Friday, 3 June 2011

Review: The Force Unleashed 2 Endor DLC

Hey there folks!

Even though I know this isn't a really new DLC, seeing as its associated with one of my favourite games of all time (Also my favourite actor as well) I thought I'd better hurry up and get a review done!
Ladies and gents, The Battle of Endor DLC for The Force Unleashed 2.

*WARNING! This review may have some spoilers ahead, so if you haven't beaten the Campaign or have not yet bought/finished this DLC, please look away now*

Firstly, let me explain the ending of Star Wars: TFU2
At the end of the Campaign, you have the choice of having the Light Side ending, or the Dark Side ending. In case you do not know, the Light Side ending is what actually happens in this famous series. However, the Dark Side option allows the player to see the "What if", giving the player an alternate ending. In this case, the end of the game allows you to choose either to spare Darth Vader and let him be captured and taken prisoner by the Alliance or strike him down and end his life. When the Dark side is chose, Starkiller is killed, as is General Kota and his men. The murderer is a clone of Starkiller, just like him, but separated from his memories. Vader calls him "The Perfect Clone".
So as the good Starkiller dies at his feet, Vader orders "Maulkiller" to search the galaxy, kill the rebels and their leaders and put an end to the Rebellion.

The first (And hopefully not last) is The Battle of Endor DLC, which sends you to the forest moon of said place and kill the rebels hiding there. What I noticed is that your unlocked powers and abilities from the Campaign are not transferred over to here. All is gone bar the Lightsaber crystals and the costumes you have unlocked. While this does make it more challenging and slightly annoying, this is a wise move from the Developers. Seeing as they are different Starkillers, their abilities would differ from each other. The gameplaye is nearly exactly the same as the Campaign but with three small differences. 1: Ewoks. These little buggars will attack you with all you got and if you grapple a few of them, you might unlock an achievement *hint hint* 2: Puzzles. Some areas are unreachable unless you kill all enemies, defeat a particular enemy (In this case, turrets) or figure out how to reach a high spot. For instance, shortly after the beginning, there is a rock balancing on another rock and you must figure out how to counterbalance the other end and what to jump on in order to reach a high cliff edge.

Number 3, unfortunately, brings me to the bad points. This game has more bugs than a rotting piece of food. If bolt of lighting hits an explosive, the ground escapes your feet. If Chewbacca throws a electric bomb at you, you and him plummet into nothingness until you eventually die. If Han shoots a rocket and hits Chewie or an Ewok, it still damages you, no matter the distance. There is an achievement "One With The Force" Which requires you to not die during the DLC. Due to these bugs, no matter how many times I play it, I still have yet to unlock it.
Not only is it buggy, but the acting of Han Solo (Unfortunately not done by Harrison Ford but a impersonator) isn't exactly the same as Harrison. Credic where its due: he does a fair decent copy of the man, but he lacks the emotion and smartallec-ism that is Han Solo.
Not to sound too nerdy.
The last bad motion to mention is this: I can't explain it, I can't understand how it has happened, but the DLC also effects your normal Campaign and beyond. Since I have downloaded it, the video and audio of cutscenes are not insync and sometimes pause for 10 seconds or so. This isn't fairly bad as the Downloadable Content itself, but to effect the game itself whenever its played it not good marketeering.

I shall not spoil the complete ending of the DLC, but it is fair interesting. It makes you wonder where it is going to go. The voice acting by the rest of the cast was well done (special mention to Sam Witwer who voices Starkiller and Emperor Palpatine, who does the best work I have ever seen since the original) and the game seems to rap up quite nicely.

While I love the game completely, this DLC seems a little bit more trouble than its worth. I am a fan of The Force Unleashed series and I look forward to the next installment, as well as other DLC's. But if the next is as bad, or worse, than this current one, I don't think the rest will be worth it.

Out of 10, I gave The Battle of Endor DLC a 4.5/10

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