After hopping on XBL quickly, I noticed the demo for the last installment of NS games has been released so I thought I'd give it a crack!
To those wondering of its content, it simply contains three matches: Naruto V Sasuke (Orochimaru Hideout), Naruto V Pain (Destroyed Konoha) and Naruto V Tobi (The Five Kage Summit). Continue here to see a rant.
Firstly, I'd like to mention my utter disbelief that nearly nothing had been changed from Ninja Storm 2. The introduction of the companies was the same, the loading screen, the graphics, the voice work, nearly everything is exactly the same to the previous game.
The new intro video was quite interesting, showing all the Shippuden characters fighting their younger selves. Combat was near the same, different animation stylings was all the big change. The loading screen for fights, are ridiculously close to the previous title, the only difference being the characters in a different stance. The HUD is almost the same, but with improved abilities, including a blocking/substitution being limited to 5 chances, slowly reviving over time. Cutscenes in between games have changed to still shots from the anime itself, subtitles placed down the bottom with a prompt to press the A button to move on.
In short, I am not impressed with Team Ninja. The story of Life, of the human race is about change. Change begats change begats change, and with here, barely anything has. Once the human body and mind doesn't change, it means its dead. I hope the complete game is much different to the demo. I am impressed that so much content is going into this game, especially going across over 400 episodes of the anime from beginning to end. But I sincerely hope that Team Ninja have an ace up their sleeve.
After replaying the campaign now for the third time, I decided to write this directly after the review, hopefully still making it fresh for you folks to get a decent boost to your Gamerscore! So in order to help along, here's some achievements that are simple, yet effective, to achieve!
***WARNING: The Darkness 2's Achievement List mostly contains hidden achievements, so to those who have not played the game yet, spoilers may be lurking ahead!***
1: One Man Army 10 Gamerscore This achievement is simple enough, to those with a steady trigger finger. While being dragged through the restaurant, this achievement requires you to kill 25 enemies without dying or restarting the checkpoint. This means you have one shot to get this, but many make this harder than what it is. Simply start a new game + in order to save all your unlocked powers and set the difficulty to Thug (Easy). As soon as you have a pistol, enemies will mostly appear to your left and right. Keep a steady shot and aim mostly for the chest and head while with the one pistol. Eventually you will take control with two pistol. Simply keep to a burst limit of three to kill an enemy and move on to the next one.
2: The Bird Is The Word 5 Gamerscore Okay, so this one isn't a real huge one, but its hilarious. Eventually when you're heading home and battling in your garage, a car will charge at you and try to run over. If possible, duel wield two pistols or even Micro's and let loose! If you do enough damage, the car will burn, explode and flip over you, to which Jackie will flip the bird to the people inside as they hang in mid air!
3: Karma's A Bitch 10 Gamerscore Just after the moment in the Garage, you will meet a new type of enemy who holds a Darkness Riot Shield. This achievement requires you to yank this shield from its user and kill him with it. To do this, shoot the shield until it looses its Darkness qualities. Then perform the yank with your Darkness and wait for him to recover from his stagger. Shoot until he then looses his body armour and wait for the stagger again, then throw it!
4: Versatile Killer 20 Gamerscore This achievement requires you to kill any set of enemies in 5 different ways in under 30 seconds. Now this seems a little challenging, but once you upgrade a little, it can be quite easy. This achievement counts different weaponry, so don't forget about gun variety. This is how I did it; kill one enemy with a Cobra, switch to a Sawed Off Shotgun and kill another. Take a throw-able item and kill another, slash an enemy with your Darkness Snakes and to finish, grab a staggering enemy and throw him! There are many ways to unlock this achievement so find your style. Remember, variety is the spice of life...and gaming!
5: 2 Guys 1 Pole 25 Gamerscore Now, its not like what you're thinking it is; this achievement askes you to kill two enemies with a pole. Any old pole will do, but what I used was a pool table cue. Eventually during the campaign, you will be chasing down a traitor in your organisation, chasing him to a poker game. There will be many pool table cues lying around and there are four enemies; two being the bar and two more near the stairs. Simply choose your targets, take a cue (geddit?) and aim.
and another one that's pretty easy.
