For you, its back to work or back to sleep, however for me, its neither so here I am. This game sparked the gaming community into frenzy with the right controls and the ever lust to kill in more modern terms. Infantry Ward and Activision struck gold with Call of Duty 4.
When this game was released, I shall admit, I was very skeptical. I am a History Student of several years (before my recent departure of my education) and I found it most entertaining to fight in significant battles of the past years (Market Garden, Siegue of Stalingrad, Battle of The Buldge ect) and the weaponry of said time. As I played through the campaign I became more involved with the world that we live in now and the battle our soldiers are still fighting to this very second, possibly right now. What I immediately noticed was the mostly unknown cast of the characters and how well they were at this task. Captain Price was particularly my favourite, along with Gaz and his constant puns.
Another mention was the surprising soundtrack. The music was so suiting to the moments of the fights, especially the scene of the battle to save the tank War Pig. This moment, along with the voice work of both the seriousness and calmness of defeating their enemy, this was a terrific way to end the level. As any person may have, I was trapped within the storyline and the ending was a complete shocker. Right at the end of the final mission was a terrific way to end the game -
-the way of Captain Price being brought back, but unresponsive, unknown in his face if he would live or die, both your other companions killed before you and ending in white while a woman brings a news report was fantastic. This is a brilliant way to show how little we know of what is happening to our soldiers overseas. How much had happened during the game and yet how little is announced to us, the public. This is also a sign for censorship by our government(s).
I also found the opening credits of the game so compelling. Very few games show such detail during a FPS, especially seeing as there is no shooting on your account..
However this brings me to the bad points.
While this was the first game I played online on Xbox Live, I found it extremely laggish. Even over time, I noticed that the game usually cut me off, despite the area distance. I figured out this to be my modem, but I was wrong. It was a bug.
But a small one.
This game is a must buy. Modern Warfare was a beautiful game with developing storyline and a fantastic server to play with.
Out of 10, I gave Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare an 9/10
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