Thursday, 28 August 2014

The Ice Bucket/Cartridge Challenge!

Many thanks to my buddy Blade Butler for nominating me.

I nominate LittleVMills, Murasakimochi and NicePeter!

You can donate to the ALS here!

And you can donate to Child's Play here!

Donate what you can and spread the love. Thanks for watching!

Review: Telltale's The Walking Dead 205 - No Going Back (spoiler free!)

G'day there guys and gals.

(Please note: as No Going Back is the final episode of Season 2, I will be reviewing the final episode as a DLC and rate the season overall out of 10)

With the promise of a Season 3 on the horizon, fans have finally got their hands on the final part of Season 2, No Going Back. Those words could not be more true as this part will truly define the entire experience of the now iconic series.
Episode 5 takes place instantly from the end of the last, the action kicking off immediately and the choices already so slight but heavier than before. No Going Back takes all the previous experience of the game and ups the ante, with every little choice making that much more of the difference. Of course, for spoiler reasons, I won't go into too much detail.
Fans will feel the sting, tears will most definitely be shed as even in dialogue these options weigh heavily on the group and the people within them. Many familiar faces will also reappear in parts and actions will determine how Clementine survives and how she faces the world both mentally and physically. 

Gameplay is once again brilliantly done; simplistic but effective, with a perfect amount of action and narrative in the game. Exploration sadly is limited to a few areas, mostly invisible corridors but these parts are few and can be overlooked by the narrative or action sequences currently happening or otherwise. The soundtrack abandons its recent country feel for a more traditional musical score, giving a deeper and older feel to the game. What I'm about to say about the voice acting is an understatement: No Going Back shows some of the best performances by the cast, especially by Melissa Hutchinson (Clementine) and Gavin Hammon (Kenny). The slightest uttered sentence is beautifully delivered, I can assure fans will most definitely cry at points. While this is more of an adjective observation, some of the smaller parts can be a tad too stereotypical (even one of the major choices was too heavy footed), but these parts eventually fade into the story as differential events and actions, for that it can be forgiven.

What No Going Back does better than any other episode in the series so far is the choices. By far, this episode has the most plot twists, leading to a final climax with about 5 different endings with over 12 separate ways to get there. I will not spoil the ending or which choice you should make but I will leave you, the fan or potential play, one piece of advice that was given at the first episode of Season 1.
"Doing nothing is also a choice."
Regardless, Telltale have brought everything to the kitchen table; fans will rejoice, cry and struggle as the simplistic choice goes wrong very fast, while the newbies may struggle, as there's very little time for handholding. If this is to be your first time, I highly suggest going back to the start. 

Otherwise, I cannot say much more. Last year I fell upon Clementine's story by accident, and now to see it come so far is both heartbreaking and wonderful. It has high and low points overall but what makes a game great is the gameplay, how its story is told and how it plays. In a year and four months, Telltale have left me as a changed man. If you decide to check out any game series this year, Clementine's is an absolute must.

No Going Back: A

Out of 10, I give Telltale's The Walking Dead Season 2 a 10/10


+Utterly brilliant storyline
+Gameplay remains an icon
+Character development is clear and recognisable from the get-go
+Sublime acting by everyone - kudos to them all
+Your choices matter, possibly much more so than S1
+Storyline branches excellently, the game truly develops by choice and how you play
+Musical score/soundtrack sets the mood perfectly
+True suspense/fear/joy from a video game is utterly rare

The Walking Dead Season 2 is out now for collectively $25 and will be released on Next Gen consoles in late October!

Monday, 25 August 2014

Update Vlog video - 25/08/14

Essentially what I wrote about last night but in a convenient video form!

Metro Last Light - Gameplay playlist

G'day there guys and gals!

Since it would be overkill to post all 14 parts in separate posts, if you'd like to watch my walkthrough so far, click to watch the currently released episodes!
I say currently because there's still a few parts to go!

Thanks for watching and as always, have fun and game on!

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Updates - 24/08/14

G'day there guys and gals!

