G'day guys and gals!
Before you read this, enjoy this random picture of me performing onstage in front of over 1'000 people! For funzies.
So, I've posted a fair few videos on Youtube about this but I haven't said anything on here, so I thought I'd better do it.
For the folks who don't watch my videos, I'm taking a mini vacation. I'm not going too far - in all honesty I'm house sitting! But I'm treating it as a vacation, cause I'm cutting myself off from all technology, internet and communication for a full week. And all I'm gonna do is sit on my bum, eat, sleep, drink some whiskey and maybe play some games for fun.
So, why does this effect you? Cause I'm stopping all reviews and 90% of video content while I'm gone! I've posted most of them, while I am saving the last few for the last. Bioshock Infinite: I won't say much but I'd definitely recommend you check it out. I'm taking my time to write it to get everything exactly right. The Walking Dead Telltale: In all honesty, I wasn't a huge fan of the series, but this game is fantastic. I'm just up to Episode 5 now, so hopefully I'll get that done soon!
Terraria: I have yet to play or even touch this game yet, but I'll definitely give it it's worth.
As for the games on my To Do list; I'll hopefully be getting my hands on them soon, living in a tiny little place in the middle of Nowhere, Australia, it's hard getting my hands on them - they either have to be a huge title, I have to travel up north or eBay it.
So my videos, every single one will be halting, except my random PC gameplays. Monday-itis will be halted April 1st and will return on the 15th. Fatman's Weekly Report stopped last Wednesday and will be coming back April 17th. However, Pokémon gameplays and some brand new ones will continue to be uploaded when I can.
So I'll be coming back on the 9th, and I'm starting reviews! All my videos will re-start the week later.
Well, time to hit the ol' dusty trail. It's been a brilliant two years with you folks (Nov 19th, 2010) and this one will become number three. I hope you stick around for more reviews and stay tuned for new Five Easy Achievements and a BRAND NEW SERIES! That's right, you folks hear it first! I'm starting a new series right here on blogging. More news soon!
Take care folks and as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman
Howdy folks!
Since 2006, the Gears franchise has been making much progress in both the Multiplayer genre of our
gaming era as well as developing a new way to play Third Person Shooters and creating, as Cliff Bleszinski defined as, "Stop And Pop" in regards to the "Run And Gun" style many gamers knew well. As a huge fan of Cliffy B and the game series since the very beginning (Not to mention the lead trailer came with my very first Xbox 360), the words Gears Of War is well known and respected within the community. With the main series over and the prequel, Gears Of War Judgement now in our hands, fans return to a world that they have grown attached to...only to be let down and disappointed.
***WARNING: Massive spoilers for the Campaign coming up ahead***
What's first to notice is the new developed graphics; the team at People Can Fly (behind the work of the game Bulletstorm) definitely was noticeable while playing the game, as many faces look cleaner and refreshing to see the gang in a younger form, while you do see a teeny bit of a likeness between Baird and Grayson Hunt from their title.
Musical score is just as great as before, with a fair few newer and older bits thrown into the mix, while the music score from the first game tends to pop up more. The same can be said about the voice acting; while many old voices do return for their respected roles. Fred Tatasciore returns as Baird for the main role, with Lester Speight returning to his role as Cole, who is uncharacteristically quiet this time around. And while Marcus Fenix (John DiMaggio) and Anya Stroud (Nan McNamara) do return in voice only, their characters never are seen, new faces make their first appearance. Ezra Loomis (Bruce Thomas), Sofia Hendrik (Ali Hillis) and Garron Paduk (Chris Cox) are a few of the newer faces. While the voice acting out of their characters add much into the game, it's hard to become attached to the characters early on, to which I'll explain.
The massive two failures the game has is storyline and gameplay. Before I get into my massive rant about the storyline, gamers will be a tiny bit confused with the new control system. Players are reduced to two weapons, only changed with Y. Veterans will be a tiny bit confused but eventually you'll get used to it - the new weapon changing system is much quicker and easier than before, the grenade options is just an utter failure. While you can stick enemies by throwing a grenade just right, sticking grenades against walls and floors is time consuming. Press LB to activate the grenade option, then quickly hold it to cause the grenade to swing, then press B to plant? Fix one control system, make the good system screwy.
