Monday, 4 March 2013

Five Easy Achievments - Dead Space 3

Howdy folks!

Yes, after a long break, we are finally seeing a return to Five Easy Achievements!
And since the first piece of DLC is set to be released, it's time to get some quick achievements to boost your score!

1: There's Always Peng!
50 Gamerscore
There's been a lot of confusion to where Peng is in the final DS game but here's the simple version: You must be halfway through Chapter 14 in order to find Peng. It can only be found while performing the optional mission in which you must repair the reaper barracks. While using stasis on the spike walls, it hides behind the very spike wall you just ran past. Wait until the wall pushes as far as it can go then stasis it again, Peng will be hiding behind the bars in the far right corner. Use Kinesis to grab the statue and congratulations!

2: Metal Detector
30 Gamerscore
This achievement asks you to deploy a scavenger bot in 15 resource areas. You will run by approximately five following the RIG cursor, but most resource areas aren't too far away from your path. Some take you in the complete opposite direction: most of these will be large grooves cut into the mountainside on Tau Volantis.
There are plenty out there, so I'd advice to pull out your scavenger bot now and again during quiet moments to find these areas. Be warned! Enemies can attack you from behind when you've found the right enclosed area!

3: EMT
25 Gamerscore
This achievement is quite simple: craft a large medpack. You can wait until you have the right amount of supplies to craft one, or one single scavenger bot deployed to a high resource area will more than likely do the trick.

4: Shootbang
10 Gamerscore
Simply put, this achievement asks you to score 30 headshots on soldiers. This can be easily done right from the very first few missions. When you take control of Isaac, you'll be asked to head to a car. Simply ignore your orders, find some cover and wait. The Unitologists will continue to spawn while the Earth Gov men continously scream at you to get to the car. Just sit there for a little while and bam.

5: Under A Buck (Secret Achievement)
10 Gamerscore
I got this achievement without even realising. During Chapter 4, you'll be heading towards the Captain's office. Right before entering the office, there will be a Buck's head hanging on the wall. Simply shoot it off and there you go. You'll get some free salvage for your troubles too.

There you go! Five easy achievements while playing Dead Space 3. There are still so many more, especially in Co-Op, so remember to check your corners and fufill Isaac's latest adventure!

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