Tuesday 20 June 2017

2017 Review Titles Updated (Post-E3)

G'day there all, I hope you had a great E3 this year!

First off I'd like to apologise for not getting around to Sony or Nintendo's conference, in perfect timing, I had gotten ill right before E3 so the last day of the conferences was an incredible struggle to write and watch as my entire body felt like death. In truth, I'm still recovering!
But regardless, I covered as much as I can and all the info you need is out there. I already have ideas for next year, including links to the trailers (if possible) and general opinions on what game. You may see I try to chuck in some observational stuff here and there when the streams tend to slow down.

As for the meaning of this post, I also have updated and improved the upcoming review list to the right of this post. You can see what games/consoles I'll be reviewing in the near future (as always, subject to change), as well as games I'm anticipating for release. Otherwise, stay tuned for when games are released, or I'll be reviewing whatever I can here and there to fill the quiet release period between now and the AAA releases.
As always, you can be notified by following me here, or on Twitter.
I tend to tweet a lot about odd things I see during the day or maybe my experiences in gaming.

That pretty much covers it! Again, thank you for all the massive support for TL;DR Info, as well as my reviews here. Every single one of you keeps me going.
And as always, have fun and game on!

My pick for Best Reveal of E3? Metro Exodus.
I knew AC Origins was coming but I absolutely forgot about the Metro leak earlier on in the year. I loved the previous games, and the books (you can find a playthough for both here and here!), let me know what you think of it!

Tuesday 13 June 2017

TL;DR Info - Ubisoft E3 Conference 2017

G'day there guys and gals!

Welcome to TL;DR Info, a quick need-to-know basis about all things E3.
The following is for the Ubisoft E3 Conference 2017

Stay tuned for more from other developers in the coming days!

South Park The Fractured But Whole

  • Peppermint Hippo stripclub location
  • "Stop sending reference photos" - I love the Ubi community
  • Heavily story base
  • "friends are divided - what will you do?"
  • Wendy is "Call Girl"
  • upgraded turn based fighter
  • Still many callbacks to jokes from the show
  • October 17th release

Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle

  • Oh god - war flashbacks incoming to childhood arguments
  • Rabbits have made a comeback - with Mario themes
  • Nintendo collaborating with Ubisoft
  • "Try and make a Mario game that hasn't been made before"
  • More than 3 year development
  • Nintendo Switch exclusive
  • Colourful mario theme, but with Rabbids dressed as characters
  • World is unstable and chaotic of mixing worlds
  • Collectable coins
  • Work together on puzzles to save the mushroom kingdom
  • 2.5D explorable world
  • Turnbased tactical combat
  • Some rabbids have turned bad - main antagonists?
  • Expand movement zone with help from allies
  • allies and enemies have health bars
  • Mario special ability - hero sight - see enemies through walls
  • More tactic tools, combat set ups, different heroes/weapons as you progress
  • Different rabbid enemy types - as well as classic Mario enemies
  • Amiibo figurines from store.ubi.com
  • August 29th

Assassin's Creed Origins

  • Egypt based
  • "Show how it all began"
  • 3 and a half year development
  • Scenary seems much more bright than before
  • Oasis and desert based with vegetation here and there
  • Chariot and ship usage
  • Plentiful wildlife
  • Crocodiles, Hyenas, flamingos
  • mass amount of crowds and civillians
  • Ships can catch fire!
  • Open world!
  • Explore the area around you with your eagle
  • Infiltrate camps with stealth or blades running
  • October 27th, all major consoles

The Crew 2

  • Planes flying in cities?
  • Impressive facial graphics
  • Cutscenes clearly- not gameplay yet
  • Transition from city to dirt racing - drive from lush sport cars to dirt bikes and planes!
  • Cities, outback, small forests, mountainsides
  • Boats too!
  • Animals also appear in game
  • Own the streets, go offroad to view scenary,
  • race up rivers or through the ocean, waves "unpredictable"
  • Helicopters also appear to be racable
  • Early 2018 release - thecrewgame.com/beta


  • VR with Elijah Wood!
  • "Feel as if youre in a movie"
  • Horror based
  • "recorded conscientiousness" horror
  • Spring 2018 - (Autumn)

