Very recently, Rooster Teeth has released their in progress game RWBY: Grimm Eclipse onto Steam Early Access due to overwhelming support from the fans of the show and the community at large. And thanks to my old friend Simon, I obtained a copy of the game in early access. Since the game is in early access and a full review is unnecessary here, the following is a short list of pros, cons and suggestions for the game in its current state.
(Please note: This list will be updating as the game updates over time)
- All four characters of the RWBY team are playable straight from the get-go, and have unique abilities to their fighting style
- Even on Potato quality, the game still looks incredibly good.
- Each character has unique dialogue when approaching/engaging/defeating a task. (Personally, my favourite is Ruby's "explosion" sounds)
- Grimm attacks are also fleshed out and unique, some offering an offense = defense attack or some plain disappearing to attack from behind.
- Commentary voice acting and the RWBY team are excellently well done.
- Gameplay is simplistic, but fun, especially with friends.
- Gameplay objectives can be a taaaaad repetitive. Understandably due to the shortness of the game, but variety is the spice of life.
- Players cannot select a different character from the menu if they please. They must leave mid match or crash.
- Revival time limit is too long, especially when playing with one other friend.
- Weiss' Nova attack, when upgraded, is utterly overpowered, wiping out weak or strong Grimm alike in a single move. Most players play as her for this move alone. Perhaps take its damage down a tad.
- Allow players to change characters mid-game. Sometimes a character doesn't suit their style of gameplay.
- Allow custom controls. Personally, pressing numbers for my special moves is a tad irritating.
- Increase HUD size. I didn't realise Aura was my health/shield bar until much too late in the game!
- Apply XP bonuses to teammates. Every mission is a mad dash for players to get to each box first and collect their XP. That and with all three teammates playing as Weiss, players cannot get much XP outside completing tasks and the few Grimm the others miss.
- More characters please! I understand Grimm Eclipse is a RWBY story but personally I'd love to play as Penny or Pyrrha.
- Customisation? Early screenshots of the game showed colour swaps for players using the same character. These would be okay, but RWBY's alternative costumes would definitely be a big plus.
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