6: The Kid's Got Talent 50 Gamerscore This one is pretty simple, upgrade one "tree" of your Darkness powers to its full. This can be done approximately halfway through the campaign. To unlock more powers, you must collect Darkness Essence and spend it. Most lower powers cost 600-800 Essence, while the larger ones cost 1000-1250. The way I unlocked it is pick one tree and unlock everything on it first. The Gun Specialist tree is most likely the easiest, many of its unlocks sitting at 600 or less.
Hopefully this gets you a bit of a boost but there are many more achievements in this game so get cracking and get ready to spit a man from the tip of his spine to his bum and watch his organs hang! As always folks, have fun and game on!
One of the most popular comic-to-game transformations in recent history, The Darkness comes back to life with a return to Jackie Estacado, two years down the track after the events in the previous game. Now the head of the Franchetti Mob Family, he has tucked his unholy power (coincidentally calling itself The Darkness and usually talking about itself in third person) deep inside himself, locking it away from the world while still in mourning for his dead girlfriend, Jenny Romano.
What I first noticed about the game was how utterly beautiful the graphic stylings had been made, obviously in tender care. While still very comic looking, the colouring and shading gave such a depth to the game. The voice acting was extremely well done, to the point of sublime; Brian Bloom as the voice of Jackie brings such a great talent to this game bringing both a horrific sadness to his memories of Jenny and such great attitude to the times of ripping people limb from limb. Stephanie Frame does a great job with Jenny as does David Hoffman with Johnny Powell. Sound effects are quite excellent, from cutting a man in half to gunfire being clean cut and crisp in sound. Gameplay is pretty standard for a shooter, but to one exception being The Darkness powers. Using the large tenticle/snake creatures to disembowl enemies, destroy your enviroment and hurl dangerous objects towards whatever stands in your way. There is no Multiplayer mode in The Darkness II but there is a Vendetta Mode. This follows four people, all with a special gift in Dark Essence, who have a small role in the campaign. For example, these characters are those whom collected Johnny Powell, got information about The Brotherhood and so on.
There are a few dissapointing moments; lower class AI are quite predictable in movement and much too easy to kill while the higher up enemies and Boss Fights are extremely quick, impossible to catch and you can expect death to strike you at many moments. But the rest will be saved for the end.
The Darkness II will leave you second guessing yourself and your actions, who you choose to kill, who to spare. To persue Jenny or accept that she's gone. The Darkness is much more compelling than many of the game series currently out in the market in current days, bringing a refreshing change of pace. I eagerly await the final installment and will be making a trip to revisit the original game.
Out of 10, I gave The Darkness II an 9/10
Good Points
+ Storyline is astounding. + Fun, creative and mind boggling till the very end. + Voice acting & graphics at a sublime level.
Bad Points - AI's a tad predictable, Boss Fights incredibly hard for newcomers - Campaign/Vendetta much too short...
The Darkness 2 is out now for the average price of $88
Thanks to all the people who has been watching this mini series and thanks to all the support. This will be the last Mass Effect 3 video I do (for a little while at least, may do a walkthrough....) but for now, its goodbye. SR3 videos will resume next week! Thanks for watching folks and as always, have fun and game on!
Howdy there folks! Just giving you some quick news in the world of Fatman!
As I write this there is a huuuuuuge storm going on; hail, rain, thunder, lighting, the whole she-bang. I've currently tried over five times to upload the new video of the Mass Effect 3 Demo Multiplayer walkthrough, but once this storm started, well, those dreams went out the window!
I'll be uploading the last two tomorrow (Fingers crossed) so that you can enjoy me screaming like a little girl "HE'S COMING FOR ME!", oddly enough this being the title of the next video.
Ask Fatman episodes will be out by the end of the week (just editing some mistakes I found) and possibly I'll be filming a video of Five Easy Achievements. Tell me down below if you want to see a video or not! Last before I go, I recently purchased The Darkness 2 and I have to admit, I am LOVING IT. Almost at the end, I'll be playing this game (along with the ME3 Demo constantly) until my hearts content. No spoilers but I'm pretty satisfied with the game so far.
Thanks for reading folks and as always, have fun and game on! Al Fatman.