Skull & Bones

  • Ubisoft Singapore
  • 1721 - seems to be pirate themed!
  • Narration - (insert GCN ding here)
  • Sunken ships, dead bodies...that look surprisingly real
  • English ships being hunted by a lady pirate captain!
  • Ship battles!
  • Pirates attacking pirates? How very...piraty
  • All the booty is at the bottom of the sea - that's greed for ya
  • Now onto gameplay
  • Tactical Action game - inspired by AC4
  • Shared systematic world - take on the sea alone or together
  • "Become the ultimate pirate kingpin"
  • 5v5 PvP
  • Water graphics look fairly good!
  • Gameplay looks incredibly like Assassin's Creed 4
  • Use the winds to your advantage
  • Scouts keep lookout for other ships and help with tactics
  • Team that escapes with most loot wins
  • Different areas of the ship are controlled by you but through your crew
  • Mini map shows currents beneath your ship
  • Teamwork makes the dreamwork against larger enemies
  • Make enemy ships vulnerable to board them and take it for your own
  • "Pirate Hunters" - Man Of War signal end of the hunt
    Target the ones with the most loot - only option is escape
  • "When you act - the world reacts"
  • skullandbonesgame.com - early beta access
  • Fall 2018

Just Dance 2018

  • Here comes the dancers - Wouldn't be a Ubi conference
  • They're light up Scorpions from MK!
  • Plentiful songs
  • Background looks like music videos with stars
  • October release
South Park Phone Destroyer

  • South Park Cowboys and Indians?
  • Mobile game!
  • Multiple carracters from all across the SP characters 
  • Turn based fighter
  • 2017 release

Starlink: Battle For Atlas

  • Powered by snowdrop
  • Hey space!
  • Travel to different planets
  • Giant glowing robot enemies
  • Build your ship from bits and pieces IRL
  • Star Wars Rebel graphics
  • IRL ships connect to your controller as you play
  • Open starsystem to explore
  • Build your custom starship - adapt to things on the fly
  • Collect with physical and digital ships
  • Coming on the Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Xbox
  • Fall 2018 - more in a few months

Far Cry 5

  • Crazy people singing Amazing Grace - but the antag can...actually sing
  • Hope County is overrun by a fanatic group
  • "People are f**king scared"
  • You and your guns-for-hire have to save the county
  • Camera tracks enemies once more
  • Non-talking protag
  • Seems much more brighter and colourful than its old predecessors
  • Co-Op are your "friends for hire"
  • Fly in planes and take down enemies in them and helicopters

Beyond Good and Evil 2

  • Closed in boxed in city
  • Monkey with robot arm!
  • Table flip by tattooed pig - a sentence I never thought of writing
  • Humans live among humanoid animals
  • Futuristic vehicles: Bikes, ships, weaponry etc
  • Wilhelm Scream
  • Old buildings have futuristic tech built into them - temples and such
  • Did not see that reveal coming!
  • Almost 15 years since the last game
  • System 3 - Prequel to the main game
  • Corporations make hybrid animals
  • "Fight in the name of freedom"
  • Discover unknown lands with or without friends
  • No gameplay or release date so expect something in the future



  • Steep Expansion - Road To The Olympics December 5th release

Monday 12 June 2017

TL;DR Info - Bethesda Showcase 2017

G'day there guys and gals!

Welcome to TL;DR Info, a quick need-to-know basis about all things E3.
The following is for the Bethesda Showcase 2017

Stay tuned for more from other developers in the coming days!

  • Bethesdaland?