While the storyline is solid enough for a plotline, the gameplay doesn't flesh it out to the degree fans have come to terms with over the years. Gameplay is split up into tiny chapters into, what I like to call, Acts. Within the "testimony" of a particular person, that character will voice over the beginning, parts of the middle and sometimes the end of each chapter. While the Declassified missions add in a bit more dialog, it doesn't suit the game's massive storyline overall. One chapter will have you fight through some snipers, then it finishes. Fade to black, two lines of dialog, kill some Locust and move to a new area, fade to black. This pattern repeats over and over, from testimony to testimony of each person. If you want to extend your time in each chapter, I highly suggest doing Declassified missions or else the missions will fly by. In all honesty, either way, you'll finish the game quickly, my time being only 3 hours. The star system is quite well done, it doesn't have any other offers other than customisation for Multiplayer and unlocking the Aftermath, to which I'll get to in a little while.
The truly disappointing factor was the ending: A three minute fight with the main boss (To which you only see once) which finishes off with an anti-climatic death and cinematic? The original Gears' boss fight with RAAM was a major challenge, especially to me. Gears 2's boss fight was simple, but the ending was superb. Gears 3 had a fight with the Locust Queen with her throwing everything and anything in your direction. Judgement finishes off with yet another enemy tactic of "shoot it in the mouth" and somehow General Karn is burnt and beaten easily, despite the game's hype of him being "The toughest Locust the COG has seen." And even as now Private Baird and the gang walk off into the sunset laughing and joking, the game ends with a cut to black in mid sentence and then straight to the dashboard. Epic pulled a "The Sopranos" move!
There was many issues over the Aftermath, but players can unlock it about mid way through the game. Aftermath features what happened between the time Marcus was travelling with the rest of the group to Azura. While the gameplay controls and weaponry are the same as Judgement, the star system is removed. The storyline is quite well done but still a little confusing: the entire game revolves around getting reinforcements, but the gameplay only asks you to get a boat and yet by the end, you end up with over a dozen boats and planes, due to Baird: "I have friends in the UIR".
Sooo, where did all the planes and boats come from in the middle of a deserted town and how did Baird negotiate the UIR to help them out with one friend in that army who now despises him?
While granted, it fills in a lot of the gaps, it leaves a lot more unanswered.
Multiplayer is still the same as ever, customisation is still mostly a "Pay Now - Play Later" for all the different types of skins for both your character and weaponry. Weaponry has been extended ten fold but characters are limited down to under fifteen. With Horde being replaced with a new "King Of The Hill" style gameplay with COG protecting an Emergence Hole and Locust aiming to destroy it, not lot of has been added content wise regarding with multiplayer.
Ranting and fanboy-isms aside, the game overall is a decent piece of work, definitely worthy of the series, but even as I play online, many hardcore fans are truly devastated at how their beloved series has turned out. Change is good for a game, but splitting a campaign up in little pieces and jumping back and forth from Emergence Day to a week later, then a few hours later then a few days later truly leaves me wanting less. Gears Of War 3 ended on a note perfect to the series "We finally have a tomorrow!", whereas I know I won't be coming back to play this game tomorrow. Only now do I understand why Cliff B left halfway during the development of the game.
Out of 10, I give Gears Of War Judgement an 5.5/10
Good Points
+ Voice acting is truly well done
+ Multiplayer is as good as ever
+ Storyline is eye opening...
Bad Points
- But Gameplay and chapter setting screws it up
- Ending is lacking and lazy
- Aftermath answers questions, but not too many
- Customisation is mostly "Pay Only"
- Control system is a little weird.
- ...no more...please...
GOW Judgement is out now for the standard price of $90
Howdy folks!
As some may know, I've been a Naruto fan since I was very young and I've always enjoyed playing
their games. Now comes (What I thought would be) the final game in the series; Ultimate Ninja Storm 3.
