that many people have waited for, the recent release of the Omega DLC has had many fans in a fury over many things; the fight to retake Omega, new enemies and weapons but above all, the first featured female Turian!
Starting this mission is kind of sly but a smart and classic move by EA. With a simple message from Aria, Shepard flies off to the Citadel for a meet up, only to be taken for a car drive with Aria to reveal her plan to retake her home.
Upon hearing her proposal, Shepard completely shoots her down, refusing to do it. But when she puts her entire force of Blood Pack, Eclipse and Blue Suns at your disposal (Much more than just the factions you collected on the Citadel) with a chance to take out The Illusive Man's near Right Hand man along with it, he reluctantly accepts. However, her only rule is that no one, absolutely no one, from your team or the Normandy can join her on this adventure. (This is kind of a cheap way of not hiring back any of the vocal actors back for the DLC, no character ever mentions the takeover of Omega throughout the entire game)
With this, you and many ships fly to Omega in Cerberus ships, attacking them while their defences are down only to fail and be shot down to crash land at the lowest level of the station.
And that's enough of the intro, more possible spoilers soon to come!
Gameplay is much of the same, while the new weapons do indeed KICK ARSE against the new enemies, not much is offered. The DLC is mostly focused for the Renegade users, especially where a stand point mid game will offer Shepard to take the Renegade option 3+ times in one cutscene. The issue? If you take the option, you kill hundreds of civillians, if you don't, there is a chance that you will kill Aria and your new found friend Nyreen Kandros (The female turian...who turns out to be Aria's old love interest...awesome), however the gameplay redeems itself with classic Mass Effect tasks and a possible shoutout to the first game as mid game, you will have to fight off multiple enemies and disarm four bombs. While there is a small fleeting mention of Mordin as you pass through his old clinic, there is barely any other attention to past or present crew members between Aria and Shepard, a return to Omega for Garrus would have been interesting or some more backstory of the system by Javik would have been inventive as well. But of course if this were to happen, Nyreen or Aria wouldn't have been available as squad members but seeing as Nyreen only appears a few times during the entire DLC, another crew member to help out would have been nice.
Voice acting by Sumalee Montano and Carrie-Anne Moss are quite well done but lack much of an "oomph", especially it comes to dramatic scenes. While the animation does save face for the sake of the melodrama between the "lovers" does kind of become lost with a near energyless projection.
Without completely spoiling the new DLC, the writing, acting and gameplay is definitely up to par with the standards of the game, however for this fan, it failed to "wow" me such like "Lair Of The Shadowbroker" did last year. Maybe EA and Bioware were hoping for something to live up to that sort of reputation, but for a DLC to have AI glitches here and there, no real effect on our War Assets and barely any on the storyline, Bioware and EA have released an ordinary DLC.
Out of 10, I give Mass Effect 3 - Omega DLC an 6.5/10
Good Points:
+ Expansion on story of Aria
+ New guns and enemies? Awesome
+ Classic ME tasks
Bad Points:
- Underwhelming voice acting
- AI glitches prevent storyline (Aria follows instead of leads)
- Barely any effect on War Assets
- No hollow return to Omega for Garrus? Aw.....
The Omega DLC is out now for 1200 MSP
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Review: Dishonored
G'day folks!
Bethesda has been known for many years for the Elder Scrolls series but late last year they released a trailer to a brand new game that many people have now fallen in love with. A game combining Steampunk fashion, futuristic (kind of) weapons and superhuman abilities, those short statements sum up the world of Dishonored.
The game follows wrongly treated Corvo Attano, Royal Bodyguard of the Empress of Dunwall, recently returning from a trip to exotic lands for a cure to the plague infesting the city. However, upon his return, the Empress is assassinated, leaving a man named Doud magically restraining Corvo while kidnapping the Empress' daughter Emily. With no witnesses left, Corvo is blamed for the murder and kidnapping and sent to prison. After a set of months, Corvo escapes the prison and is met by a man named Samuel who delivers him to the Loyalists, who believed that Corvo is innocent.
First noticed is the unique graphics, while quite simple in design, they give a great and aged feel to the game much like Borderlands in that retrospect. Sound effects are quite gruesome, especially when it comes to decapitation and deadly kills. With the use of "Magic" bestowed by The Outsider, the sound effects alter and create a sense of danger and sets the mood well. The soundtrack, while mainly slightly creepy, is bloody excellent for setting the mood and pitch of the game alongside the sound effect. Their version of "Drunken Whaler" while fighting many plagued victims quite makes a mark in your mind. Voice acting, while decent, doesn't quite live up to the snuff. While the game does feature some well known actors such as Susan Sarandon, Lena Headey and Chloe Grace Moretz, only during the more humourous scenes does the acting suit, but its mostly the Additional Voice Staff the makes the gameplay fun.
Not much can be said about the game that doesn't reveal the storyline, but I will say this. What makes the game playable is how far they reach to tell a story not only through all the things you experience during your play time, but once more choices make a huge significance not only to yourself but to the characters around you so be careful of your actions and what you do.
While fans of Bethesda scream for more Multiplayer, they have stuck to their guns and made a brilliant game that just begs you to go back for more and more. The tale of Corvo Attano is one to be remembered and enjoyed long after we fans beg for a sequel.
Out of 10, I give Dishonored an 8.5/10
Good points:
+ Excellent and engaging gameplay
+ Musical score and sound effects effective
+ Choices have consequences
+ Storyline developing and ever changing to choices
Bad points:
- High/Low Notority is kind of dodgy
- Voice acting lacked muchly
- Tips aren't that helpful...
Dishonored is out now for the standard price of $70

The game follows wrongly treated Corvo Attano, Royal Bodyguard of the Empress of Dunwall, recently returning from a trip to exotic lands for a cure to the plague infesting the city. However, upon his return, the Empress is assassinated, leaving a man named Doud magically restraining Corvo while kidnapping the Empress' daughter Emily. With no witnesses left, Corvo is blamed for the murder and kidnapping and sent to prison. After a set of months, Corvo escapes the prison and is met by a man named Samuel who delivers him to the Loyalists, who believed that Corvo is innocent.
First noticed is the unique graphics, while quite simple in design, they give a great and aged feel to the game much like Borderlands in that retrospect. Sound effects are quite gruesome, especially when it comes to decapitation and deadly kills. With the use of "Magic" bestowed by The Outsider, the sound effects alter and create a sense of danger and sets the mood well. The soundtrack, while mainly slightly creepy, is bloody excellent for setting the mood and pitch of the game alongside the sound effect. Their version of "Drunken Whaler" while fighting many plagued victims quite makes a mark in your mind. Voice acting, while decent, doesn't quite live up to the snuff. While the game does feature some well known actors such as Susan Sarandon, Lena Headey and Chloe Grace Moretz, only during the more humourous scenes does the acting suit, but its mostly the Additional Voice Staff the makes the gameplay fun.
Not much can be said about the game that doesn't reveal the storyline, but I will say this. What makes the game playable is how far they reach to tell a story not only through all the things you experience during your play time, but once more choices make a huge significance not only to yourself but to the characters around you so be careful of your actions and what you do.
While fans of Bethesda scream for more Multiplayer, they have stuck to their guns and made a brilliant game that just begs you to go back for more and more. The tale of Corvo Attano is one to be remembered and enjoyed long after we fans beg for a sequel.
Out of 10, I give Dishonored an 8.5/10
Good points:
+ Excellent and engaging gameplay
+ Musical score and sound effects effective
+ Choices have consequences
+ Storyline developing and ever changing to choices
Bad points:
- High/Low Notority is kind of dodgy
- Voice acting lacked muchly
- Tips aren't that helpful...
Dishonored is out now for the standard price of $70
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Review: Call Of Duty Black Ops 2
Howdy folks!
Much like the game series Halo, more than likely everyone has at least heard of the name "Call Of Duty" or of the Modern Warfare series. With the release of the sequel to the game changer, Black Ops 2 or better known as BLOPS has made its way onto console and PC alike, the game already 10 million plus strong. However, a fan base does not make a game great, it is what the game has to offer that marks it down in our history as something worthy of the sands of time or something you'll find in the bargin bin the next time you stop by your local electronics store. With some fans worrying that a futuristic COD game would ruin the series, many have been casting sceptical looks upon the game, until now.
One of the first things out of the gate was the improved cinematics. As a man who enjoys Campaign much more than Multiplayer, I headed straight into the game mode and was plesantly surprised. Customisation in a Campaign game is also a huge surprise as well; which guns to take, what equipment and even perks to have in-game such as accessing unavailable areas, faster reloading and being able to hold your breath longer while using a sniper. With the Campaign missions, Strike Missions also unlock as you play the campaign, which are a nice change of pace. I'll leave it at that to avoid spoiler territory but I will say this, the adding of actions have concequences, even over long periods of time, is pretty smart and fantastic. The one issue I have had so far is glitches in-game. The only two I have experienced so far are random deaths for no reason and missions failing for being unable to reach the area due to buggy AI movement. Regardless of what reasons, these are short drawbacks which take you out of the storyline, if only momentarily.