Bethesda VR
  • "Experiencing you won't find anywhere else

-Doom VFR
  • Doom creatures
  • Robotic protag
  • mow down all different types of enemies from the original game

-Fallout VR
  • Fallout but all interactive
  • Hold items in your hands
  • Creation tool are all in front of you in real time
  • reload weapons in real time

ESO Morrowind
  • Clockworth City comimg soon

Creation Club
  • New content for Fallout 4 and Skyrim
  • New crafting and housing
  • Buy and download with credits
  • Made by inside and outside devs
  • All content will be compatible with add ons, saves etc
  • Coming out this Summer (Winter)

Elder Scrolls Legends
  • Skyrim pack(?)
  • 29th of June release

Skyrim on Nintendo Switch
  • Use of amibos?! Impressive!
  • Can official play as Link in Skyrim! No use of mods anymore
  • Motion controls control weaponry - swords, shields bows etc

Dishonored 2 DLC - Death fo the Outsiders
  • New weaponry
  • Story DLC about Billy
  • 15th of September release

Quake Champions
  • Graphics like Doom
  • Special abilities in characters
  • Serious Overwatch vibes
  • BJ (Wolfenstein) in Quake? Nice!
  • August 26th in QuakeCon
  • Beta available now on quake.com

The Evil Within 2
  • Horror game
  • Sebastian protag - hunting for his dead, lost daughter
  • almost oil painting art style - Dishonored-eske
  • Giant faces in clay?
  • Beautiful animations - clearly cutscenes though
  • Zombies? - zombies
  • Weapon and melee fighting
  • hallucinations
  • Mechanical creatures?
  • giant monsters return
  • improvement to the camera angels
  • 13th of October 2017


Wolfenstein The New Colossus
  • Real life cutsenes?
  • Mid 20th century setting - With robot dogs
  • Humanised cats?
  • Nazis still in control
  • BJ LIVED?!
  • Looks age appropriate now
  • Anya has come back too! - AND SHES PREGGERS
  • Old lady makes a return! Weirdly young though
  • New graphic updates
  • KKK allied with Nazis
  • Ship battle
  • New weapons and characters
  • Revolution aim in america
  • Robotic limbs make an appearance - technical advancement
  • Control robotic creatures?!
  • Lower HUD - Dual weaponry use!
  • Fight against animals - Crocodiles!
  • Kill nazis
  • 27th October

TL;DR Info - Microsoft Briefing 2017

G'day there guys and gals!

Welcome to TL;DR Info, a quick need-to-know basis about all things E3.
The following is for the Microsoft Briefing 2017

Stay tuned for more from other developers in the coming days!

Xbox One X (Project Scorpio)

  • "Most powerful console yet"
  • November 7th release date - worldwide launch
  • Focus on "you the gamer"
  • Power, compatibility, craftmanshio
  • Six Teraflops. 1.162 Ghz
  • 326GBs memory bandwidth
  • 12 GDDR Memory
  • True 4K - 8 million pixels
  • Dolby Atmos Sound
  • 4k UDH Blu Ray
  • All Xbox One games will work with Xbox One X
  • 4K games will still be improved on 1080p tvs
  • "Fastest processor ever to power a console"
  • Liquid-Cooled vapor chamber - IN A CONSOLE
  • Smallest Xbox One ever
  • $499 - roughly $649 Australian

Forza Motorsport 7

  • Partnership with Porsche
  • Massively improved graphics and attention to detail
  • Runs at native 4K and 60 FPS
  • Recreated the rafite(?) mountain pass
  • Car parts rattle and vibrate as you drive
  • Race through living environments (changing environments)
  • High detail on weather
  • Coming to Windows 10 and Xbox - October 3rd 2017
  • "Most technically advanced racing game

Metro Exodus

  • True 4K
  • Post apocalyptic world - Dead yetis(?)
  • Massive improvement to graphics
  • Windows 10 and XBox One
  • New weapons
  • Same limited HUD
  • City has begun to regrow
  • Topside breathable
  • Plantlife returns
  • Storms make a comeback
  • CROSSBOWS - Explosive crossbow bolts!
  • Wolves and animals have returned (BEARS - MUTANT BEAR)
  • Can use zip-lines
  • Anna returns!
  • Trains on surface work