Finally! Sorry for the wait folks! And about that comment at the end, yeah, its Sunday! Finally got it out, fixed the issue Youtube had with it and so here it is! Both of my ME3 walkthrough vids will be out before the end of the day and many more to come! Thanks for watching!
Just a quick update. I've recently made a large 5min long video where I boast about some serious and awesome news. However, Youtube is having a hard time uploading even one of my videos. For some odd reason. So I guess the best I can do is wait till morning and upload it then. Sorry for the hassle everybody.
Thanks for reading, and watching. As always, have fun and game on!
As we wait for many of the games of 2012 to be released, I've been quite busy ranking up on Mass Effect 3. However, people have been asking for many more Five Easy Achievements. So for your delight, here's some tips to achieve a quick boost to your Gamerscore!
1: Vitruvian Man 20 Gamerscore This achievement rarely shows up with fans of the series, which is quite surprising. This achievement requires you to unlock all of Subject 16's videos. Many people do loose track of where they are but there is a simple trick to it. At the beginning of each DNA Sequence, a Glyph will be close by, always, especially during the time in Venice. Also, keep an eye out for many major land marks that still exist in Italy today, many of the Glyphs will be here also. For a full walkthrough of finding them, follow the link below To those after how to solve the puzzles, if desired, I will post them. (Even by finding one of these glyphs the "A Piece Of The Puzzle" and "Tip Of The Iceberg" Achievements will pop, both worth 10 Gamerscore)
2: Street Cleaner 10 Gamerscore This achievement is pretty simple; find a group of 5+ guards, kill them all and hide them in the nearest hay stack. As soon as the fifth one drops, there's your achievement. You must make sure that its the same hay bale.
3: Doctor 20 Gamerscore This one can be a bit confusing but its pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Find a guard (most likely the two who stand and talk) poison them both to make sure the other doesn't try and attack you and simply climb the building they were once standing at, lock onto one and assassinate one.
4: No Hitter 20 Gamerscore Many people will claim this achievement to be hard, but there's a simple trick to it. Firstly, head to Venice, more specifically the Doge's residence. Attract several guards, run around a bit to build some others patrolling and then make your stance! From here, after entering combat (even while gathering some more guards) you cannot be hit or you'll have to start all over again. Choose your double hidden blades, for you can block with them and a simple counter attack will kill an enemy outright. Be careful and this achievement can be yours! A simpler way to do this achievement with a small change is to continously drop smoke bombs. Keep assassinating two guards at a time and drop another bomb is the smoke clears. Repeat till the achievement pops!
5: Perfect Harmony 10 Gamerscore This achievement is insanely easy. Simply head to Forli, find the Tailor shop and die your clothes first Wetland Ebony, then Wetland Ivory. To the youngin' that don't get this reference, its a song from the 80's, by a very famous singer.
And for those who want a tiny bit extra!
6: High Dive 10 Gamerscore This achievement requires you to syncronise and jump from the tippy top of Florence's Giolotto Campanille. This massive tower can be found in the first starting missions. Simply start your first mission with Claudia and head towards finding Duccio. You'll come across this tower quite close to your destination. Simply head all the way up to the very top, syncronise and jump. Then continue your way to beat the living daylights out of Duccio!
Well, hopefully these little tips can give you a hand at getting a little bit more of an achievement boost to get ahead of your friends! As always folks, have fun and game on!
Sorry for the poor quality of video guys and gals! Somewhere along the rendering of the video, it decided to lopside and not be HD. If you'd like me to keep tabs on news about specific games, just let me know! Thanks for watching!
For one of the most popular series from Bioware, Mass Effect 3 is definitely turning many heads in the gaming community. With the release of the demo, many clamour to get their hands on the download, and with the Multiplayer section now available for everyone, things are starting to heat up.