Zombies is, of course, brilliant and creative. Treyarch definitely went out of their way this time around. While the menu screen for Zombies is slightly annoying (especially when you can't find a match), the games themselves are great fun. Survival matches are much more involving this time around. For those who have yet to get the game, Survival sees 8 players in one match split into two teams. To win, all team members on one side must be downed or die and the opposite team must survive the round in order to win. This gets very dicey and can be great fun when played with a bunch of good friends. While you can still all team up together, the round you're currently on will be restarted if all team members on both sides die. This is the only true fault with the Survival mode, as this can continue on and on for ages (my record time is an hour) until you are left with nothing. After a period of time, you will respawn with no ammunition for your pistol and no money to purchase new weapons. This means certain doom, especially if you are on a higher round.
And now, right down to it - Multiplayer. With very little online connectivity issues, the Multiplayer is possibly the best in the entire COD series. Customisation of guns, their camo and equipment is quite well done. With unlock tokens given out with each level increased, selection of your class is limited down to 10 choices, including weaponry. This makes each match more important to which maps and who is playing against you. Stratergy definitely becomes important. Maps are also quite diverse; from close quarter areas to sniping long areas, each map makes each type of gamer happy. What truly makes my day is the custom gamercards. This time around, specific actions unlock different pieces for your playercard. And of course, with customisable playercards comes the more penis and naked women creations. Treyarch has thought of this and added a report system for those with "rude" playercards; even if removed, they can still be found on your Elite Server or in your Barracks setting so be warned!
While COD and Halo fans fight it out for who deserves Game Of The Year or not, Black Ops 2 has made a significant impact on the community, grossing over $500 Million in the first 24 hours, beating the Modern Warfare 3 sale records to become the most biggest entertainment launch of all time. And disregard all the hype and promotion and take it from a neutral reviewer: Whether it is Zombies, Multiplayer or the Campaign that takes your fancy, Black Ops 2 does deserve a place in your collection.
Out of 10, I give Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 an 9/10
Good Points
+ Storyline is great and diverse, actions matter
+ Zombies is greatly improved and revitalised
+ Best Multiplayer in COD Series by far
+ Customisation everywhere!? ME GUSTA
+ Stunning graphics and voice acting
Bad Points
- Campaign glitches = Sad face
- Zombie Survival mode has issues
- The-Never-Ending-Fan-War
Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 is out now for $78
Much like the game series Halo, more than likely everyone has at least heard of the name "Call Of Duty" or of the Modern Warfare series. With the release of the sequel to the game changer, Black Ops 2 or better known as BLOPS has made its way onto console and PC alike, the game already 10 million plus strong. However, a fan base does not make a game great, it is what the game has to offer that marks it down in our history as something worthy of the sands of time or something you'll find in the bargin bin the next time you stop by your local electronics store. With some fans worrying that a futuristic COD game would ruin the series, many have been casting sceptical looks upon the game, until now.
One of the first things out of the gate was the improved cinematics. As a man who enjoys Campaign much more than Multiplayer, I headed straight into the game mode and was plesantly surprised. Customisation in a Campaign game is also a huge surprise as well; which guns to take, what equipment and even perks to have in-game such as accessing unavailable areas, faster reloading and being able to hold your breath longer while using a sniper. With the Campaign missions, Strike Missions also unlock as you play the campaign, which are a nice change of pace. I'll leave it at that to avoid spoiler territory but I will say this, the adding of actions have concequences, even over long periods of time, is pretty smart and fantastic. The one issue I have had so far is glitches in-game. The only two I have experienced so far are random deaths for no reason and missions failing for being unable to reach the area due to buggy AI movement. Regardless of what reasons, these are short drawbacks which take you out of the storyline, if only momentarily.
Zombies is, of course, brilliant and creative. Treyarch definitely went out of their way this time around. While the menu screen for Zombies is slightly annoying (especially when you can't find a match), the games themselves are great fun. Survival matches are much more involving this time around. For those who have yet to get the game, Survival sees 8 players in one match split into two teams. To win, all team members on one side must be downed or die and the opposite team must survive the round in order to win. This gets very dicey and can be great fun when played with a bunch of good friends. While you can still all team up together, the round you're currently on will be restarted if all team members on both sides die. This is the only true fault with the Survival mode, as this can continue on and on for ages (my record time is an hour) until you are left with nothing. After a period of time, you will respawn with no ammunition for your pistol and no money to purchase new weapons. This means certain doom, especially if you are on a higher round.
And now, right down to it - Multiplayer. With very little online connectivity issues, the Multiplayer is possibly the best in the entire COD series. Customisation of guns, their camo and equipment is quite well done. With unlock tokens given out with each level increased, selection of your class is limited down to 10 choices, including weaponry. This makes each match more important to which maps and who is playing against you. Stratergy definitely becomes important. Maps are also quite diverse; from close quarter areas to sniping long areas, each map makes each type of gamer happy. What truly makes my day is the custom gamercards. This time around, specific actions unlock different pieces for your playercard. And of course, with customisable playercards comes the more penis and naked women creations. Treyarch has thought of this and added a report system for those with "rude" playercards; even if removed, they can still be found on your Elite Server or in your Barracks setting so be warned!
While COD and Halo fans fight it out for who deserves Game Of The Year or not, Black Ops 2 has made a significant impact on the community, grossing over $500 Million in the first 24 hours, beating the Modern Warfare 3 sale records to become the most biggest entertainment launch of all time. And disregard all the hype and promotion and take it from a neutral reviewer: Whether it is Zombies, Multiplayer or the Campaign that takes your fancy, Black Ops 2 does deserve a place in your collection.
Out of 10, I give Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 an 9/10
Good Points
+ Storyline is great and diverse, actions matter
+ Zombies is greatly improved and revitalised
+ Best Multiplayer in COD Series by far
+ Customisation everywhere!? ME GUSTA
+ Stunning graphics and voice acting
Bad Points
- Campaign glitches = Sad face
- Zombie Survival mode has issues
- The-Never-Ending-Fan-War
Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 is out now for $78
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Fatman's Weekly Report - MW4 Details Leaked!
Thanks for watching!
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Review: Assassin's Creed 3
Howdy folks!
Now the fifth installment in the series, Assassin's Creed 3 has made quite the impact on the gaming community. With this all said, the final game of the series sees us as Connor Kenway AKA Ratonhnhake:ton (Pronounced Ra-doon-na-kay-doon), the closest ancestor to Desmond Miles we have ever seen. We follow his story. While Altair's story was of redemption and Ezio's being one of revenge, Connor's story is a mix: he seeks revenge for the death of his mother, he seeks freedom not only for his people but the people of the new nation and also honour for the fallen Colonist Assassins.
What is first off out the gate is the new stylised gameplay. New controls means that veterans of the game series will struggle to adapt and sure enough, it took me a while to stop pressing A to jump everywhere! Free running is completely controlled by holding RT, everything from running, sprinting, pushing guards out of your path and jumping from one rooftop to the next. Combat has made Connor definitely the most destructive and deadly Assassin yet. While many fans will argue whether Altair or Ezio is better, Connor's simple yet brutal kills can take down multiple opponants with everything at his disposal; from his Tomahawk to even ripping an enemy's throat out!
Sound effects are quite imaginative; squaking seagulls at the docks eventually fade away as you make your way into town; quickly replaced with soft chatter and the various voices of animals. Pigs, chickens, cats, dogs, the list goes on from what you can hear and interact with.
Graphics look pretty great, especially during cutscenes and gameplay. Smaller cutscenes and the promised larger battles are quite brilliant but the AI's lack human movement as they all move in the exact same order or in the same motions in order.
Voice acting was not only effective but quite well done. Connor (Noah Watts) gave quite a good performance but lacked the strength in emotion for many of the harder scenes. The same can be said with AC veteran actor Nolan North (Desmond), a stillness in his voice 80% during his cutscenes. Many of his personal scenes relied on the secondary cast such as John De Lancie (William Miles) and Danny Wallace (Shawn Hastings) for comedic relief. Neil Napier (Charles Lee) was the man of the hour, his character development quite noticible from quiet and respectful to boystrous and utterly evil. Without revealing many spoilers, Connor's story will definitely be more satisfying for new comers than the Desmond story. True, it is great to finally play more of the game but the game doesn't explain many of the plot twists revealed in the other media such as DLC, books, Indie games ect and it's hard to still stay in the storyline when you don't know the backstory.
Multiplayer, while with fantastic graphics and gameplay, sadly offers nothing too remotely new. The same previous game modes remain but little more other than new maps and characters. While the gameplay is fun and creative, it doesn't take long to get repetitive.
In summary, Assassins Creed 3 is definitely the best game in the series thus far, but its storytelling needs a little more work. And while the fans of the series, such as myself, will continue to wonder where the game will go from here with the rumoured AC4 already being in the works, all we can say is prepare for a game that becomes addictive, fun and laugh at how the world becomes your toy.
