Please note: this review will be scored in DLC style (A through F) as appropriate with HD/Next Gen remakes. However since I never reviewed the original game, I shall add a quick summary score.
Arguably more infamous than many other titles in gaming history, Grand Theft Auto V launched late last year to record setting numbers, selling more copies and making more dough than the entire music industry last year. With that kind of publicity comes controversy; even now the game is being pull off shelves in Australia by the idiotically informed, Lindsay Lohan continuing her ridiculous claims to copyright infringement and so on. But for all the hatred, the game is an utter masterpiece of gameplay.
With the next gen release, the game has seen one massive improvement to gameplay, that being First Person Mode, a very first for the GTA series. This mode, while simplistic, brings a whole new life to the game; car interiors, further weapon detail and so much more realism than before. My first thoughts on playing in first person were of the Oculus Rift: if the Rift could be used during gameplay, it would most definitely be the best real life simulator to date. Also added was a brand new soundtrack, which made gameplay all the more enjoyable: personally making it through the entire storyline before hearing a song repeat. Speaking of repeats, all currently released DLCs were also added for free, with a bonus amount of cash for those who preordered the game, giving $500'000 both in Campaign and Online.
This brings me to Online; as returning gamers will remember, the Online launch was an absolute trainwreck from server overload, many of the issues taking weeks to be resolved. What about this time? Not a single problem to report. I've put in a fair few hours already exploring the world and other than some movement lag, nothing game breaking or connectivity issues to mention. This is incredibly positive to report as Rockstar has also reported that the long awaited Heists will be coming in the next Update.
Although I should be covering this review more extensively, this is but a small summary of what there is in the next gen compilation. Online character transfer is simple and surprisingly quick, allowing players to change their appearance to accommodate the new style options, with a huge variety in the facial features.
To stop rambling and keep this short, even if the release price is exactly the same as when it released last year, the added content, further updated graphics and gameplay and new features to the wildlife and exploration make the extra price so worth it. Playing with friends, randoms online or just the story, Grand Theft Auto V has once more cemented its place in the hearts of gamers worldwide, giving endless hours of enjoyment to come. A must own in 2013 and again in 2014.
Original Grand Theft Auto V: 9/10
Nex Gen Grand Theft Auto V: B+
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