The following is my recollected notes on the latest Call of Duty beta! Admittedly they aren't as wide based as previous Beta Notes have been, but otherwise if you missed out on the chance to play it, this may give you an idea!
See you in November for the game's full release! Keep an eye out for the review!
- Appears to be set after DDay for the MP. Beach established and signs welcoming recruits
- FIVE classes:Infantry, Airborne, Armored, Mountain, Expeditionary. Each has their own weapon class, skill and training.
- Decent Customisation: Set faces to choose from both male and female (POC included), Card, emblems and clan tags make a reappearance (Although only set choices). Hopefully more in full release.
- Killstreaks renamed Scorestreaks: So far only 8 have appeared in the Beta:Molotov Cocktails, Recon Aircraft, Care Package, Mortar Strike, Glide Bomb, Fighter Pilot, Artillery Barrage, Paratroopers (To replace dogs I assume)
- Divisions can be reselected and chosen at will, but weaponry must be unlocked with Tokens earned by levelling up
- Weapon Attachments unlocked the more you use the weapon.
- “Basic Training” includes 12 options available to unlock, which act as your perks: collecting ammunition, have two primary weapons, reload faster while sprinting etc
- Top 3 players can emote whole being shown off
- End-game killcam highlights best kill of round, not the final one, of either team.
Beta Playlist
- Modes are as follows: Team Deathmatch – 8 to 12 players, 10 minutes limit to 100 Points
Hardpoint – 8 to 12 players, 5 minute time limit to 250 points
Most Pit – 6 to 12 players, 10 minute time limit to 100 points
War – 10 to 12 players, time and score unlimitedNew addition of War: “A Furious Allied vs Axis battle across the war-torn village of St.Lo, France.” All out onslaught against enemies.
Beta Experience
- End-game killcams seem to lag and glitch during playback
- Player running feels halted and sluggish, until a few seconds in and they run incredibly fast.
- Lag in beta rating: Often. Appears to happen midway during matches while skipping killcams.
- Having the ability to be near enemy spawn – randomise player spawn across map or not have players spawn together in groups outside initial spawn
- Cannot fire weapons while in LT zoom animation: Bad luck for quick scopers
- Maps are evenly distributed: elongated areas for sniping, close quarter areas for fighting.
- Machine gun turrets appear often on maps at fixed positions.
- Near-instant respawn times can wrack up high K/Ds and killstreaks.
- Sub Machine/rifles have fairly accurate recoil on firing.
- Graphics and setting change from bleak and dreary to bright and colour settings. Fighting takes place at various locations on the western front of the war.
- Player Divisions act as Classes; pick a faction and your weaponry for it.
- Beta Weapons were limited to 3-4 for each section. More to come likely.
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