Out of 10, I give Assassin's Creed 3 an 9/10
Good Points:
+ Fun gameplay and style
+ Connor's story tragic, yet greatly made
+ Mutliplayer can be fun....
Bad Points:
+ .....but gets old fast.
+ Desmond's story not fully fleshed out
+ Game never fully tells backstory of specific characters
Assassin's Creed 3 is out now for $78
Now the fifth installment in the series, Assassin's Creed 3 has made quite the impact on the gaming community. With this all said, the final game of the series sees us as Connor Kenway AKA Ratonhnhake:ton (Pronounced Ra-doon-na-kay-doon), the closest ancestor to Desmond Miles we have ever seen. We follow his story. While Altair's story was of redemption and Ezio's being one of revenge, Connor's story is a mix: he seeks revenge for the death of his mother, he seeks freedom not only for his people but the people of the new nation and also honour for the fallen Colonist Assassins.
What is first off out the gate is the new stylised gameplay. New controls means that veterans of the game series will struggle to adapt and sure enough, it took me a while to stop pressing A to jump everywhere! Free running is completely controlled by holding RT, everything from running, sprinting, pushing guards out of your path and jumping from one rooftop to the next. Combat has made Connor definitely the most destructive and deadly Assassin yet. While many fans will argue whether Altair or Ezio is better, Connor's simple yet brutal kills can take down multiple opponants with everything at his disposal; from his Tomahawk to even ripping an enemy's throat out!
Sound effects are quite imaginative; squaking seagulls at the docks eventually fade away as you make your way into town; quickly replaced with soft chatter and the various voices of animals. Pigs, chickens, cats, dogs, the list goes on from what you can hear and interact with.
Graphics look pretty great, especially during cutscenes and gameplay. Smaller cutscenes and the promised larger battles are quite brilliant but the AI's lack human movement as they all move in the exact same order or in the same motions in order.
Voice acting was not only effective but quite well done. Connor (Noah Watts) gave quite a good performance but lacked the strength in emotion for many of the harder scenes. The same can be said with AC veteran actor Nolan North (Desmond), a stillness in his voice 80% during his cutscenes. Many of his personal scenes relied on the secondary cast such as John De Lancie (William Miles) and Danny Wallace (Shawn Hastings) for comedic relief. Neil Napier (Charles Lee) was the man of the hour, his character development quite noticible from quiet and respectful to boystrous and utterly evil. Without revealing many spoilers, Connor's story will definitely be more satisfying for new comers than the Desmond story. True, it is great to finally play more of the game but the game doesn't explain many of the plot twists revealed in the other media such as DLC, books, Indie games ect and it's hard to still stay in the storyline when you don't know the backstory.
Multiplayer, while with fantastic graphics and gameplay, sadly offers nothing too remotely new. The same previous game modes remain but little more other than new maps and characters. While the gameplay is fun and creative, it doesn't take long to get repetitive.
In summary, Assassins Creed 3 is definitely the best game in the series thus far, but its storytelling needs a little more work. And while the fans of the series, such as myself, will continue to wonder where the game will go from here with the rumoured AC4 already being in the works, all we can say is prepare for a game that becomes addictive, fun and laugh at how the world becomes your toy.
Out of 10, I give Assassin's Creed 3 an 9/10
Good Points:
+ Fun gameplay and style
+ Connor's story tragic, yet greatly made
+ Mutliplayer can be fun....
Bad Points:
+ .....but gets old fast.
+ Desmond's story not fully fleshed out
+ Game never fully tells backstory of specific characters
Assassin's Creed 3 is out now for $78
Review: Halo 4
G'day g'day!
As like Doom was in the 90's, Pac Man to the 80's and Pong before it, to this day people worldwide, whether gamer or not, will recognise the words "Halo".
Halo: Combat Evolved made its debut on the Xbox in late November 2001 and with it a lengend was born. Rating 9.2 originally with OXM Australia and 9.7 moderately worldwide, Halo CE had been quoted to say it had "Surpassed" 007 Goldeneye. Eleven years later, Halo 4 has finally made its way into the hands of many underage fans around the world, the first not to be made by the original creators, Bungie. There was only one question that mattered overall with the regular players and the die hard fans alike: Would Halo 4 live up to the legend it had created?
Of course, the first thing that needs to be talked about is the gameplay. The Single Player is definitely fluid and works well, developers have created changing and challenging areas to fight in. This is pushed greatly by the graphics; the game looks stunning during both Multiplayer and Campaign. While the Covenant do look slightly different, its refreshing to see them in a new light. Voice acting is utterly sublime; Jen Taylor (Cortana) creates quite an effective mood and feel both in the midst of battle and in the cinematics. A more talkative Steve Downes (Master Chief) is definitely the cherry on top of the cake. While the rest of the voice cast do a great job diving into the Halo Universe, many lacked the "oomph" that the series requires. In saying that, not all secondary characters are overlooked - Mark Rolston (Captain Del Rio) does an extraordinary job, especially with the sparring between the main characters and Darren O'Hare (Thomas Lasky).
Without revealing many spoilers for the game, the storyline does indeed start off a little rocky, not knowing what's happening but nearing the end of the game things start to tie off into a neat little bow. The epilogue does show quite the small spoilers and where the game may head for the next game in the new sequel. Sound effects were of great quality in-game but seemed to lack in the cinematics. For unknown reasons, all actions in the cutscenes seemed to come out faded and dull, while the voices were clear. This detracted from the mood but had little effect.
Many of the fans were worried over what would happen to the Multiplayer side of the game but 343 Industries truly delivered what many are calling one of the best MP experiences online for a Halo game. While a few sneaky glitches has been found and exploited, with the choices of connectivity, the customisation of our characters being even better than before, 343 did not hold back for the series.
Spartan Ops was originally critisied for its "Spec Ops" likeness, but the gameplay is quite enjoyable. Waiting each and ever week for a new installment adds to the excitement of completing something on this massive scale. Remember, this is continuing for 50 weeks after launch. That's five brand new maps for nearly a full year!
Overall, the Halo series is still alive and well and many gamers worried if the game would live up to the hype, if 343 could fill the shoes of the departed Bungie. In a sense, 343 and all those involved have breathed on the embers of Halo 3 to bring the series back to life, and now the fire is burning hot once more.
Out of 10, I give Halo 4 an 9/10
Good Points
+ Campaign is great, storyline and graphics suit well
+ Spartan Ops a nice touch
+ Cinematics awesome
+ Return of MC!
Bad Points
- Few MP issues
- Sound effects muffled during cinematics
Halo 4 is out now for the standard price of $68
As like Doom was in the 90's, Pac Man to the 80's and Pong before it, to this day people worldwide, whether gamer or not, will recognise the words "Halo".
Halo: Combat Evolved made its debut on the Xbox in late November 2001 and with it a lengend was born. Rating 9.2 originally with OXM Australia and 9.7 moderately worldwide, Halo CE had been quoted to say it had "Surpassed" 007 Goldeneye. Eleven years later, Halo 4 has finally made its way into the hands of many underage fans around the world, the first not to be made by the original creators, Bungie. There was only one question that mattered overall with the regular players and the die hard fans alike: Would Halo 4 live up to the legend it had created?
Of course, the first thing that needs to be talked about is the gameplay. The Single Player is definitely fluid and works well, developers have created changing and challenging areas to fight in. This is pushed greatly by the graphics; the game looks stunning during both Multiplayer and Campaign. While the Covenant do look slightly different, its refreshing to see them in a new light. Voice acting is utterly sublime; Jen Taylor (Cortana) creates quite an effective mood and feel both in the midst of battle and in the cinematics. A more talkative Steve Downes (Master Chief) is definitely the cherry on top of the cake. While the rest of the voice cast do a great job diving into the Halo Universe, many lacked the "oomph" that the series requires. In saying that, not all secondary characters are overlooked - Mark Rolston (Captain Del Rio) does an extraordinary job, especially with the sparring between the main characters and Darren O'Hare (Thomas Lasky).
Without revealing many spoilers for the game, the storyline does indeed start off a little rocky, not knowing what's happening but nearing the end of the game things start to tie off into a neat little bow. The epilogue does show quite the small spoilers and where the game may head for the next game in the new sequel. Sound effects were of great quality in-game but seemed to lack in the cinematics. For unknown reasons, all actions in the cutscenes seemed to come out faded and dull, while the voices were clear. This detracted from the mood but had little effect.
Many of the fans were worried over what would happen to the Multiplayer side of the game but 343 Industries truly delivered what many are calling one of the best MP experiences online for a Halo game. While a few sneaky glitches has been found and exploited, with the choices of connectivity, the customisation of our characters being even better than before, 343 did not hold back for the series.
Spartan Ops was originally critisied for its "Spec Ops" likeness, but the gameplay is quite enjoyable. Waiting each and ever week for a new installment adds to the excitement of completing something on this massive scale. Remember, this is continuing for 50 weeks after launch. That's five brand new maps for nearly a full year!
