Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Fatman's Achievement Guide!

Hey there folks!

I thought I'd give this a try, seeing as many gamers out there today are very Achievement hungry.
"But Fatman! There's heaps of achievement guides out there, why start down a path that so many people are on?" you might be thinking.
Well, as I watched a particular company that focuses on games bring out a video of achievement guide on the Xbox Live Dashboard, I noticed that they, like everyone else in this world, makes mistakes, and two out of the three guides they gave were incorrect.

So, I decided to pick 5 achievements from Battlefield 3 (As this has been what I've been playing mostly as of late) from the campaign so you can find them!

**WARNING! This achievement guide may have possibly spoilers for the Campaign. Tread at caution**

1: "Not On My Watch"
This is probably one of the easier and first achievements you can get. The achievement requires you to protect your ally, Chaffin, from dying as he is being evacuated in Operation Swordbreaker. This is the second mission in the game and quite easy to get, for those who are used to an FPS. All it requires is a bit of aim and a steady shot. Your secondary weapon will have a sight on it, which will make the tast much more easier. Enemies will appear everytime the small squad down below moves, so keep an eye out directly down the sides of the street and to the buildings closest to them and you should be fine.

2: "Involuntary Euthanasia"
The achievement askes you to kill two enemy soldiers before a building collapses on them, in the missions Uprising. As you progress though this level, you will find yourself forced to move through a broken bus, which will be blown to pieces by an RPG. Four enemies will attack you, but you will only be able to see two clearly. Kill the two shooting but don't leave the bus! If you leave the bus, the building will collapse and you will have to restart the mission, and I mean from scratch! Instead, go towards the other door, and throw your grenades as far as you can directly in front of you. If you dont kill the two enemies hiding in the dark and dust, you'll definately draw them forward in which you can take pot shots at them. Just like shooting fish in a barrel....childhood memories....
25 Gamerpoints

3: "The Professional"
This one can be tricky, but its not as hard as I thought. In the mission Comrades, it requires you to complete a street race under 2 minutes and 30 seconds without dying. Near the end of the mission, you will be taken out into the front entrance of the building, and your character will remove his head mask. This is when the time limit begins. You must run, immediately, after the man who is fleeing the scene. Kill all who are in your way (backup and police alike, all who shoot at you) and move through the streets quickly. Once you get to a particular cutscene with an RPG, as it ends, your achievement will pop.
I also recommend doing this on Easy, as Hard will be, well, bloody hard!
30 Gamerpoints

4: "Practise Makes Perfect"
In the mission Kaffarov, you will find yourself entering a dark and red lit basement, and as you enter concrete walls, you'll find still targets popping up, as well as enemies moving with them to confuse you, and they shall fire upon you! Kill them quickly and try not to fire from the hip, as they tend to stick nearby the targets and if even one gets hit, the achievement wont pop. It requires you to headshot every single target in the basement. Its quite simple, but can be annoying, especially when you take cover and an enemy hits it for you and cancells it out. Caution and a non happy trigger finger will get you the achievement.
15 Gamerpoints

5: "What The *Hell* Are You?"
With an achievement name quoted from an awesome movie (Predator), you know this one will be sweet. But overall, you can have this one in no less than 3 minutes (Including the opening scene) to about five.
During the mission Rock and A Hard Place, it askes you to take a Russian Dog Tag from an enemy, and the only way to do that is to stab them. But, pressing the melee button will do nothing, unless you apply stealth to activate the "assassination" cutscene for melees. There's two ways to do this:
As you exit the truck, head left and stick to the left side. An enemy will attack you from the right hand side, just ignore them and continue to move. Go prone and you'll crawl into an enemy hiding behind a tree. Knife him, bing bam and done. Over.
The other option - head right when you leave the truck, stick right and you'll come across the two enemies. Try to climb over the rocks in front of you silently, approach the nearest and knife him. If you're lucky, the second one wont have heard you and you can kill him. If not, he will turn and kill you before you can finish the small scene, and the achievement might not pop.
20 Gamerpoints

So there you have it! There are some other easy ones there too, for example:
Army Of Darkness - Shoot the four lights with four bullets in Night Shift - 30G
Roadkill - Push the car onto the soliders in Uprising - 20G
Scrap Metal - Destroy 6 tanks before reaching the fort in Thunder Run - 25G
Twofor - Kill two enemies with one shot in Night Shift - 15G
And more!

I hope this was instructive and happy gaming.
And, as always my friends, game on!
Al Fatman

(Note: I will make more of these in the future if people wish!)

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