Assassin's Creed Origins 

  • Egypt - in 4K
  • Ships
  • Pyramid sliding
  • Horseback arrow shooting
  • Fight crocodiles
  • Fighting looks improved
  • Return of the bow and arrow
  • Play as a Medjai - Bayek (?) - Siwa is his home
  • Creation of the Assassin's Brotherhood
  • "More detail and alive"
  • Pyramids are still being built
  • Animals make a return - possibly to hunt
  • You have an eagle friend! - Seluum
  • Use horses in the city
  • Very AC Unity - enemies have strength levels
  • Climbing parkor has returned, and much faster - reminiscent of AC3
  • Jump and use bow - In slow mo!
  • Hide in tall grass
  • RPG-eske ala AC Unity - change weapons you find off enemies
  • No more run and kill(?) - Bayek will stop you killing enemies if its "too risky"
  • Ability Points
  • Use of shield and dodging to defeat enemies
  • Targets can run if not confident
  • Elephants
  • October 27th this year

Player Unknown Battlegrounds 

  • "Development is community driven"
  • Exclusive to Xbox One 
  • Massive online shooter
  • Enhanced with Xbox One X - 4K
  • Use of vehicles
  • Day and night cycle - weather change - utter chaos of explosions
  • Melee weapons and stealth
  • Late 2017 release date

Deep Rock Galactic

  • Exclusive
  • Space!
  • Very blocky animation
  • 4K enhanced
  • Features interactivity on Mixer
  • Mining and exploration on other planets
  • Alien creatures attack

State of Decay 2

  • Post apocalyptic
  • Simple but interesting graphics - very walking Dead-eske
  • speedy and slow zombies
  • Group together with other living allies
  • Use of weapons and explosives
  • Build your own home - grow food, defense, etc
  • Hunger, cold, being bitten etc cause in game choices 
  • Green explosive zombies - also fatties
  • Play Anywhere Title - Xbox or Windows 10
  • Dodge and melee attacks

The Darwin Project

  • Exclusive
  • Reminds me of We Happy Few art style - or 3D Monkey island
  • humans attacking each other - each with abilities
  • Third Person combat - stealth, shield abilities (Different classes?)
  • Game Show vibes - attack one another to survive.

Dragonball Fighter Z 

  • Anime style - Immediately spot the DBZ
  • Same old style but looks cleaner and must sharper - classic 2D graphics
  • New DBZ fighter
  • animations looks fantastic
  • Heaps of street fighter vibes

Black Desert

  • Exclusive - 4K Xbox One X
  • Beautiful landscape sin all sorts of weather
  • Mythical vibe - humans and creatures side by side
  • Multiple classes to fight as against heaps of enemies
  • Creatures, humans, all different types of fights
  • JRPG inspired 
  • Early 2018 release

The Last Night 

  • Exclusive - 4K
  • Sidescroller 2.5 16 bit gameplay style
  • Shooter/fighter
  • Futuristic

The Artful Escape

  • Exclusive
  • Side scroller
  • Colourful art style
  • Musically themed
  • Protag uses music to move about the world
  • Art style kinda like Guitar Hero


  • JRPG style
  • Post apocalyptic
  • Battle demons and monsters
  • Hack and slash
  • Protags have special abilites
  • 2018 release

Sea of Thieves

  • Much better graphics than last time
  • Sea looks fantastic
  • Art style looks much more blocky - but still incredible and light hearted
  • Explore shipwrecks - find treasures you need
  • Every players discoveries are different
  • Can take on sharks
  • Explore cliffs, forests etc
  • Each island has different themes
  • Encounter people who want to take you on
  • Take on skeletons - eat a banana
  • Players solve riddles together
  • Each player has a role - stay on the ship for get-aways, map bearers, etc
  • Solve clues - get booty - fight the skeleton owners
  • Allies can cause diversions - true teamwork is key
  • Dynamic weather changes - rain and thunder
  • Trade booty in at outposts - before someone steals your treasure
  • Repair holes in the ship
  • Climb into cannons to be transported quickly
  • Coming to Xbox and Windows 10 - early 2018

  • Spaaaaaaaace
  • Virtual people?
  • August 2

Super Lucky's Tale

  • Kids game! Play as a fox - in 4K!
  • Exclusive
  • Colourful, very bright
  • Ghosts, Plants, skeleton antagonists
  • Platformer
  • Solve puzzles and collect coins
  • Dig tunnels to avoid enemies
  • Animals help you out
  • Almost reminds me of Diddy Kong Racing!
  • November 7th release


  • Exclusive
  • Sidescroller - 1920's themed animation
  • September 29th!