Overall, the Halo series is still alive and well and many gamers worried if the game would live up to the hype, if 343 could fill the shoes of the departed Bungie. In a sense, 343 and all those involved have breathed on the embers of Halo 3 to bring the series back to life, and now the fire is burning hot once more.
Out of 10, I give Halo 4 an 9/10
Good Points
+ Campaign is great, storyline and graphics suit well
+ Spartan Ops a nice touch
+ Cinematics awesome
+ Return of MC!
Bad Points
- Few MP issues
- Sound effects muffled during cinematics
Halo 4 is out now for the standard price of $68
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Review: Medal Of Honor Warfighter
G'day folks!
Now well known amongst the game community for its sublime realism, Medal of Honor has graced our consoles with a return to the franchise with MOH Warfighter, a sequel to the self named title of 2010.
Heading straight into it to what everyone is talking about, the new in-game engine of graphics, courtesy of Frostbite 2. I have no words for this utterly, utterly fantastic move. I spent more than 5 minutes into the Cinematic trying to determine if it was real or fake, it is literally that good. Obviously it is fake, but the graphics, weather, lighting and so on look so utterly real, it's quite easy to get lost from reality and be sucked into this game.
Sound effect and musical score is also a big plus in a large budget game such as this. Voice acting is once more, great, but seems lacking in specific areas. While the acting is by no doubt great, it seemed they lacked the depth of emotion in the voice. Whether this was done on purpose, as most soldiers are trained to be emotionless killers, this remains to be seen.
The campaign is definitely much longer than anticipated: with many plot twists and turns, different areas to travel to and new information to take in, the game will definitely keep you on your toes.
Multiplayer has been greatly improved since the demo a few weeks back. Lag is definitely not an issue, maps are extremely level and even headed and players can join friends quite quickly, with little to no loading time.
There isn't much more to say about this game, despite its shocking take and sales record. The 14th chapture in the long series is definitely worth a look. With easy achievements to be had, a great multiplayer to enjoy with your friends and utterly jaw dropping visuals, I would extremely recommend this game.
Out of 10, I give MOH Warfighter an 9.5/10
Good Points
+ Amazing graphics
+ Musical score/sound effects quite brilliant
+ Storyline is extremely solid
+ Multiplayer is fantastic and simple
Bad Points
- High graphics does tend to stop cinematics in the middle of viewing
- Customisation limits to guns, nothing for characters
MOH Warfighter is out now for $88
Now well known amongst the game community for its sublime realism, Medal of Honor has graced our consoles with a return to the franchise with MOH Warfighter, a sequel to the self named title of 2010.
Heading straight into it to what everyone is talking about, the new in-game engine of graphics, courtesy of Frostbite 2. I have no words for this utterly, utterly fantastic move. I spent more than 5 minutes into the Cinematic trying to determine if it was real or fake, it is literally that good. Obviously it is fake, but the graphics, weather, lighting and so on look so utterly real, it's quite easy to get lost from reality and be sucked into this game.
Sound effect and musical score is also a big plus in a large budget game such as this. Voice acting is once more, great, but seems lacking in specific areas. While the acting is by no doubt great, it seemed they lacked the depth of emotion in the voice. Whether this was done on purpose, as most soldiers are trained to be emotionless killers, this remains to be seen.
The campaign is definitely much longer than anticipated: with many plot twists and turns, different areas to travel to and new information to take in, the game will definitely keep you on your toes.
Multiplayer has been greatly improved since the demo a few weeks back. Lag is definitely not an issue, maps are extremely level and even headed and players can join friends quite quickly, with little to no loading time.
There isn't much more to say about this game, despite its shocking take and sales record. The 14th chapture in the long series is definitely worth a look. With easy achievements to be had, a great multiplayer to enjoy with your friends and utterly jaw dropping visuals, I would extremely recommend this game.
Out of 10, I give MOH Warfighter an 9.5/10
Good Points
+ Amazing graphics
+ Musical score/sound effects quite brilliant
+ Storyline is extremely solid
+ Multiplayer is fantastic and simple
Bad Points
- High graphics does tend to stop cinematics in the middle of viewing
- Customisation limits to guns, nothing for characters
MOH Warfighter is out now for $88
Review: Doom 3 BFG Edition
Howdy folks!
Anywhere you go, anyone you talk to whether it be gamer or not, it's safe to say that they have at least heard of Doom, renown for its gore, bloody, violent and horrific gameplay. Doom definitely paved the way for First Person Shooters of today and even modelled as many horror/survival games of today. Bethesda has recaptured that magic and placed all three games into the one we see today, Doom 3 BFG Edition. While the title only states one of the games in the series, one of the little gems about this game is that you pay the price of one game, but really get three.
With this knowledge, I dived right back into Mars, Hell and Doom, and almost simultaniously, fell back in to the nervous, scared child I was when my brother introduced me to the game. Although I did get much further than I did in my youth, it was nice to reflect, if only briefly, on a classic. Bring on Doom 2! Hit again with nostalgia, I pushed my wave through Hell's spawn and human alike, diving right back into the fight. Nothing new is offered in either of the older titles other than achievements and an updated Options menu. Doom 3 is where most of the changes are.
Updated graphics, musical score, cleaner audio and sound effects are just some of the new features in the newest version of the game. Despite this, the game still retains its massively challenging gameplay and riddle solving. However, the game still retains the few bugs here are there. The random spawning of enemies finds them spawning within walls, enemies (On occasion) not dying or moving at all and so on. While these cause slight upset, these are overlookable.
While the game itself only offers a better version of Doom 3, the game is still a great buy. Returning to the classics of any game series is always a great play and a good time to play with friends. Doom will always live on as the kickstart to the gaming community we all know today.
Out of 10, I give Doom 3 BFG Edition an 7.5/10
Good Points
+ $70 for three games? SCORE
+ Getting frightened all over again is awesome
+ Graphics and sound effect will blow you away
Bad Points
- Doom 1 & 2 won't play with installed disc...
- Odd glitches here and there
- Doom 1 & 2 offer nothing relitively new
The game is out now for $70, depending on location.
Anywhere you go, anyone you talk to whether it be gamer or not, it's safe to say that they have at least heard of Doom, renown for its gore, bloody, violent and horrific gameplay. Doom definitely paved the way for First Person Shooters of today and even modelled as many horror/survival games of today. Bethesda has recaptured that magic and placed all three games into the one we see today, Doom 3 BFG Edition. While the title only states one of the games in the series, one of the little gems about this game is that you pay the price of one game, but really get three.
With this knowledge, I dived right back into Mars, Hell and Doom, and almost simultaniously, fell back in to the nervous, scared child I was when my brother introduced me to the game. Although I did get much further than I did in my youth, it was nice to reflect, if only briefly, on a classic. Bring on Doom 2! Hit again with nostalgia, I pushed my wave through Hell's spawn and human alike, diving right back into the fight. Nothing new is offered in either of the older titles other than achievements and an updated Options menu. Doom 3 is where most of the changes are.
Updated graphics, musical score, cleaner audio and sound effects are just some of the new features in the newest version of the game. Despite this, the game still retains its massively challenging gameplay and riddle solving. However, the game still retains the few bugs here are there. The random spawning of enemies finds them spawning within walls, enemies (On occasion) not dying or moving at all and so on. While these cause slight upset, these are overlookable.
While the game itself only offers a better version of Doom 3, the game is still a great buy. Returning to the classics of any game series is always a great play and a good time to play with friends. Doom will always live on as the kickstart to the gaming community we all know today.
Out of 10, I give Doom 3 BFG Edition an 7.5/10
Good Points
+ $70 for three games? SCORE
+ Getting frightened all over again is awesome
+ Graphics and sound effect will blow you away
Bad Points
- Doom 1 & 2 won't play with installed disc...
- Odd glitches here and there
- Doom 1 & 2 offer nothing relitively new
The game is out now for $70, depending on location.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Review: Borderlands 2
G'day folks!
Once again, I have flown blind into a game series that I didn't know a lot of and again, I have been pleasantly surprised.
Not watching any gameplay videos, reading up on the graphics or even know the plotline, I travelled out and bought the game and returned home to play my way through the intoxicating game. One of the utmost things of importance I noticed were the utterly stunning, yet simple drawn graphics, giving an odd sense of life to both the world and the characters. While voice acting for the main Protagonists were very low, many of the supporting characters and main mission parameters such as ClapTrap (David Eddings), Handsome Jack (Daemond Clarke) and Lilith (Colleen Clinkerbeard) brings much interesting and amusing tidbits such as with Butt Stallion and ClapTrap's odd and qwerky sayings.
Gameplay moves smoothly and to the pleasure of many gamers, straight into the action after the small bits of introduction and opening scenes. Controls come naturally to fans of the series, but there are no in-game tutorials or even the standard "Press A To Jump" or things of the sort other than the small bits of information ClapTrap yells at you.