The game starts out just at the end of the previous title, where Naruto has defeated Pain and saved the village. Before this, we have a flashback to seventeen years ago, a woman speaks "This is a story about a man who saved his village." which becomes the theme of the game (Example: later on this voice says "This is the story about a man I love.") and thus we're thrown into the midst of it all.
During the Ninja Storm series, it's well known by fans and players alike that the control system and small upgrades are the only things that change but it seems Namco has gone all out for the game this time around. Sound effects are near the same but with new items and equipment, they have been upgraded greatly. The musical score adds in much of the drama in cutscenes as well as a sense of peace during the quieter moments. What truly sticks out is the upgraded gameplay, graphics and vocal work:
character movements during both normal gameplay, cutscenes and clips. Gameplay, while much of the same, has had many new features added to it; such as larger boss battles, multiple fights (Example: You V The 7 Resurrected Jinchuriki) and the main choice - Legend or Hero.
During major points of the game, you are given the option of how to take a boss battle. Legend is generally harder but has much larger rewards for both options. Legend gear also reduces what types of items you can take into each fight. Hero is the easier option and takes you on a different path than the Manga/Anime has told so far. Although if you do choose the Hero option, rewards are only for the Hero Class and they are much smaller. What really takes the cake is the voice acting. While the Japanese setting is as brilliant as always, reading subtitles during a fight scene can be a bit bothersome, and while the English option has always been undesirable by many fans, the English voice cast truly come out of their shells. Maile Flanagan (Naruto Uzumaki) really gives a great performance, especially during the cutscene with Naruto's mother, Kushina Uzumaki (Laura Bailey, game voice only) who I shall admit, did get me tearing up in some bits.
When a voice actor can truly bring you into the moment, you know you have a good game in your hands. Dave Wittenburg, Yuri Lorenthal, Troy Baker, Kate Higgins and so many more actors in the game truly brought out a fantastic experience.
Multiplayer is the same as ever: Ninja Cards and Info has been upgraded with heaps (Try 1000 Cards and 500 Info Lines) more items, making some more interesting and others more wacky and funny. For example, my very own says "Chubby Of The Scales", which amuses me to no end.
However, customisation has been upgraded to a hilt, multiplayer battles and connectivity is just as bad as ever; playing with friends that live within a five minute drive is still full of lag and many other issues.
While Japanese (especially manga/anime) games aren't everyone's cup-of-tea, I would definitely recommend this game for fans of the series, old and new. The game may not be perfect, but it's definitely a fun ride while it lasts.
Out of 10, I give Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 a 7/10
Good Points
+ Voice Acting is brilliant
+ Gameplay and graphics highly upgraded
+ Storyline is solid...
Bad Points
- ...but the ending is ridiculous
- Devs seem to be milking the series
- Still no full free roam? =(
Ninja Storm 3 is out now for the standard price of $78
G'day there folks!
With DLC and video games coming out galore this month (This being the most game exclusive
month ever), Ubisoft has released the second part to their saga DLC, Tyranny Of King Washington: The Betrayal.
***WARNING: Possible spoilers for both the first and second part of this DLC and the storyline of the main storyline***
When we last left off, Connor has lost his mother (again) and he had gained the power of wolf, to which he can cloak himself and send out a pack of wolves to devour his enemies. While searching for the men who had killed his tribe, Clan Mother and Ziio, Connor is captured by General Putnam and taken to Boston as a gift for Washington - to which we see most of this in a short "Previously" video before the DLC starts.
Once more, the voice acting has been ramped up entirely; Noah Watts returns as Ratonhnhake:ton (pronounced:
Ra-doon-ha-ge-doon) AKA Connor while a few old faces appear once more. Connor's childhood friend Kanen'to:kon (voiced by Akwiratekha Martin) appears in the cell next to him and this is the first time we ever hear him speak in English, which comes as a refreshing change.
As you escape the prison, you and Kanen fight over a bottle of Tea Of The Great Willow (However, it's never explained who had it or how it got there) but eventually Connor drinks it to save his friend the horrors of the after effects. This time around, Willow hallucinations are much shorter, as plays simply climb a tree and protect an eagle's eggs and then a small training session afterward on how to use it. While the Wolf's powers are great, Power Of The Eagle is undeniably awesome. With a simple tap of Y, players can fly from tree to tree, rooftop to rooftop almost instantly. Escape from guards, travelling and quick assassinations is extremely useful and way easier. However, in the heat of battle, the action button tends to stick.
