Monday, 16 November 2015

Fallout 4/TTGoT Review updates

G'day there guys and gals!

By now, you're probably wondering where my review for Fallout 4 is, and I'm here to tell you that it is most definitely on its way! This is my first absolutely fresh Fallout game and I'm trying to be as wide range with my experience as I possibly can to give you folks a better understanding.
And yes, don't worry, I'm keeping track of my bugs so far. 
As for Telltale's Game of Thrones, I did originally write pieces for the first two parts but I decided against writing more due to my hiatus for University. I'll be doing a full review and score after the final episode is released in a few days.

Past those two...I don't really have any other plans for the moment, but I'll be reviewing what I can, when I can. Don't forget to check out my twitter page for updates, news and just general tweeting.

Otherwise, it's business as usual. I'll still be chugging along with University. I hope to be finished shortly after my next birthday, which is coming up in a few months.
Speaking of birthdays, The GameCave will make its 5th birthday this coming Thursday! Despite beginning as a hobby, I'm so glad to see people still take an interest in this site over so many years. Perhaps one day I can make a career out of it, or better yet, someone could review one of my games for a change!

All that aside, thank you for your continuing support and well wishes to you all.

And as always, have fun and game on!

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