While the aim of the game gets more clearer as you head off into the Cmapaign, what Borderlands was built for was its Co-Op, and to this I had to give it a try. While having a higher leveled friend playing with you does come as a huge help, enemies get stronger when they join and only become weaker when the player leaves the game. Having friends of the same level does make enemies harder but only due to the number of players in-game at the present time. Having a higher level friend in your world, so to speak, does allow you to easily level up, this kind of takes the challege out of the game and makes it waaay too much easier. While enemies get harder as you go along the game, to be Level 50 before even making it to Santuary takes the excitement out of the game, as well as the engaging storyline.
While the old gaming theories state that "All sequels to an awesome game are usually horrible", this time around it seems that the team at 2K and Gearbox were able to improve on the leveling and the issues from the previous title
Out of 10, I gave Borderlands 2 an 8/10
Good Points
+ Thick and intriguing storyline
+ Controls are fluid
+ Very few Co-Op issues.
+ Gameplay is addictive, each new area a challenge
Bad Points
- Co-Op quick levelling makes game too easy
- Soundtrack lacks during mid of game
- Very little tutorial
...killed me at least six times at the respawn point...
Borderlands 2 is out now for $78
Once again, I have flown blind into a game series that I didn't know a lot of and again, I have been pleasantly surprised.
Not watching any gameplay videos, reading up on the graphics or even know the plotline, I travelled out and bought the game and returned home to play my way through the intoxicating game. One of the utmost things of importance I noticed were the utterly stunning, yet simple drawn graphics, giving an odd sense of life to both the world and the characters. While voice acting for the main Protagonists were very low, many of the supporting characters and main mission parameters such as ClapTrap (David Eddings), Handsome Jack (Daemond Clarke) and Lilith (Colleen Clinkerbeard) brings much interesting and amusing tidbits such as with Butt Stallion and ClapTrap's odd and qwerky sayings.
Gameplay moves smoothly and to the pleasure of many gamers, straight into the action after the small bits of introduction and opening scenes. Controls come naturally to fans of the series, but there are no in-game tutorials or even the standard "Press A To Jump" or things of the sort other than the small bits of information ClapTrap yells at you.
While the aim of the game gets more clearer as you head off into the Cmapaign, what Borderlands was built for was its Co-Op, and to this I had to give it a try. While having a higher leveled friend playing with you does come as a huge help, enemies get stronger when they join and only become weaker when the player leaves the game. Having friends of the same level does make enemies harder but only due to the number of players in-game at the present time. Having a higher level friend in your world, so to speak, does allow you to easily level up, this kind of takes the challege out of the game and makes it waaay too much easier. While enemies get harder as you go along the game, to be Level 50 before even making it to Santuary takes the excitement out of the game, as well as the engaging storyline.
While the old gaming theories state that "All sequels to an awesome game are usually horrible", this time around it seems that the team at 2K and Gearbox were able to improve on the leveling and the issues from the previous title
Out of 10, I gave Borderlands 2 an 8/10
Good Points
+ Thick and intriguing storyline
+ Controls are fluid
+ Very few Co-Op issues.
+ Gameplay is addictive, each new area a challenge
Bad Points
- Co-Op quick levelling makes game too easy
- Soundtrack lacks during mid of game
- Very little tutorial
...killed me at least six times at the respawn point...
Borderlands 2 is out now for $78
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Pokemon Gold - Bad Russian Accent
Thanks for watching!
Pokemon Gold - Everybody Hates Zubat
Then again, Youngster Joey does.
Thanks for watching!
Fatman's Weekly Report - ME3 DLC List Confirmed
Thanks for watching!
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Review: Jet Set Radio HD
Howdy folks!
Since it's announcement I have been thoroughly excited for the return to a favoured childhood game of mine. Being a fan of the series since I first owned an Xbox, I immediately jumped into the story and started on with the tutorial.
But this is where the issues begin.
While the game itself is just a spit-shine on the old classic title, only the bare controls seems to have been updated. While the tutorial gives you the gist of movement and jumping, what it lacks is the wholeness of the controls. The AI's in game move with speed and precision, with the use of some traits that you can unlock later in game. However the simple tasks they wish you to perform are much harder and challenging without these traits, the odd and clunky camera angles not helping at all.
This aside, the game moves in quickly afterwards and the story progresses quite fast. For folks who never had a chance to play the original game before its sequel JSR Future, the game consists not of free roam and travelling but of level choosing and picking which areas to attack and control first. As said, the controls are definitely much harder when first starting and having a time limit makes the game that much more of a challenge. Voice acting is the same as its always been; the only fully talking character is DJ Professor K (Voice by DJ Professor K. No I'm not kidding!) and every other character has what I would call either a grunt or a catch frase; such as "Hey" "Oh-ho yeah!" or "Hi". Graphics are as simplistic as ever but still bring that great feel of graffiti coming to life, near literally. The soundtrack is of utter greatness as always, with the few audio sounds of screaming people dodging the skaters and cars rolling by, it's quite possible to get lost easily in the game's twisting and ever developing storyline.
As a gamer for nearly sixteen years, I've never enjoyed another game near as much as the two Jet Set Radio games. While repeatingly playing JSR Future has slightly spoiled me to the return of the clunky gameplay styles of this classic game, it has barely dampened my affection to the fun of kicking the crap out of Captain Onishima and the Rokaku Police!
Out of 10, I gave Jet Set Radio an 8/10
Good Points
+ Soundtrack is fun and addictave to listen to
+ Storyline quite creative
+ Graphics are original; imperfection looks like perfection
Bad Points
- Controls are as cruddy as ever
- Timing speeds the game too fast
- Newcomers will not pass with flying colours
Jet Set Radio is out now for 800 MSP ($10)
Since it's announcement I have been thoroughly excited for the return to a favoured childhood game of mine. Being a fan of the series since I first owned an Xbox, I immediately jumped into the story and started on with the tutorial.
But this is where the issues begin.
While the game itself is just a spit-shine on the old classic title, only the bare controls seems to have been updated. While the tutorial gives you the gist of movement and jumping, what it lacks is the wholeness of the controls. The AI's in game move with speed and precision, with the use of some traits that you can unlock later in game. However the simple tasks they wish you to perform are much harder and challenging without these traits, the odd and clunky camera angles not helping at all.
This aside, the game moves in quickly afterwards and the story progresses quite fast. For folks who never had a chance to play the original game before its sequel JSR Future, the game consists not of free roam and travelling but of level choosing and picking which areas to attack and control first. As said, the controls are definitely much harder when first starting and having a time limit makes the game that much more of a challenge. Voice acting is the same as its always been; the only fully talking character is DJ Professor K (Voice by DJ Professor K. No I'm not kidding!) and every other character has what I would call either a grunt or a catch frase; such as "Hey" "Oh-ho yeah!" or "Hi". Graphics are as simplistic as ever but still bring that great feel of graffiti coming to life, near literally. The soundtrack is of utter greatness as always, with the few audio sounds of screaming people dodging the skaters and cars rolling by, it's quite possible to get lost easily in the game's twisting and ever developing storyline.
As a gamer for nearly sixteen years, I've never enjoyed another game near as much as the two Jet Set Radio games. While repeatingly playing JSR Future has slightly spoiled me to the return of the clunky gameplay styles of this classic game, it has barely dampened my affection to the fun of kicking the crap out of Captain Onishima and the Rokaku Police!
Out of 10, I gave Jet Set Radio an 8/10
Good Points
+ Soundtrack is fun and addictave to listen to
+ Storyline quite creative
+ Graphics are original; imperfection looks like perfection
Bad Points
- Controls are as cruddy as ever
- Timing speeds the game too fast
- Newcomers will not pass with flying colours
Jet Set Radio is out now for 800 MSP ($10)
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Review: Fire Pro Wrestling
Howdy folks!
Once again, I went flying blind into yet another game, not knowing what I was to find and had been pleasantly surprised by this title.
The game is simple enough: Wrestling but with your avatar. The game features many different styles of wrestling moves, clothing and even takes into detail of the players introduction music, prop, movements and taunts in the ring. The navagation of the dashboard is a little annoying but the most used will definitely be at the top. Customisation is definitely a big plus for the game; with a near Avatar Editor likeness, players can create their very own look and feel for the wrestler to be, even to go as far as to create a different avatar just for the game alone.
With your moves, taunts and costume now in place, the tutorial automatically takes over and you are placed in a ring with a near dummy AI to fight against. While the tutorial is quite helpful, it leaves out other key things that will help win you victory in the later fights.
Campaign, while slightly repetitive, becomes increasingly challenging and addictive. Even in the early first fights, judging an opponent by level alone is a silly move. For example one opponent early on "Grandma and Granddad", you think because of their low level and names they will be easy. However, if you do not upgrade your wrestler with better moves, attacks, grapples and experience, these two will destroy you in the ring.
Multiplayer is featured and while the online process is slow, it works well for in country gameplay. Areas of larger distance can tend to lag and throw you or your opponent from the game.
With this game now released, it has also released a new feature for Microsofe Studios newest system, Avatar Famestar. Actions in-game will cause your "fame" in-game to increase for unlockables and better equipment (Other titles now share this feature. The only known one to me so far is Full House Poker), however the process of the fame is slow and often can be useless.