Ben Franklin makes a return, even more insane as before, while Sam Adams screws up Connor's native name and distrusts Franklin, due to his closeness to Washington. However, Franklin shows clear signs of being indoctrinated by the power of the Apple of Eden. When Connor fights with Washington again, Connor is able to put up a better fight this time around, but it's clear that he still lacks the strength to fully take him down.
What sticks out greatly in this DLC, is comedy. There are a lot of moments where there's much banter between characters, but one of the best is fighting in a pub, where Connor literally, LITERALLY has the option to "Rage Quit" from a checker's game. I'm not even kidding, it seriously says "Press X to Rage Quit", which left me in stitches for a few minutes.
Overall, The Betrayal adds so much more to both the franchise and the game itself and just like the first time, the DLC will leave the ending a complete mystery and leaving you muttering to yourself: "What. The. F**k!?" as you approach New York. The final part in this Saga cannot come quickly enough.
Out of 10, I give The Betrayal an 8.5/10
G'day folks!
The final DLC for the end of a series, The Citadel DLC is a final hurrah for the entire crew of the Normandy past and present, to which they are all ordered for a bit of shore leave from the war. But things around Shepard always go sour quick and thus, his final adventure begins.
After being ordered on shore leave, Shepard finds himself a guest at a Sushi Restaurant with Joker, only to have his leave cut short. A cult has cornered you in this restaurant defenceless and without any weapons (other than tech abilities or biotics, if your Shepard falls within that class) and your only choice? Use Joker as bait.
Following the rabbit down the hole, Shepard runs into old friends along the way and asks for their help. After infiltrating a casino (while doing a bit of gambling) to track down a man who knows the leader of this cult and then finally discovering their identity. And from this fan's perspective, it is quite jaw dropping.
With the entire cast coming back for this DLC, you'll find yourself with a set of brand new weapons and even a return with some older ones (such as the classic rifle from the first game, which needs no thermal clips but requires you to furiously tap X in order to cool it down) and even something much more rare in the Mass Effect series: a mass of jokes. Mark Meer (Shepard) mocking himself of how he sounded in the first game "Seriously, did I sound like that? I SHOULD go. *I* should go. I should GO." to everyone mocking him about destroying the Sushi bar and more.
And even some fan services made it in the DLC, such as James Vega hooking up with Ashley, Kasumi appearing mysteriously behind Jacob and commenting on his bum, Grunt having fun telling people "NO" for people trying to get into Shepard's party and much, much more.
The gameplay is just as great as it ever was, the voice acting was truly great and don't worry if some of your crew never made it, you'll still get to hear from them at least, especially Mordin, to which he leaves you a whole bunch of his musical talents. With many more mini missions to have with all your crew mates, meet ups in your apartment and so much more, the last DLC offers so much to fans.
In the words of a fellow fan: "Bioware has done so much for the fans and this DLC has been one of the best I've ever seen. It finally gave me a chance to put down Mass Effect 3 and spending time with the old and new characters have put me at peace. Enough to smile, let Mass Effect go and say 'thank you Bioware for one of the best games I have ever played.'"
In my own words, I have enjoyed Mass Effect since I first saw the E3 trailer when I bought my first ever Xbox 360 and I am truly thankful to have a brilliant series finally have the send off it deserves, even past all the horrible things that have been placed upon it in the last year.
In the end, the lore and worlds of Mass Effect will still be around for years to come.
Out of 10, I give the Citadel DLC an 9/10
Howdy folks!
After finishing playing this brand new DLC, I literally had to take a nap!
***WARNING! This review will feature MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR BOTH Dead Space 3 and the new DLC. Read forth at your own risk!***
Awakened DLC literally takes place right after the end of the Dead Space 3 Campaign. The moon of Tau Volantis has crashed against the planet's surface; while largely intact, massive chunks fall out of the sky and begin to streak down across the planet. The Marker Signal is dead and their plan succeeded, or did it really?