Despite being a demo, you'll notice the amount of graphic detail already placed in the game. For those who did not know, there was a Beta for the demo, released back in December, for only a small select few. The graphics were still very much in their simplistic forms, mouths not animated and background motions moving without any movement at all. This time around, however, it seems that they've taken the gameplay directly from the finished product, or damn near close to it. Sound quality is excellent, with only the occaisonal hiccup here and there. Voice acting is, once again, sublime. With the return of Keith David as Admiral Anderson, Seth Green as Joker and many of the old cast (Ali Hillis as Liara, my favourite), the game is really starting to become a piece of art more than a game. With the introduction of Multiplayer, many gamers are starting out with the Campaign first, ignoring the new upgrade in the series. While promising 2-3 hours, its quite obvious that its barely an hour for many of the fans. With replaying the Campaign becomes dull, its time for multiplayer!
Customisation is limited, but there is so much to do. The Credits system (Earn credits during Multiplayer missions) is quite clever, but can only be earnt during tasks set to you. These happen once every 3-4 rounds. So you have only 3 chances to earn a large bonus of credits (not including the ending of the match) While only a demo, there are some bugs. AI's can be invincible and never die, players can sink through the floor and fade into the darkness, yet still be hit by bullets (This happened to me a few hours ago) and so on. But compared to some other released titles major glitches, this is barely anything.
In conclusion, the Mass Effect Fan Base should be very excited for the release date of the completed game. With the fate of the galaxy on your shoulders, this game is going to be one not to miss!
Out of 10, I gave the Mass Effect 3 Demo an 9/10
Good points - Multiplayer = surprisingly addictive Campaign is full of action and trauma. Keith David. Need I say more?
Bad points - Some glitches can have RQ's... Option settings can be a teensy bit confusing
Mass Effect 3 is out March 6th in North America, March 8th for Australia and March 9th for Europe and New Zealand.
Links to everything mention here on Youtube and go check out some of LittleV's other covers, such as Deus Ex, Mass Effect and many more! Thanks for watching!
I'm just sayin' what everyone else was thinking!
Thanks for watching! The multiplayer bits will be release hopefully by next Tuesday! Its 4:35am, Im gonna go get some sleep! Thanks for watching!
I was trying to be clever and say that Thu'um for a quick burst of speed, but that's what came out of my mouth. Ah well! Imagine if Krogan could use the Shouts.....AWESOME. Thanks for watching!
Welcome back to Part 2! I hope you broke a tissue, cause you're gonna need it during this episode! Keep an eye out for Part 3, entitled "Wrex's Thu'um". Mixing an RPG with another RPG? Oh Fatman, what have you done? Thanks for watching!
Pretty much exactly what I posted last night, but in video form for Youtube! Part 1 of the Campaign for ME3 will be released shortly! If you'd like to take part of the Multiplayer with me, let me know in the comments or send me a message on Youtube or Xbox Live! Thanks for watching!
Just a quick note to let you all know that the Mass Effect 3 Demo is up and live! There has been a lot of speculation that the Battlefield 3 Disc is needed or not. The answer is no; simply download the Demo from the Game Marketplace (Sitting at around 1.7 GB) and the Demo will connect to your EA Origin Account and bam. Simple, easy and done!
Also, I'll be creating some Gameplay videos and released them TOMORROW. That's right. I'm committing my entire day to recording and uploading the Campaign tomorrow! While they say the Campaign is 2-3 hours long, for Veterans the Campaign Demo is about an hour, at best.
So I'll be released around about 6-7 episodes of the Campaign and about 3 of the Multiplayer, then the current series (Saints Row The Third) will continue. I've been pretty slack on releasing them, seeing as I'm still pretty long ahead with recording them, so they'll resume after the Demo.
Keep an eye out for the Campaign Demo tomorrow! Thanks for reading, and as always, have fun and game on!
During my everyday flick of the newspaper, I discovered a little piece by the NPD (National Poll Division) about that stats of what gamers bought last year, so here's the poll for you to read:
As of the end of 2011, these are the top 10 most bought games: 1: Modern Warfare 3 2: Battlefield 3 3: Skyrim 4: Black Ops 5: FIFA 12 6: Batman: Arkham City 7: Assassin's Creed Revelations 8: Pokemon White Version 9: LA Noire 10: Just Dance 3
These are the statistic of how many gamers are in Australia (in their own indivisual stat) 47% of Australian gamers are female 94% are kids aged 6 - 15 43% are adults aged over 51 83% are parents with kids under 18 The average Australian gamer is ages 32 and male.
