Friday, 13 July 2012

Five Easy Achievements: Spec Ops The Line

G'day folks!

It's been a while since I've done one of these and it's about damn time I did one! Achievement Hunters everywhere, get a pen and some paper, get ready to boost your gamerscore to my lastest game craze, Spec Ops The Line!

1: Deer Hunting
20 Gamerscore
The achievement is simple, kill an Oryx during the campaign. This can be done during the first chapter. As you approach Dubai, you'll end up atop a highway and as you move to your right, a large group of Oryx will be to the side. Simply kill just one and you're done.

2: The Human Factor
20 Gamerscore
Just about halfway into the game, you'll be able to unlock the Sticky Grenade. Simply throw a grenade and get it to stick to an enemy. If you're able to do this, the enemy will either run towards you or back to his allies and ask them to get it off. You can unlock the "Army Of One" (20 Gamerscore) achievement by killing 3 enemies with a grenade by doing this.

3: Damn Close
20 Gamerscore
This achievement is pretty straight forward. Kill an Edged Weapon Expert within 5 meters of you. You can quickly kill him with a shotgun by waiting for him to approach you. You can get this with any weapon but a shotgun is easiest.

4: In Your Face
20 Gamerscore
Enemies are prone to take cover often during gameplay. When one does, simply run up towards him and vault over the edge, to which your AI will kick and stun your foe in a Gears Of War fashion.

5: Blind Luck
20 Gamerscore
Again, very straight forward. While in cover, blind fire over the side and kill five enemies. With this, you'll be 20 gamerscore richer!

And an extra one just to be nice.

6: Situational Awareness
20 Gamerscore
This achievement can be easily unlocked during your first firefight! Simply dump sand on an enemy's head to stun them. This is done in the first firefight but if it does not unlock, there are plenty of other places to do it. Simply look for cracked glass with sand behind it and shoot.

Spec Ops The Line has some fairly easy achievements that can be done simply by playing the game. There are plenty more that only require a little bit of your time. Key decisions in game also unlock the 10-30 gamerscore achievements but they weren't revealed due to spoilers.
Have fun and game on!

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