After falling through space, Isaac and Carver wake up on the planet, unsure whether or not they're really alive or dead. Isaac's helmet is undamaged (unlike the end of the game) and they both appear fine. Now they have only one goal in mind; making it back home.
Gameplay is the same as ever, with a few added perks such as different ways to complete a task (Foe example, placing nuclear waste into a reactor and shooting the coolants) as well as a new twist to the dementia both Isaac and Carver suffer. Both men (Gunner Wright and Ricardo Chavira) return to their respected roles, bringing a revamped performance to their characters respectively.
While the gameplay, voice acting and all other elements are still the same brilliant work of the entire game's experience, the only fault with this DLC is that it's short. And when I say short, I mean really, really short. Players can only expect one hour of gameplay. Zero Gs 22 (A fellow game lover) as Isaac and yours truly as Carver finished the entirety of this DLC within little over an hour, so don't expect too much.
Regardless, this DLC will definitely knock you off your feet with it's freaky mind trips, co-op fighting and you can be there as the already rocky relationship between the two men continues to fall.
Out of 10, I give this DLC an 7.5/10
Howdy folks!
To anyone who knows me, I'm a massive Assassin's Creed fan and when Ubisoft has DLC to offer, I jump in joy. The Tyranny Of King Washington sees Connor in a world that he doesn't understand, where pretty much everything is reversed. After finding an Apple of Eden (His staff also possibly a Piece of Eden too) on one of his journeys, the man becomes corrupt and believes he would be the best king for America. As Connor, it's up to you to solve the mystery of this place and take down the Mad King while here in the real world, many people are fueling the flame war.
***WARNING: Pass this point are massive spoilers. Read on at your own risk!***
To describe how the world has change, major plotpoints have been switched around while some are the same. It's clear that the British still lost the Revolution and Washington's commanders are still in place. However, many things that revolve Connor's life are exact opposites.
Connor's mother, Ziio, is still alive whereas Haytham is dead. Haythem was an Assassin instead of a Templar which means the murder of his family never took place or failed. Connor's childhood friend Kanen isn't present, so possibly he was killed by the bear as a teenager and so on.
The storyline is quite well down; details are very scarse but hopefully with two more parts on the way, we might see some answers down the road. The only thing I found slightly odd is the death (again) of Ziio. She died once due to an accident and spoke lovingly to her son before her death, however she sprints at Washington only to die in a blink of an eye. Her role, while meaningful, brings off the feeling that it was kind of meaningless.
***End of massive spoilers***
Musical score is quite well done, with a few brand new pieces; most note worthy is the fight at the village with nearly a hundred Blue Coats flooding towards you. Sound effects are also extremely well done, especially with the new abilities.
The greatest improvement is the vocal acting. Noah Watts as Connor really brought his best work this time around, his work on the game has definitely improved greatly. Side actors did terrific jobs (The voices of Washington and Putnam do seem slightly off) and pulled off the game well.
Gameplay is much of the same but with the change of the Wolf Ability. Invisibility at the drop of the hat comes in handy in many moments, while greatly worked out (As the ability will fail if a guard dog smells you or you get too close to a guard) while the Wolf Pack Sends white, nearly vapent, wolves after all enemies. From trial and error, each wolf can kill a minimum of two enemies before dissapearing. However, there are some bugs.
Clues during missions may not activate, even if you find where they are and require you to restart the mission while some enemies are now prone to stretch apart during death while invisible. (I had this happen twice while fighting my way to some captured allies). These did put me off the game slightly but simply reloading the checkpoint made it quick and easy.
With two more DLC to come, the DLC is definitely in need to spill the beans on a few things while more powers of the Willow Tree may be revealed. Developers stated the DLC is seven hours long; the main storyline is only an hour and a half long but there is plenty more to do and see while Connor continues his role down the strange world.
Out of 10, I give The Infamy an 7.5/10
(This DLC is out now for 800 MSP or $10)
G'day there folks!
It has been many years since I've picked up a Tomb Raider game. Lara Croft has had many adventures but no one has ever seen how she became the woman who she is today. Tomb Raider shows fans, gamers and booty lovers alike how a survivor is born.
