Friday, 22 July 2011

New Gaming Accessories

Hey there folks!

I'm here to talk about some of the new accessories that have come into my hands as of recent. The first I'd like to talk about is the Steelseries Spectrum 5XB headset.

What this head set offers is a wider world for us gamers to experience how we play and adapt to each game we play. As I write these words, I'm using the headset right now!
With the small device (pictured right) plugged into your controller and then some wires hooked into your television, the headset is now connected to both your Xbox Live acc and your television. This means that as you play your favourite games, you may also talk to your friends in party chat or people in the game you are in! For this to work, just follow these simple steps:
1: Press the Guide button
2: Move to the far right AKA Options
3: Press "Preferences", then "voice"
4: Change Party Chat to "Through speakers" (If not already on "Through both")
Now you may play your favourite games while talking to your friends with a retractable microphone!
What impresses me about this device is the option on the small piece set. You may choose to vamp up the gameplay volume or choose to run up the volume of your microphone. The sound is perfect to the ears and makes the notes of music as well as a characters voice so crisp and clean.

The few bad points, drag down the product slighty. It can be a little cordy (The headset is not wireless) and there is no way to hook the controller so that gameplay music and vocal work isn't interupted.
However, it may be easy to overlook these and enjoy them very much so. I recomend these headphones for any gamer who likes to play late into the night and doesn't wish to disturb the people sleeping around them!
(The 5XB Headset is available in white and black. White is $100 and black is $150. The black has slightly more feautres than the white, but consult an employee at any given store for more info)

Secondly, I'd like to talk about the Power Bank for the 360's rechargable battery packs. While there are many more products that can work as well, try to stick to more 360 approved brands, as other cheap copies can offer nothing more than an explosion.
(For example, a friend preordered a 120 GB harddrive from Hongkong. Two weeks later, the thing overheats and melts the top half of his 360. $400 down the drain.)
Whats so great about these nifty little devices is that its power charged. Which means, either plugging it directly to your 360 or even to a power point (Depending on which model you buy), you can charge your battery packs as you play, switching them over as one runs out and the other is full.

One small tip would be this: as they reach being full, do not leave them in. With any rechargable battery, they can overhead and damage the battery, then becoming useless. Also, keep an eye out of heat when switching them. If they are a fair bit warm to the touch, leave them alone for a while, until they cool, then use them. Constantly draining them of power then recharging them disintergrates them very quickly. Be careful.

I suggest these to any long playing gamer or even a gamer who runs out of battery at the end of a game and needs it to recharge while watching a movie. Go for it!

(The rechargeable Power Bank is $30, $50 for the power point model)

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