It's been a LONG time since I've posted anything here and I decided it's been long enough since I contributed anything. As always, you folks get the news first. So what have I been up to?
Well for starters, University has been all over me; I'm still rushing to finishing projects and the like and I have very little downtime. If I'm not sleeping, eating, or have anything else of importance, I've been stuck at my desk work my butt off. 
Not only that but I've been sick on and off, trying to have a social life and as always, gaming. And there hasn't been many games released in the last two months that demanded my attention.

BUT I do have some good news.
I can finally start posting my gameplays back onto this channel, so for those unsubbed to my YT account can see them regardless. I know they were a big seller back in the day and I hope you folks can enjoy the Metro Last Light parts, seeing as Redux is released in the next few days. Starting tomorrow I'll be posting all the parts now uploaded here. Not only that but Metro Redux will be getting a DLC review when it's released this week. 
Destiny is also right around the corner and I'll be doing a few videos for that too, more specifically, Fatman's Wacky Adventures and and unboxing video. I was extremely fortunate enough to get my hands on a GHOST EDITION of Destiny. And (knock on wood) if all goes well, (Just in case my preorder doesn't process or something like that) I'll be able to do an unboxing of the Ghost edition on release day.
The Wacky Adventures will most likely be a drinking game, so keep that in mind!

Not only that but Monday-Itis has made a return and I recently started a new hit series, How I Draw, which has become unbelievably popular.

You can see the all new lineup here:

And as for everything else, such as Five Easy Achievements, since I became an avid Achievement Hunter, I've been going back and playing games to get a load of new gamerscore, so expect some new ones in the future! 

Now it's time for some work!
And as always, have fun and game on!

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Review: Titanfall - Frontier's Edge DLC

G'day there guys and gals!

Whether you love or hate the Titanfall DLC, Respawn Entertainment continues to shell out updates with new, better and interesting things, almost following the guideline of fan comments like a bible. Frontier's Edge, much like the first DLC, features three brand new maps and more updates. The maps, named Dig Site, Haven and Export, are the expected beautiful landscape with all out civil war raging within the depths of these landscapes which you can expect to awe at on first playthrough. 

With this update also comes a new system called the Black Market; this new feature allows players to collect points towards purchases, being Titan Insignia (a relatively new system updated a few weeks ago) or Burn Cards packets, ranging from ordinary to legendary. When players also burn unwanted cards, they will earn points towards the Market, depending on the card's rank and worth. This adds more control to players, giving them more chance to earn the rare cards they just can't seem to find, or the new insignia they've been longing for. Hopefully with further updates, regular or newer symbols will be added over time.

Dig Site takes place deep underground in, you guessed it, a massive dig site, accustomed with buildings, giant holes and a massive Bagger 288. Personally this is my favourite map out of the three as it offers large areas that favor snipers, close quarter buildings for those looking for a skirmish and wide and closed in grounds for Titans to battle out upon. 

Haven takes place at a beach resort, with a mass of buildings directly in the center of the map while surrounded by roads, beach sand and waves, giving Titans a chance to circle enemies and charge headfirst into the Pilot battles within the resort. A pretty map to look at, consider Haven the standard of the Titanfall maps: well balanced areas for Pilots with plenty of room for Titans to battle.

Export is a small Milita hometown with a mining facility, all of which sitting on the side of a mountain. The weakest map of the three, this map favors Pilots overall with nothing but buildings for players to fight. What makes this map unique however is the new Environmental Hazard: shooting the specific wires of the drill (Which glow red when ready) emit a powerful electrical pulse, killing enemies nearby to the metal wires exposed. Titans are severally crippled in this map as the "chokehold" areas mentioned in the trailer are indeed massive chokeholds as one friendly Titan placed in Guard Mode in an archway completely destroys any chance of your team advancing on the enemy, while overzealous players trying to jump over the edged platforms may meet a watery death. 
The environmental effects make this map unpredictable and fun but this map is better played with your Titan roaming by itself or not called in at all.

With the further updates that continue to make Titanfall fresh and interesting, each new map added seems to add its own feel to the game, whether it being of frustration of joy. For its asking price being half of what most AAA titles ask for in today's DLC frenzy, Frontier's Edge still adds a degree of fresh fun to the game.

Frontier's Edge DLC: B-

The Frontier's Edge DLC is out now for $5 or free with the Season Pass.