*Please note: Since Telltale games are originally released in episode form, this review will be rated in my DLC form (A through F) until all episodes are released.
Also, spoiler alert for anyone unfamiliar to the show/books or episode one! Tread carefully!*
Putting aside the current issues with the episode with Xbox users, currently I have bitten the bullet and continued on with the game, playing against my choices from episode one. What I found was a great new part to the growing series, even if a little off at times.
The gameplay has been upgraded ever so slightly with the new addition of timed Quick Time Even, waiting for the proper time to press the correct response, as well as a return of First Person firing view from the first season of The Walking Dead. Sound effects are standard and repeat often (especially when at the Wall or Castle Black) but at least voice sounds such as grunts and groans are improved on (a small mention I made from episode one).
Graphics are just as great as ever, each scene looking like an old fashioned oil painting, although those who succumb to motion sickness easily may wish to tread carefully, especially so during action scenes as the fast moving characters can often revert to pixelated blurs.
So let us get down to the real bulk of episode 2; storyline and voice acting. Bringing in Episode 2 brings everybody's favourite bastard who knows nothing, Jon Snow, voiced by the Kit Harrington and while he does do a fine job, oddly at points he sound...dull and flat, bored if you will. Peter Dinklage and Natalie Dormer return to their respected roles and knock it out of the park (admittedly I was sad to see so little of Natalie) and the rest of the cast does well, the new addition (for spoiler reason I won't say who) does awesome and adds real depth to the Forrester family as well.
Storyline wise, there isn't much to say without giving it away; while not as shocking as the first episode, the game does offer a lot of plot twists and surprises, your choices from the first episode barely making a mention most of the time but well on their way leading up to a huge conflict between all involved, even those ever so slightly touching on the matter.
That being said, the ending itself is gorgeously done and quite meaningful, especially to House Forrester and the choices both of Ethan and those you play. While not overly impressive as the first episode, The Lost Lords does well to build up the coming fight, the building tension and set the scene for the future episodes.
Like chess pieces on a board, episode 2 is decent set up to a winning strategy. Just shy of greatness.
Telltale's Game Of Thrones Episode 2 - The Lost Lords: B-
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