With this all in mind, the games well set gameplay, audio, voice acting and jokes of stereotypical wrestling moves and taunts, this game is definitely not a shy over this coming Summer, a nice gap filler between the gap of larger brand name games coming out in the weeks to come
Out of 10, I gave Fire Pro Wrestling an 7.5/10
Good Points
+ Great customisation
+ Tutorial is definitely helpful
+ Addictive gameplay
Bad Points
- Multiplayer can ruin the experience
- Leveling system is slow
- Introduction of Avatar Famestar = pointless
Fire Pro Wrestling is out now for 800 MSP ($10)
Once again, I went flying blind into yet another game, not knowing what I was to find and had been pleasantly surprised by this title.
The game is simple enough: Wrestling but with your avatar. The game features many different styles of wrestling moves, clothing and even takes into detail of the players introduction music, prop, movements and taunts in the ring. The navagation of the dashboard is a little annoying but the most used will definitely be at the top. Customisation is definitely a big plus for the game; with a near Avatar Editor likeness, players can create their very own look and feel for the wrestler to be, even to go as far as to create a different avatar just for the game alone.
With your moves, taunts and costume now in place, the tutorial automatically takes over and you are placed in a ring with a near dummy AI to fight against. While the tutorial is quite helpful, it leaves out other key things that will help win you victory in the later fights.
Campaign, while slightly repetitive, becomes increasingly challenging and addictive. Even in the early first fights, judging an opponent by level alone is a silly move. For example one opponent early on "Grandma and Granddad", you think because of their low level and names they will be easy. However, if you do not upgrade your wrestler with better moves, attacks, grapples and experience, these two will destroy you in the ring.
Multiplayer is featured and while the online process is slow, it works well for in country gameplay. Areas of larger distance can tend to lag and throw you or your opponent from the game.
With this game now released, it has also released a new feature for Microsofe Studios newest system, Avatar Famestar. Actions in-game will cause your "fame" in-game to increase for unlockables and better equipment (Other titles now share this feature. The only known one to me so far is Full House Poker), however the process of the fame is slow and often can be useless.
With this all in mind, the games well set gameplay, audio, voice acting and jokes of stereotypical wrestling moves and taunts, this game is definitely not a shy over this coming Summer, a nice gap filler between the gap of larger brand name games coming out in the weeks to come
Out of 10, I gave Fire Pro Wrestling an 7.5/10
Good Points
+ Great customisation
+ Tutorial is definitely helpful
+ Addictive gameplay
Bad Points
- Multiplayer can ruin the experience
- Leveling system is slow
- Introduction of Avatar Famestar = pointless
Fire Pro Wrestling is out now for 800 MSP ($10)
Review: Joe Danger 2 The Movie
G'day there!
With the prequel being a smash hit, many gamers clamored to get their hands on the following title in the series. Joe Danger, the "sickest stunt man alive", has returned to face his biggest challenge of his life; the silver screen.
The introductions over, the simplest way to describe this game is with three simple words: copy and paste. Controls haven't changed at all, colouring lightened ever so slightly and the voice acting is little improvement to the same words repeated. The only difference is the gameplay; this was enough to coax me into playing this game, for the greatness and love of the first title. From Indiana Jones shoutouts, classic Bond scenes, jetpack slamming and sneaking through levels, the game progresses slowly, the repetition of obsticles and objectives quite shallow. While many maps are quite different, they hold the same formula that the original game had: ramps, change lanes and hidden areas.
While you still may collect stars and DANGER as you progress, the only real difference is instead of colleting red coins, you collect bananas.
Understandable that Hello Games consists of one man only, to release a sequel to a popular game so soon was a huge gamble and this throw of the dice was not to pay off.
The plus of this game is the new found Multiplayer. Featuring two players on console, you may race a friend. However, the game lacks online multiplayer. For a game you can only download online and to feature multiplayer that you cannot play online with seems like a worthless asset. The games dashboard is as slow moving as ever, forcing you to stop on every selection until you reached your chosen place, whether costume or exit.
Overall, the sequel for a game is usually a brilliant piece of art or something to be despised and forgotten of. Joe Danger 2 makes no exception to the common gaming knowledge: All great games always have a horrible sequel.
Out of 10, I give Joe Danger 2 The Movie a 4.5/10
Good Points
+ Gameplay is fun...
Bad Points
- ...but gets repetitive fast
- Barely any new features
- Still horrible navigation system
- Copy and paste graphics and controls
- No Online Multiplayer on a DLG? Silly...
- Too high of a price for such bad quality
Joe Danger 2 is out now for 1200 MSP ($20)

The introductions over, the simplest way to describe this game is with three simple words: copy and paste. Controls haven't changed at all, colouring lightened ever so slightly and the voice acting is little improvement to the same words repeated. The only difference is the gameplay; this was enough to coax me into playing this game, for the greatness and love of the first title. From Indiana Jones shoutouts, classic Bond scenes, jetpack slamming and sneaking through levels, the game progresses slowly, the repetition of obsticles and objectives quite shallow. While many maps are quite different, they hold the same formula that the original game had: ramps, change lanes and hidden areas.
While you still may collect stars and DANGER as you progress, the only real difference is instead of colleting red coins, you collect bananas.
Understandable that Hello Games consists of one man only, to release a sequel to a popular game so soon was a huge gamble and this throw of the dice was not to pay off.
The plus of this game is the new found Multiplayer. Featuring two players on console, you may race a friend. However, the game lacks online multiplayer. For a game you can only download online and to feature multiplayer that you cannot play online with seems like a worthless asset. The games dashboard is as slow moving as ever, forcing you to stop on every selection until you reached your chosen place, whether costume or exit.
Overall, the sequel for a game is usually a brilliant piece of art or something to be despised and forgotten of. Joe Danger 2 makes no exception to the common gaming knowledge: All great games always have a horrible sequel.
Out of 10, I give Joe Danger 2 The Movie a 4.5/10
Good Points
+ Gameplay is fun...
Bad Points
- ...but gets repetitive fast
- Barely any new features
- Still horrible navigation system
- Copy and paste graphics and controls
- No Online Multiplayer on a DLG? Silly...
- Too high of a price for such bad quality
Joe Danger 2 is out now for 1200 MSP ($20)
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Fatman's Weekly Report - MOH Warfighter Beta Announced
But hanks for watching!
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Fatman's Weekly Report - Blops 2 Multiplayer Screenshots
Thanks for watching!
Monday, 24 September 2012
Review: Sleeping Dogs
Howdy howdy folks!
At a whim, I bought this title without knowing a single thing about this game, not viewing any of the gameplay or even knowing the protagonists' name. But once again, my gut made the right call.
A game definitely deserving your time, Sleeping Dogs made a splash within the gaming community as the gaming year is slowly brought to a close.
Set in modern day China, you play as Wei Shen (Voiced by Will Yun Lee), recently returning home from America. As an undercover cop, he works inside a large triad gang known as the Sun On Yee, the largest criminal gang in Hong Kong. While some of his childhood friends help him into the gang along the way, his fellow police officers begin to become overly worried that Wei's allegiance may be lacking.
What many veteran gamers will notice is the gameplay and the controls; quite simular to the classic game Grand Theft Auto, only some of the controls have been switched around. What really makes this game stand out is the developing and emotional storyline. Despite not being a sequel, you can grow to care about the characters and their issues.
Gameplay is where the game does drop the ball if only slightly. While the controls can be slightly annoying (Since near everything is controlled by A: free running, jumping, opening doors ect ect) it's the combat in-game that can be repetitive. While the game does focus mostly on fighting, the first hour or so of gameplay can tend to drag. The mission types tend to be the same stylings; drive to a specific area, fight a bunch of goons and either drive back or talk to an ally.
And while this can be a bit of a drag, the terrific voice acting does bring it all back in a neat little bow. Featuring some well known Asian actors such as Lucy Liu, Kelly Hu, Tzi Ma and James Hong, the voice acting helps create the mood of hard life on the street as well as develop the character.
While the game has no Multiplayer, what makes a great feature is the Leaderboards while in game. These tasks can be completed by simply playing the game in a specific time limit or even driving from A to B longest without hitting an obsticle.
Sleeping Dogs, while still flawed like any other game, brings a unique experience for the player and with great story telling, graphics right down to the weathering system and featuring an actor with little voice acting work bring such a terrific performance, "True Crime: Hong Kong" is worth the time of any gamer wanting to kill many, many hours.
Out of 10, I give Sleeping Dogs an 7/10
Good Points
+ Graphics are phenomenal
+ Developing characters and deep, meaningful storyline
+ Many, many side stories
+ Fighter + Gun game = Awesome
Bad Points
- Gameplay missions slightly repetitive
- Offered nothing unique
- Controls are a bit ridiculous
Sleeping Dogs is out now (Sep 27th for Japan) for $80
At a whim, I bought this title without knowing a single thing about this game, not viewing any of the gameplay or even knowing the protagonists' name. But once again, my gut made the right call.
A game definitely deserving your time, Sleeping Dogs made a splash within the gaming community as the gaming year is slowly brought to a close.
