Thursday 5 September 2019

A New Cave

If you're reading this, chances are you found this from my many, maaaaaany links over my time of using this site, or just randomly. Either way, hello!

After almost a decade of using this website, I'm sad to report it has come to an end. Blogspot has been very accommodating to my needs, but safe to say, change is good, especially as over time, this site has lost track too many times. I've used the same background, the same format, the same...everything, for almost nine years, not to mention countless hours of work for zero feedback. To quote one of my favourite games, "History is the study of change. Change is life. When things become stagnant, it means they're dead.". I'm hoping with that change, I can connect more with my fellow gamers.
So the site is changing, but the reviews are not stopping just yet! I can't throw away nine years of reviewing games. The games aren't changing, but I'm certainly swapping caves.

Keep up to date with my latest reviews over on WordPress. Follow the link below!

I hope to see you there, and from the bottom on my heart, thank you.