This is a little late due to my internet being down all last night and me being generally busy all day but...THANK YOU SO MUCH!
12'000 views? That's incredible! All my work over nearly three years has definitely been worth it and I have you to thank you for it!
So many people have helped me on my way, close friends (You know who you are) to people I've formed friendships with such as LittleVMills and RickkMurray. Not only have you and these people helped me develop my YT content but also my content here for you folks.
To show gratitude to you folks, I started my Competition a few days ago but it was over within two and a half hours! That's how dedicated you folks are towards me and I really do appreciate all the help you willingly give.
So just for you, I'm gonna work on my reviews as quickly as I possibly can and I have a bit of news for you folks!
1: Gaming Tales is a new Youtube content I'm going to be bringing onto here also, where I retell some of my memorable gaming moments in my life and also feature some of yours.
2: FIVE EASY ACHIEVEMENTS IS MOVING TO YT! I'm going to be bringing back a fan favourite, now in YT form! It'll be a little less scripted than usual but hopefully it can be a bit more informative.

Well, other than that, things have been normal here in the ol' Fatman stead. Enjoy this random doodle I drew of myself when I was bored during the internet downage.
Thank you all so very much, and as always, have fun and game on!
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