Gameplay is extremely fleshed out, every little action has a reaction to either your surroundings or to Lara herself. Drawing your bow will creak slightly and Lara will hold her breath just slightly, harvesting an animal for meat will cause the screen to splatter with light cover of blood and Lara's groans at disgust add to the realism ect ect. However these acts can get a tiny bit annoying over time, even as Lara hardens to the horrible things surrounding her. Which brings me to the vocal acting.
Camilla Laddington makes her video game debut as Lara to which she does an amazing job. Being her first work on a video game is always tough and critics can be harsh, however she performed her role well. Regardless, this is a review and I must be honest. At points, her acting was extremely melodramatic (definition: overacting to push emotional progress) when it came to the normal gameplay. Screaming at thunder despite already been around it for a quarter of the game makes no sense and her constant breathing and staggering even when standing still isn't as effective as it could have been. Her supporting cast really fleshed out and helped create bonds/likability/plot guesses ect and further the storyline.
Graphics, sound effects and musical score are sublime, the scenary is not only frightful but also quite gorgeous, the destruction of the landscape, shelled out WW2 era planes and bunkers to the roaming mountains and forests in the mid of a storm. In true Square Enix fashion, every little step causes a sound effect, especially in the changing weather but the musical score is where the magic is. Music follows you everywhere you go, from the quiet sounds of violins and piano in the sunrise to the booming blast of drums in the heat of fire, the musical score truly adds much depth into the game.
This brings me to the storyline to which I can only describe in one word:
Granted, the beginning gameplay is very enjoyable and the tutorials are extremely helpful, even slowing down gameplay and cutscenes in the heat of the moment truly helps you out. And while the storyline is quite fleshed out and adds in drama, excitement and action, the beginning of the mystery is quite fun but slowly gets more and more predictable, even as I paused gameplay to yell at the screen "I bloody knew it!". The gameplay and furthering storyline does keep you drawn into playing the game, but if you're looking for one huge or many surprises, you won't find much. What confuses me more is the odd cutscenes at times. For example: Despite having a spike go through her side, you never see her directly apply medical care to it, however as she cuts herself later on, after finding a medpack she raps her arm but ignores her spike wound, which she continuously grabs from time to time.
Multiplayer, however, saves face. A evolved leveling system with an easy and plentiful customisation, the online matches feature little to no glitches and the community tends to be on the quiet side. If you're looking for some fun team action, or simply Team Deathmatch, or even Free For All, all the classic modes and more await.
In summery, Tomb Raider delivers what it promised: a well strung out gameplay and storyline of how Lara Croft became the survivalist, became the adventurer and even goes more in depth with her family history. The plot twists and ending is quite predictable to those who pay attention and the acting can be overdone at points, but if you're looking for a game that gives you awesome fight scenes, a slow but even leveling system in the Campaign and a game that draws you back, this might be the one for you.
Out of 10, I give Tomb Raider an 7/10
Good Points
+ Fleshed out gameplay
+ Utterly beautiful graphics & musical score
+ Sound effects are well thought out
+ Multiplayer is awesome
Bad Points
- Voice acting can be melodramatic
- Storyline is predictable
- Some cutscenes are extremely odd
- Some side characters overall pointless, never around
- Lara's heavy breathing = Not sure if me gusta...
- Press Start: BUY OUR DLC!!
Tomb Raider is out now for the standard price of $90
G'day folks!
Since Bungie has moved onto newer projects, 343 has graced the fans with the continuation of the tale of Master Chief, and since Halo 4 has been out for a few months, it's time to focus on some fun achievement hunting!
1: Contact The Domain
10 Gamerscore
This achievement asks you to find at least one terminal during your campaign playthrough. Not too hard, the easiest found is right off at the start of mission Infinity. After the cunscene has played, you'll find yourself in a small corridor with a few other marines. Simply turn around as soon as you are able and there's a terminal waiting for you.
2: Digging Up The Past
20 Gamerscore
This achievement is fairly simple: find Chief's records. After awaking on the Dawn, head out of the room. There will be a staircase heading down immediately to your right. Follow the stairs down and you'll find yourself in a dark corner. Once down the stairs, turn around and you'll see a small screen. Head up towards it, activate it and pow. There you go.