Crackdown 3

  • Exclusive
  • "Welcome to the Agency"
  • Xbox One and Windows 10 exlusive - 4K
  • Massive animation and graphical upgrade
  • Futuristic theme has been taken to the next step
  • Superhuman suits with shooty weapons of mass destruction
  • Four players(?)

  • "The dark is older than the light"
  • INSIDE eske art style
  • Battle monsters and creatures - melee style - swords, shields, spears, etc
  • Xbox One and Windows 10
  • Horror themed exploration
  • Co-Op players(?)
Life Is Strange

  • Story driven
  • shows more of Chloe
  • Different timeline?
  • Crows seem to be a theme
  • Prequel story?
  • 3 episodes - I missed the release date sorry! - pre-order now

Middle Earth: Shadow Of War

  • Orc battles return
  • Richer colour
  • More diverse areas to explore
  • WEATHER! Finally
  • Orc VS Orc - battle for control over clans
  • Nemesis system expanded
  • You can use the ring of power!
  • Assault fortresses for gain to the army
  • Same Batman fighting controls(?)
  • Enemies all have power numbers
  • Freeze enemies?!
  • Dominate enemies "You serve the bright lord now"
  • Lighter theme?! Jokes and such
  • Stronger enemies have better benefits
  • Oh hey Troy Baker!
  • Orcs are waaaaaaaay more chatty
  • Enemies can ambush you
  • Seven new orc tribes added
  • New weapons used by orcs!
  • Plan out your attack against fortresses - bosses are strong
  • Giant, mass of AI
  • Suicide bomber orcs?!
  • October 10th release

Ori and the Will of the Wisps

  • Live piano at showing? Nice touch!
  • Beautiful scenery, incredibly colourful
  • Side scroller(?)
  • Animals - control a little lemur?
  • Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusive
  • Darkly themed - ghost creatures?
  • Animals frozen into place

Backwards Compatible

  • 385 Titles
  • Crimson Skies to make a return


  • "huge open world"
  • Frostbite engine
  • Massively colourful - looks beautiful
  • ROBOT MECHS (ATAT style!)
  • Beautiful graphics....facial animations are GREAT
  • Female protag - Freelancers - explore the unknown
  • Robot people!
  • Different robot suits enhance the player - almost reminds me of Halo with a Mass Effect vibe
  • Exo suits - Javelins - heavily customisable
  • Jump jets with the Exo Suits - fly through the air!
  • Wildlife and thick forests
  • Explore the world with your friends
  • The world is hostile - plentiful of threats
  • Suits can also be used to dive into water and caverns
  • (Unless its scripted), protags talk about earning XP
  • Equip your Exo with gear to defeat enemies quickly - and large bosses
  • "Scars" - alien enemy type - can ambush players
  • Find new weapons from enemies
  • Discover new stories "off the beaten path"
  • Storms are a big threat to players - lightning strikes, horrified animals, etc
  • Xbox One
  • Coming 2018

Various Indie titles

  • Orisis
  • Path of Exile
  • Battlerite
  • Suviving Mars
  • Fable Fortune 
  • Observer
  • Robocraft Infinity
  • Dunk Lords
  • Minion Masters
  • Brawlout
  • Ooblets
  • Dark and Light
  • Strange Brigade
  • Riverbond
  • Hello Neighbor
  • Shift
  • Conan Exiles


  • 42 Games - 22 exclusives
  • Games will play best on Xbox One X - still be fantastic on all Xboxs
  • Community Marketplace for Minecraft - play together on whatever device
    Free 4K (Super Duper Graphics) update - available this Fall 
  • Everything here today is available for Pre-Order today
  • 4K updates to Xbox branded games - Gears, Halo, etc
    Games will also be enhanced

Sunday 11 June 2017

TL;DR Info - EA Conference 2017

G'day there guys and gals!

Welcome to TL;DR Info, a quick need-to-know basis about all things E3.
The following is for the EA Conference 2017

Stay tuned for more from other developers in the coming days!

  • Shoutout to the drumline starting things off!

