Monday, 4 April 2011

Review: Full House Poker

Howdy folks!

Only freshly released, I am here to talk about a game that is taking Live by storm: Full House Poker

With all the charms of playing real poker, your Avatar is the player, as obviously seen in the cover art.
But, while it is just straight up poker, there are a few neat little perks and tricks of the game. Firstly, your avatar has chip tricks, unlocked as your rank escalades. With each specific rank, you unlock a different combination, when pressed, allows your avatar to perform a trick (For example, pressing down on the D-Pad three times preforms the "Zero-Grav" trick)
Also, different ranks also earns you different costumes for your avatar to wear in game and online playing against others. For example, the very first one you shall unlock is a blue vest with a matching bow tie and white shirt.

The game's Multiplayer is quite average, but also efficient enough for games to be started in less than two minutes. However, for folks like me (who live away from America) most of the games are in poor connection, thus starting your own multiplayer game is pointless, as three or four others will join, not near enough to start.
The game's graphics, unlike Dorrito's Crash Course (Another Microsoft Arcade title) Full House Poker has some great use of graphics and design but usually falter, pixilate and mush into different colours.
Also, the game is restricted to be only played online. This is a poor move, as some gamers (Such as myself) like to earn Achievements offline so that they stay with the Gamertag and are not lost if a 360 Transfer is necessary. (For those who do not know, those gamers with a Live Account can loose Achievements, Awards and DLC's if a transfer to another 360 is faltered or stopped at any time)

While I am enjoying the poker, loosing all my chips and going mad with the customisation of my own arena's, it seems that Full House Poker could have used a few more months in the Gaming Womb to achieve the perfection it asks for so eagarly.

Out of 10, I gave Full House Poker a 6.5/10

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