Set in modern day China, you play as Wei Shen (Voiced by Will Yun Lee), recently returning home from America. As an undercover cop, he works inside a large triad gang known as the Sun On Yee, the largest criminal gang in Hong Kong. While some of his childhood friends help him into the gang along the way, his fellow police officers begin to become overly worried that Wei's allegiance may be lacking.
What many veteran gamers will notice is the gameplay and the controls; quite simular to the classic game Grand Theft Auto, only some of the controls have been switched around. What really makes this game stand out is the developing and emotional storyline. Despite not being a sequel, you can grow to care about the characters and their issues.
Gameplay is where the game does drop the ball if only slightly. While the controls can be slightly annoying (Since near everything is controlled by A: free running, jumping, opening doors ect ect) it's the combat in-game that can be repetitive. While the game does focus mostly on fighting, the first hour or so of gameplay can tend to drag. The mission types tend to be the same stylings; drive to a specific area, fight a bunch of goons and either drive back or talk to an ally.
And while this can be a bit of a drag, the terrific voice acting does bring it all back in a neat little bow. Featuring some well known Asian actors such as Lucy Liu, Kelly Hu, Tzi Ma and James Hong, the voice acting helps create the mood of hard life on the street as well as develop the character.
While the game has no Multiplayer, what makes a great feature is the Leaderboards while in game. These tasks can be completed by simply playing the game in a specific time limit or even driving from A to B longest without hitting an obsticle.
Sleeping Dogs, while still flawed like any other game, brings a unique experience for the player and with great story telling, graphics right down to the weathering system and featuring an actor with little voice acting work bring such a terrific performance, "True Crime: Hong Kong" is worth the time of any gamer wanting to kill many, many hours.
Out of 10, I give Sleeping Dogs an 7/10
Good Points
+ Graphics are phenomenal
+ Developing characters and deep, meaningful storyline
+ Many, many side stories
+ Fighter + Gun game = Awesome
Bad Points
- Gameplay missions slightly repetitive
- Offered nothing unique
- Controls are a bit ridiculous
Sleeping Dogs is out now (Sep 27th for Japan) for $80
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Vlog - More Competition Prizes!
Thanks for watching!
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Fatman's 2012 Competition!
Good luck!
Al Fatman
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Game Review: Counter Strike Global Offensive
Hey howdy hey folks!
Since the birth of the now huge Modern Warfare gaming scene, the popular PC title has finally made its way into the console gamer's hands.
While I was hoping for even a short Campaign this time around (As I flew into this game blindsighted) I found much more than I was hoping for.
Even for veteran gamers and COD players, I do highly suggest having a peek at the tutorial. The controls in game are definitely different to the average first person shooter. For example, Left Trigger is to crouch while B is to reload, and only weapons with scopes may zoom in, heading back to the classic style.
Valve has delivered this game with a great shine and polish, espeically with the Tutorial. From everything to throwing items to running a test course, after this it's straight into the Multiplayer.
With only the classic maps available at this time (With DLC now on its way) there are several new modes such as Arms Race and Demolition but it seems the most played is the classic gun modes, these being Defuse and Hostage situation. These are mostly played and many old fans of the series are running to get their hands.
The multiplayer is the main feature of the game and it does not dissapoint. Barely any lag is experienced and matches are always experienced by distance. Many critics are comparing this excellent providance to the multiplayer experience in COD. The only way to compair them is to play both and experience them in order to give them a fair go.
In the words of an aged gamer, Counter Strike is one of the worlds' most forgotten title that helped shaped the modern shooters of today, alined with the classics such as Doom, GoldenEye 64 and Halo, to an extention. Counter Strike on the PC was a classic in the making and now with its' appearance in the colsole wars, it has only evolved into something better.
Out of 10, I gave Counter Strike Global Offensive a 8/10
Good Points
+ Brings back old memories
+ Great multiplayer
+ Tutorial was a great help for transition.
Bad Points
-Lacks anything new
(Counter Strike Global Offensive is out now for $10 on Xbox Live Arcade)
Since the birth of the now huge Modern Warfare gaming scene, the popular PC title has finally made its way into the console gamer's hands.
While I was hoping for even a short Campaign this time around (As I flew into this game blindsighted) I found much more than I was hoping for.
Even for veteran gamers and COD players, I do highly suggest having a peek at the tutorial. The controls in game are definitely different to the average first person shooter. For example, Left Trigger is to crouch while B is to reload, and only weapons with scopes may zoom in, heading back to the classic style.
Valve has delivered this game with a great shine and polish, espeically with the Tutorial. From everything to throwing items to running a test course, after this it's straight into the Multiplayer.
With only the classic maps available at this time (With DLC now on its way) there are several new modes such as Arms Race and Demolition but it seems the most played is the classic gun modes, these being Defuse and Hostage situation. These are mostly played and many old fans of the series are running to get their hands.
The multiplayer is the main feature of the game and it does not dissapoint. Barely any lag is experienced and matches are always experienced by distance. Many critics are comparing this excellent providance to the multiplayer experience in COD. The only way to compair them is to play both and experience them in order to give them a fair go.
In the words of an aged gamer, Counter Strike is one of the worlds' most forgotten title that helped shaped the modern shooters of today, alined with the classics such as Doom, GoldenEye 64 and Halo, to an extention. Counter Strike on the PC was a classic in the making and now with its' appearance in the colsole wars, it has only evolved into something better.
Out of 10, I gave Counter Strike Global Offensive a 8/10
Good Points
+ Brings back old memories
+ Great multiplayer
+ Tutorial was a great help for transition.
Bad Points
-Lacks anything new
(Counter Strike Global Offensive is out now for $10 on Xbox Live Arcade)
Fatman's Gaming Tips - New Call of Juarez!
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Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Fatman's Gaming Tips - Halo 4 Rumours!
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Sunday, 2 September 2012
Review: Mass Effect 3 DLC Leviathan
Howdy there folks!
With the release of the Leviathan, many fans are now picking up their copies of the game and heading back once more to face against the Reapers. Leviathan sees Shepard facing a rumour of a device, only known as Leviathan, that has the ability to destroy the Reapers. On orders directly from Hackett to investigate, we are wurled away to discover the new adventure for us.
Firstly, we can notice how far the team at Bioware had gone to polish the game, as the opening cinematic shows us flying into the Citadel to a contact, Dr. Bryson. To which after he tells us more, he proceeds to have his brain matter plastered on his walls. From this, we must piece together clues in order to follow one of the man's contacts.
*NOTE: This next part has stumped a few people, so this should help out*
From here, we are told to search his office. There are a few fun things to talk about, such as his own half of a Prothean Beacon, Shepard remarking that "Liara and Dr Bryson would have a lot to talk about", a piece of Sovereign's leg "Vanguard to our's it going big guy?" and a husk head on a small electric plate, it screams each time you touch it. While fun, these are not the things you need.
Remember to search around the entire area. There are four main areas inside his office, there being 6 main clues. However, only three are needed. Without these main three, you are required to search different areas in the galaxy until able to find said area. These clues needed are the "Animal Activity", "Reaper Activity", and "Element Zero Deposits". With this, you can find the specific area to travel to.
I won't divulge in anything from here on out, but we can see that Bioware has pulled out all the stops for the DLC. Some moments in voice acting seems a little dull but the majority of the vocal acting is brilliant. Gameplay is relitively the same, other the multiplayer games coming into the campaign. Escourting drones and transporting items are parts of the puzzling in game, such as fixing doors and giving energy to consoles.
I cannot state anything wrong with the DLC as there is nothing to point out.
Leviathan has definitely come out of the gate with guns blazing. With brand new weapons upgrades, new interesting plot line and a giant twist, this DLC has left this gamer very satisfied.
Out of 10, I gave Mass Effect 3 Leviathan a 9.5/10
Good Points
+Excellent storyline
+Jaw dropping plot twists
+Great character development
+ New weapons? AWESOME!
Bad Points
-It's great, but lacks that "Umph" factor.
The Leviathan DLC is out now for 800 MSP ($10)
With the release of the Leviathan, many fans are now picking up their copies of the game and heading back once more to face against the Reapers. Leviathan sees Shepard facing a rumour of a device, only known as Leviathan, that has the ability to destroy the Reapers. On orders directly from Hackett to investigate, we are wurled away to discover the new adventure for us.
Firstly, we can notice how far the team at Bioware had gone to polish the game, as the opening cinematic shows us flying into the Citadel to a contact, Dr. Bryson. To which after he tells us more, he proceeds to have his brain matter plastered on his walls. From this, we must piece together clues in order to follow one of the man's contacts.
*NOTE: This next part has stumped a few people, so this should help out*
From here, we are told to search his office. There are a few fun things to talk about, such as his own half of a Prothean Beacon, Shepard remarking that "Liara and Dr Bryson would have a lot to talk about", a piece of Sovereign's leg "Vanguard to our's it going big guy?" and a husk head on a small electric plate, it screams each time you touch it. While fun, these are not the things you need.