Also, I'd like to give one last piece of news. 5000 views on this blog! This is amazing guys and I can't thank you enough to be watching me and reading what I write and watching what I do. So thanks again and, as always, have fun and game on!
For those who are after a quick little qay to get their Gamerscore up, well this is the blog for you! Five Easy Achievements for MW3! Its amazing to see how many of their fan base haven't even touched the Campaign, so this shall cover the achievements you can get during the Campaign!
1: Jack The Ripper 20 Gamerscore This achievement is quite simple; knife 5 enemies. Now before you head off to slash and hack your way to 20GS, keep this in mind: It must be a melee, so a weapon with the Tactical Knife will not work. Its best to stick to your main weapon and knife them that way.
2: This Is My Boomstick 20 Gamerscore Kill 30 enemies with the XM25 in the campaign mission "Black Tuesday". Its easiest to get this achievement when Sandman asks you to use it during a rush of enemies outside a courthouse. If you run out of shells, kill the last remaining enemies and head inside. There's an ammo box just inside, restock and kill some more later on!
3: Danger Close 20 Gamerscore This requires you to take down a helicopter with an AC-130 smoke grenade in "Bag and Drag". When you gain control of the smoke grenades, you'll head up a set of stairs. Here, a helicopter will be dropping enemies. Simply throw the grenade underneath the shadow and wait for the magic.
4: Strike! 20 Gamerscore While tricky, this achievement asks you to kill 5 enemies with a grenade. This is most easiest done during the mission "Eye Of The Storm". Large masses of enemies will be plentiful and this is the easiest chance to get this achievement. Try to wait for a big bundle and cook your grenade. The rest is up to you.
5: Flight Attendant *SECRET ACHIEVEMENT* 20 Gamerscore During the mission "Turbulence", you'll be in zero gravity and must shoot enemies in order to make it safely to the other side. There will be three chances in order to kill them all. Simply shoot in bursts, aim carefully and this achievement may be yours!
Hopefully this gives you a bit of a hand in earning those achievements and don't forget to check out the campaign. There's so much more than the Multiplayer. Thanks for reading, and as always, have fun and game on!
Starting to become known as "The next Trials HD", Joe Danger has captured the attention of gamers new and old worldwide. With the Indie games starting to become immensely popular throughout the gaming industry, the point of focus for the end and the beginning of a near year has been this game.
Firstly, I'd like to point out that Hello Games is a very unknown gaming production company, but we'll get to that later. What you'll first notice from the game is the simplistic stylings of choices: Story, Arcade, Sandbox, the options are all bare in front of you in a very classic style of stunt shows, with bike, trailer and trophies all out on display. Secondly, the loading times on the game are extremely fast, due to the low MB storage the game has. For a 1.2GB download, the game is quite low on graphics, musical score and voice acting, but they have been polished to a near HD rating.
Each different map gives a different challenges, sneaky little road spikes cleverly hidden behind objects in your way to hidden items to collect.
The main objective is easy; make a comeback from a horrible injury from some time ago. The objective is to spread the return of you, Joe Danger, back onto the stunt scene. Collecting stars and hidden items will bost your carrer and send you into bigger, more fan filled arenas.
What really sets this game apart is this; as I mentioned before, Hello Games is a Indie gaming company and barely known within the community. Hello Games is made up of FOUR people. While Microsoft Studios dotted I's and crossed T's, the four main creators of Hello Games are the creators of Joe Danger. This is an astonishing discovery as very few games made by such small companies are barely ever popular (Dead Samurai and Bastion being the acception) and never make it off the ground.
If you're looking for an Arcade title that will have you laughing at a monkey (an unlockable skin for JD) giving a cheeky smile while flipping through the air, a game that has a long campaign, or even something to give you a challenge here and there, Joe Danger is definitely worthy of your time.
