Sunday, 24 August 2014

Updates - 24/08/14

G'day there guys and gals!

It's been a LONG time since I've posted anything here and I decided it's been long enough since I contributed anything. As always, you folks get the news first. So what have I been up to?
Well for starters, University has been all over me; I'm still rushing to finishing projects and the like and I have very little downtime. If I'm not sleeping, eating, or have anything else of importance, I've been stuck at my desk work my butt off. 
Not only that but I've been sick on and off, trying to have a social life and as always, gaming. And there hasn't been many games released in the last two months that demanded my attention.

BUT I do have some good news.
I can finally start posting my gameplays back onto this channel, so for those unsubbed to my YT account can see them regardless. I know they were a big seller back in the day and I hope you folks can enjoy the Metro Last Light parts, seeing as Redux is released in the next few days. Starting tomorrow I'll be posting all the parts now uploaded here. Not only that but Metro Redux will be getting a DLC review when it's released this week. 
Destiny is also right around the corner and I'll be doing a few videos for that too, more specifically, Fatman's Wacky Adventures and and unboxing video. I was extremely fortunate enough to get my hands on a GHOST EDITION of Destiny. And (knock on wood) if all goes well, (Just in case my preorder doesn't process or something like that) I'll be able to do an unboxing of the Ghost edition on release day.
The Wacky Adventures will most likely be a drinking game, so keep that in mind!

Not only that but Monday-Itis has made a return and I recently started a new hit series, How I Draw, which has become unbelievably popular.

You can see the all new lineup here:

And as for everything else, such as Five Easy Achievements, since I became an avid Achievement Hunter, I've been going back and playing games to get a load of new gamerscore, so expect some new ones in the future! 

Now it's time for some work!
And as always, have fun and game on!

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