Remember to search around the entire area. There are four main areas inside his office, there being 6 main clues. However, only three are needed. Without these main three, you are required to search different areas in the galaxy until able to find said area. These clues needed are the "Animal Activity", "Reaper Activity", and "Element Zero Deposits". With this, you can find the specific area to travel to.
I won't divulge in anything from here on out, but we can see that Bioware has pulled out all the stops for the DLC. Some moments in voice acting seems a little dull but the majority of the vocal acting is brilliant. Gameplay is relitively the same, other the multiplayer games coming into the campaign. Escourting drones and transporting items are parts of the puzzling in game, such as fixing doors and giving energy to consoles.
I cannot state anything wrong with the DLC as there is nothing to point out.
Leviathan has definitely come out of the gate with guns blazing. With brand new weapons upgrades, new interesting plot line and a giant twist, this DLC has left this gamer very satisfied.
Out of 10, I gave Mass Effect 3 Leviathan a 9.5/10
Good Points
+Excellent storyline
+Jaw dropping plot twists
+Great character development
+ New weapons? AWESOME!
Bad Points
-It's great, but lacks that "Umph" factor.
The Leviathan DLC is out now for 800 MSP ($10)
Monday, 27 August 2012
Five Easy Achievments - Dead Space
Howdy folks!
It's been a loooooong while since I've written a review (Since the new game well has started to run dry), so I decided to help you out with a little of an achievement boost.
With one of the easily scariest games in history, Dead Space!
1: Pack Rat
10 Gamerscore
This achievement is pretty simple to do. Store 25 items in the Safe. This can be anything from weapons to ammunition to tools. Remember though, you need a full stack of ammunition in order for the one item to count.
2: Merchant
10 Gamerscore
Again, quite simple. By playing the game, you will come across schematics. Find 8 of them and this achievement will be yours. Remember to check near by power nodes and areas beyond the direction point.
3: Armstrong
10 Gamerscore
Third time's the charm, this one is pretty simple. Shoot 50 items with Kinesis objects; this can be anything that maims or kills. With kinesis, everything around you is a weapon against both Necromorphs and tasks in-game.
4: Surgeon
20 Gamerscore
This time, this achievement isn't so easy. Dismember 500 limbs from Necromorphs. Now this seems like a bit of a task to fulfill, but this can be done in the first walkthrough of the game. Remember to hack off every single limb, including dead bodies, and this achievement can be unlocked.
5: One Gun
40 Gamerscore
This achievement is much more difficult; as it suggests, the game must be completed using only one weapon. That weapon must be the Plasma Cutter, the first weapon you receive. Switching to another weapon will count as a second weapon. There are much larger and more difficult enemies that you will face and many of them require different weapons for different moments. However, an easy way around this is to use rule #1 when it comes to Dead Space. "Hack off the limbs."
The quickest, and most efficient, way to do this is always aim for the legs; this will make nearly all Necromorphs drop and fall, giving you a few seconds to put the creature down. You can aim for the head, but this does not guarantee a kill.
Well, I wrote this entirely from my phone, so I think my typing with a touch pad is getting better, despite the fact this took nearly an hour to do!
Thanks for reading!
It's been a loooooong while since I've written a review (Since the new game well has started to run dry), so I decided to help you out with a little of an achievement boost.
With one of the easily scariest games in history, Dead Space!
1: Pack Rat
10 Gamerscore
This achievement is pretty simple to do. Store 25 items in the Safe. This can be anything from weapons to ammunition to tools. Remember though, you need a full stack of ammunition in order for the one item to count.
2: Merchant
10 Gamerscore
Again, quite simple. By playing the game, you will come across schematics. Find 8 of them and this achievement will be yours. Remember to check near by power nodes and areas beyond the direction point.
3: Armstrong
10 Gamerscore
Third time's the charm, this one is pretty simple. Shoot 50 items with Kinesis objects; this can be anything that maims or kills. With kinesis, everything around you is a weapon against both Necromorphs and tasks in-game.
4: Surgeon
20 Gamerscore
This time, this achievement isn't so easy. Dismember 500 limbs from Necromorphs. Now this seems like a bit of a task to fulfill, but this can be done in the first walkthrough of the game. Remember to hack off every single limb, including dead bodies, and this achievement can be unlocked.
5: One Gun
40 Gamerscore
This achievement is much more difficult; as it suggests, the game must be completed using only one weapon. That weapon must be the Plasma Cutter, the first weapon you receive. Switching to another weapon will count as a second weapon. There are much larger and more difficult enemies that you will face and many of them require different weapons for different moments. However, an easy way around this is to use rule #1 when it comes to Dead Space. "Hack off the limbs."
The quickest, and most efficient, way to do this is always aim for the legs; this will make nearly all Necromorphs drop and fall, giving you a few seconds to put the creature down. You can aim for the head, but this does not guarantee a kill.
Well, I wrote this entirely from my phone, so I think my typing with a touch pad is getting better, despite the fact this took nearly an hour to do!
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Fatman's Gaming Tips - More Skyrim DLC?!
Thank for watching! ^.^
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Metro 2033 - KHAAAAN!
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PS: Best. Screen-cap. Ever.
My name is Khan. How good timing is that?
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Metro 2033 - I Scared Myself!
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Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Fatman's Gaming Tips - Deus Ex MOVIE
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Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Review: Dead Space
G'day folks!
Finding joy in a game series from a sequel is something that doesn't happen a lot with this gamer, but with my love for Dead Space 2 ignited a love for horror games and with the final chapture on the way, its good to look back to the game that started it all; and Dead Space does not dissapoint, despite its growing age.
The horror genre in both gaming and film media has been slipping in the last 10 years, many of the classics being repeated over and over until the genre became nothing more than a cheap scare. One of the many titles to save the horror gaming genre was indeed Dead Space, made evident in the first few minutes of gameplay.
While now the game has been out for four years, the graphics still look reletively modern, still being believable and the gruesome scenes. But what really helps to push the fear in the game is the sound effects and musical score. Turning corners, waiting too long in one spot or even just standing in an elevator, Necromorphs will bleed out of the wall and can easily turn a man into a wimpering blubbering mess.
Despite having a silent protagonist, the game is filled with conversational types. From audio logs, to main plot lines and even alive crew members now gone insane, there is plenty to be creeped out about and fear.
One of the only things that lack in this game is the customisation. While the main point of Dead Space is to survive the attack and destroy the Red Marker, not much about Issac changes until the end of the game. Your Engineer suit, while can be upgraded and gain key things, does not change colour or design dramatically.
However, these things can be overlooked with the great amount of gameplay, plot twists and screaming as the unkillable necromorph chases you down over and over.
While many gamers may turn a blind eye to the classics of yesteryear, its always best to go back and discover the origins of any game series. Dead Space was a game that has brought hours of joy to millions of gamers and hopefully Dead Space 3 will live up to the reputation the series has made.
Out of 10, I gave Dead Space an 9/10
Good Points
+Freakishly scary
+Excellent and creative gameplay
+Honed controls and AI battle situations
+Defining storytelling
Bad Points
-Reloading mid battle is a hassle
-Customisation needed a bit of work
Dead Space is out now for the standard price of 1920 Microsoft Points
Finding joy in a game series from a sequel is something that doesn't happen a lot with this gamer, but with my love for Dead Space 2 ignited a love for horror games and with the final chapture on the way, its good to look back to the game that started it all; and Dead Space does not dissapoint, despite its growing age.
The horror genre in both gaming and film media has been slipping in the last 10 years, many of the classics being repeated over and over until the genre became nothing more than a cheap scare. One of the many titles to save the horror gaming genre was indeed Dead Space, made evident in the first few minutes of gameplay.
While now the game has been out for four years, the graphics still look reletively modern, still being believable and the gruesome scenes. But what really helps to push the fear in the game is the sound effects and musical score. Turning corners, waiting too long in one spot or even just standing in an elevator, Necromorphs will bleed out of the wall and can easily turn a man into a wimpering blubbering mess.
Despite having a silent protagonist, the game is filled with conversational types. From audio logs, to main plot lines and even alive crew members now gone insane, there is plenty to be creeped out about and fear.
One of the only things that lack in this game is the customisation. While the main point of Dead Space is to survive the attack and destroy the Red Marker, not much about Issac changes until the end of the game. Your Engineer suit, while can be upgraded and gain key things, does not change colour or design dramatically.
However, these things can be overlooked with the great amount of gameplay, plot twists and screaming as the unkillable necromorph chases you down over and over.
While many gamers may turn a blind eye to the classics of yesteryear, its always best to go back and discover the origins of any game series. Dead Space was a game that has brought hours of joy to millions of gamers and hopefully Dead Space 3 will live up to the reputation the series has made.
Out of 10, I gave Dead Space an 9/10
Good Points
+Freakishly scary
+Excellent and creative gameplay
+Honed controls and AI battle situations
+Defining storytelling
Bad Points
-Reloading mid battle is a hassle
-Customisation needed a bit of work
Dead Space is out now for the standard price of 1920 Microsoft Points
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