Out of 10, I gave Joe Danger SE an 10 out of 10
Good points - Fast loading! Challenging moves and races Creative modes and simplistic controls Unlockables, Avatar gear, a unique storyline
Just a quick update on the ongoings here. Filming for both Fatman's Gaming Tips and the missed out Ask Fatman will be done this after, with FGT posted later tonight and AF tomorrow. Also, I'll be posting the review on Joe Danger hopefully Monday. I've got a fair bit of information on it after playing most of the Campaign, but I want to see a bit more before I put a score on it. Also, being 4th of February, Mass Effect 3's Multiplayer Demo will be coming out within a week and a bit. More information about that in the link below and more of it in the later episode of FGT.
Lastly,I've had many suggestions to have more Five Easy Achievements posted here on the website, so from now, for every game I review, a FEA will be posted asap after the review is posted. For example, once Joe Danger SE review is finished, I'll begin working on a FEA for the game. This will continue for all of the games I am able to play this coming year.
Thanks for reading and as always, have fun and game on!
Once an Indie title game, now an instant success and classic, the Portal series has many fans, rewarding and praising producers at Valve for its creative and fun gameplay. But this isn't what you've come here for, this time its for achievements! So here we go, Five Easy Achievements.
1: Pit Boss 30 Gamerscore All it says in the description is "Show that pit who's boss", so let me explain. At the chapter "This Is The Part Where He Kills You", you have the opportunity to escape the clutches of Wheatley. Once out of range for his crushing walls, he'll ask you to go back to him. Simply walk to the edge of the walkway to where you were once trapped and listen! Wheatley will try to persuade you to jump into the pit. You can sit and listen to his fabulous prizes at the bottom or simply jump. So show that pit who's boss!
2: Preservation Of Mass 20 Gamerscore Break the rules in Test Chamber 7, easy enough! During the second part, you'll be told after solving the puzzle that the wall that destroys all matter stolen from the test chamber is broken and not to take anything. So obviously you HAVE to take something! When you start this Test Chamber, place the cube closest to the edge above you while keeping it pushing the button. Once you get up on the ledge, crouch and crawl as close to the button without falling off, then pick up the cube and carry it out with you.
3: Schrodinger's Catch 20 Gamerscore This one askes you to catch a blue cube before it touches the ground. This one is a little tricky, but quite simple once figuring out the trick to it. In one particular test chamber, the cube is stuck behind a glass container, and the only way to free it is to cover it in blue gel. Once the blue gel starts to pour, instantly turn it off, a drop is all you need or else its gonna get complicated. Wait for the cube to smash one side of the glass, run over to it and wait. The rest is up to you!
4: You Made Your Point 10 Gamerscore Simply refuse to do a test with Wheatley in charge. This will be the first test right after GLaDOS uses the paradox on Wheatley. Once the lift takes you up to his test chamber, walk off and stand still until the achievement pops.
5: Portrait Of A Lady 10 Gamerscore While testing through Cave Johnsons old tests, you'll find yourself in the chapter called "The Reunion". Right before the last test chamber in the chapter, you'll see a small stairway behind a closed fence. Luckily, there's a white wall inside the room. Simply shoot inside there, and there's the human form or GLaDOS, hell Caroline!
Well, hopefully these give you a bit of an insight into how to get some easy achievements. I bet if I made videos of these, these tips would be easier to make sense.... Thanks for reading!
Just a little bit of a heads up: My Ask Fatman episode unfortunately mucked up during editing, as I realised that in the background, you can clearly hear the cries of my nephews, the yelling of people and a lawnmower. It was kinda annoying, but it looks like it'll be a wait till the next episode. So keep asking those questions! Also, to those who watched my last Fatman's Gaming Tips episode, I tried answering the question of "Is there going to be a Xbox 720 this year?" Well, Microsoft announced that there shall not be a new console this year. But they never mentioned if there wasn't going to be a hint at it...did they? Check out the link below for Gamespots look on the matter
Lastly, before I go, I know I haven't been releasing a lot of written content as of recent. At the advice of some fellow gamers, I'm downloading a lot more Arcade titles to review them as we wait for 2012's releases. Also, some DLC's will be in the future as well, such as the new AC Revelations Meditteranean Defence Map Pack, and the MW3 Maps (once released to Non-Elite Members).
Thanks for reading and as always, have fun and game on! Al Fatman
When the battery life of your camera starts to die, trying to plug it in again and bringing all the wires crashing. Oh man that was awkward. Thanks for watching!