Madden 18: Longshot

  • Campaign returns
  • Goal to be drafted by NFL Team
  • Conflict with others trying for the same thing
  • Father/Son relationship driving forward
  • "Innovative Madden to date"

Star Wars Battlefront 2
  • Addressed all the feedback
  • John Boyega shoutout
  • New, authentic, original story
  • Essential story
  • "Bridge the gap between Return and Awakens"
  • More than x3 content of the first game
  • Couch Co-Op returns with Skirmish
  • MP: More heroes, vehicles, planets, space battles
  • Deeper progression and customisation
  • "Gamechangers" help to make MP better
  • "Devs have been listening"
  • "Still time to change something"
  • All three eras will be in the game
  • Class system - different customisable weapons
  • Battle Points to help gain Hero ability
  • Characters own abilities are customisable
  • WAY better graphics - they look stunning!
  • Return of Droids from prequels
  • Droids V Clones?!
  • Land Based Vehicles?!
  • Frontal shields with droids
  • Jumpjets with clones
  • Wookies make an appearance
  • BOBA, YODA, Maul
  • Space Battles with the Millennium Falcon
  • "Finn and Phasma will definitely be in B2"
  • Free Content DLC for first pack - no additional charge
  • Planet from Episode VIII in B2
  • Post-Launch DLC will be FREE for all owners of the game
  • Pre-Order access to Beta
  • Play on Naboo
  • "players will fear the skies"
  • Maps begin as open but close in
  • Tanks make an appearance
  • Very, VERY reminiscent of the original Battlefront 2
  • AT:RT vehicle usage to balance out slow and strong tanks
  • Seige Mode: lock down your position, but have more firepower
  • Phases in MP - 3
    After battling outside, they fight inside, trying to breach security ports
  • (Kinda reminds me of Overwatch tbh)
  • Darth Maul - incredibly quick and incredibly quick - cannot deflect fire though as balance
  • Rey makes an appearance - mind tricks confuse enemies

Battlefield 1
  • Community Footage
  • "Expanding on experiences"
  • Night Maps - July
  • Massive network of tunnels
  • "In The Name of the Tsar" DLC - September
  • 8 New Maps, Russian Army, Weapons/Vehicles, Women's Battlaion of death
  • All new assignments/Multi-battle operations
  • "Largest Front of WW1"
  • New Competitive Mode - focused on team play - GamesCom August announcement

  • Real Player Motion Control - Signature Movement
  • Developed in detail
  • Graphical improvement
  • Ronaldo helping development
  • Alex Hunter is Protag once more by the looks of it
  • The Journey Returns

Need For Speed Payback
  • Mass customisation 
  • Giant graphical upgrade
  • Return to old school Explosive-Races type story
  • Slo-mo in car wrecks/action scenes - unsure if scripted
  • Play as multiple protags
  • Helicopters make a return
  • "Plays as well as it looks"

A Way Out
  • EA Original
  • Set in a prison
  • More realistic than "Brothers - Former title made by devs
  • Co-Op adventure about prison escape
  • Puzzle solving in co-op
  • Make your way to the outside and survive
  • "Deliver the game we truly believe in
  • Split screen co-op - but playable online too
  • "Play everything - I mean a lot of stuff!"
  • Vincent/Leo are your Protags
  • Cutscenes and playable areas are seen in real time
  • Get what you need with either character
  • "Everything you do is unique to that scene
  • Releasing early 2018
  • New IP from Bioware
  • Looks futuristic dystonia
  • Giant alien creatures
  • Robot suits(?)
  • More at Xbox Briefing tomorrow
NBA Live 18
  • Earn respect
  • Take down legends
  • On court experiences increase your skills
  • New Mode: The One
  • Legacy chosen by how you play
  • Your player is made by your choices
  • Free Demo in August
  • Players at EAPlay are more able to tell EA what works/what doesn't
  • Eight new reveals

FIFA Championship - Competitive Play
  • Represent your real-world team
  • More info in Q3 Summer (Winter)
EA Originals
  • Several games in production
  • Search for Extraordinary Experiences Division
  • Need innovative new platform
  • Project Scorpio perfect for it
  • Footage combined with Scorpio console and Frostbite - explains the good graphics!
  • More in Xbox Briefing tomorrow