For a 20 Gamerscore achievement, it's extremely easy to get.
3: Explore The Floor
20 Gamerscore
During Chapter 6, as you're heading to your objective, you'll find yourself fighting off two Hunters. The achievement asks you to get one of those Hunters to fall off the side of the cliff. It's easier than you think. Lure one (Or both, it makes it slightly easier) towards the small light bridge and get close. When the Hunter charges, simply jump back or up (You're more likely to go flying if you jump up, but with a jet pack, you'll be safer). With a little luck, he'll fall. If not, just lure him back to the center and repeat.
4: Give Him The Stick
20 Gamerscore
Again, pretty simple. Take out both Hunters with using only your Sticky Detonator. Stick one of them (Works better if you stick his back) and then force the other or the stuck Hunter to charge in the direction of the other. Let go of the trigger, both will be injured. By the time you reload, they'll just be finishing recovering, so fire off on the Hunters or at their feet and let go of the trigger.
Pop goes the hunter and pop goes the achievement.
5: Chief, Smash!
20 Gamerscore
Gotta love the Hulk quote. Chapter 8 is the only mission you will be able, or ever see, a Gravity Hammer. You might want to grab it as this achievement asks you to kill three Crawlers in one hit. It can take a fair bit of luck, but the game does give you the opportunity. Quickly after receiving the Gravity Hammer, you will have to defend the area as Cortana needs time to get into the security network. Possibly hundreds of Crawlers will be heading your way. Just wait until they bunch up or corner you and start wacking. It's best to hit the ground instead of the Crawlers themselves, as hitting one forces most of the damage to that single Crawler. Aiming for the ground and you'll spread the damage around.
And there you have it! A lot of these achievements you can get if you mess around a little bit during the main campaign, there are plenty more achievements out there so remember, have fun and game on!
Howdy folks!
Yes, after a long break, we are finally seeing a return to Five Easy Achievements!
And since the first piece of DLC is set to be released, it's time to get some quick achievements to boost your score!
1: There's Always Peng!
50 Gamerscore
There's been a lot of confusion to where Peng is in the final DS game but here's the simple version: You must be halfway through Chapter 14 in order to find Peng. It can only be found while performing the optional mission in which you must repair the reaper barracks. While using stasis on the spike walls, it hides behind the very spike wall you just ran past. Wait until the wall pushes as far as it can go then stasis it again, Peng will be hiding behind the bars in the far right corner. Use Kinesis to grab the statue and congratulations!
2: Metal Detector
30 Gamerscore
This achievement asks you to deploy a scavenger bot in 15 resource areas. You will run by approximately five following the RIG cursor, but most resource areas aren't too far away from your path. Some take you in the complete opposite direction: most of these will be large grooves cut into the mountainside on Tau Volantis.
There are plenty out there, so I'd advice to pull out your scavenger bot now and again during quiet moments to find these areas. Be warned! Enemies can attack you from behind when you've found the right enclosed area!
3: EMT
25 Gamerscore
This achievement is quite simple: craft a large medpack. You can wait until you have the right amount of supplies to craft one, or one single scavenger bot deployed to a high resource area will more than likely do the trick.
4: Shootbang
10 Gamerscore
Simply put, this achievement asks you to score 30 headshots on soldiers. This can be easily done right from the very first few missions. When you take control of Isaac, you'll be asked to head to a car. Simply ignore your orders, find some cover and wait. The Unitologists will continue to spawn while the Earth Gov men continously scream at you to get to the car. Just sit there for a little while and bam.
5: Under A Buck (Secret Achievement)
10 Gamerscore
I got this achievement without even realising. During Chapter 4, you'll be heading towards the Captain's office. Right before entering the office, there will be a Buck's head hanging on the wall. Simply shoot it off and there you go. You'll get some free salvage for your troubles too.
There you go! Five easy achievements while playing Dead Space 3. There are still so many more, especially in Co-Op, so remember to check your corners and fufill Isaac's latest adventure!