Origins takes place in the last few decades of the BC era, following a Medjay most commonly called Bayek of Siwa. After the death of his son at the hands of men known only as the Order of Ancients, Bayek swears revenge for his son and seeks these people out to put his son's soul to rest and discover why his son had to die.
The gameplay is one of the betters in the series, setting itself out with a new combat systems. Enemies no longer wait in turns to die and will attack you at random, or at once, which forces you into much more tactical means of fighting rather than the tried and true "Hidden-Blade-Pwnage" method. Players can use Overcharge abilities with a set of different weapon types (Two blades, spear, heavy weapons, swords of different types etc), each with their own ability to wear down enemy health. Quick and heavy attacks also play center stage alongside bows, which also range (no pun intended) with different stats to your liking. Gone is the ability to fight solely with the Hidden Blade, although it does make an appearance and helps immensely with hidden attacks. Enemies are all different levels and pose a much bigger threat if you travel beyond your region's max level. Fighting from horse/carriage back, flaming weaponry, poison/bleeding effects on weapons and shields, Ubisoft has gone all out in changing the combat in the series, even as far as to reinvent the ship fights! This is all I will say here, as I want you to explore it for yourself! I'll talk about the customisation at a later point.
The story is satisfactory, but does lack in somewhat as you progress. The first hour is just upright confusing (the use of jumpcuts in time and no explanation will confuse you - especially Bayek's reasoning), while the ending tends to have too many climaxes that experiencing so much action feels like the final boss, but isn't. By the time you get there (which is a repeated boss fight), and the final big moment that almost anyone who knows history would see coming, it's almost a let down. BUT the middle, and what will ultimately take up most of your time, is excellent in building the world and the story around you. There are parts here and there that seem rushed or could have been missed, but are still well worth it.
I should at this point mention the modern day story; you are Layla, a contracted Abstergo employee wannabee in hiding, using an Animus you have built yourself. We discover a lot about her background (including that the events of the AC Movie are now Canon to the series), but other than a few hints here and there, it seems what little remained of the original modern day story has been pushed aside. There are a few guesses we can make with its ending, but nothing concrete.
The sound effects are fantastic and the team behind them need to be commemorated, especially in coordination with the graphics. Water effects are one of the best I've seen in modern video games, and the fact that each dive into its depths shows something interesting or new is something that still leaves me wanting more and to go back. Ubisoft has included a Camera mode inside the game and for obvious reasons, as the game (especially on the new Xbox One X) looks incredible. Animations are fluid, mouth syncs are great in game and cutscene and each flows very well.
Musical score is very well done, suiting to the game well, although I do wish there were more moments while roaming that music would play, even Fallout style, just to kill the silence while in the desert. The Ezio Family strings of course hit the nostalgia nerve very well, but I'm glad it didn't play center stage here like it has in the past where it didn't suit.
Voice acting is well done and coordinated effectively. NPCs are a little off here and there, but this boils down mostly to the children in game (Same Voice Syndrome strikes most here) and can be excusable. Abubakar Salim as Bayek was a great choice who works well to develop a much needed torn character; one who is hell bent of saving his son's soul but also kind and gentle and loving, which is quite refreshing to see.
I also want to mention that massive amount of customisation present in the game; from garments to weapons, there is a huge selection of choice to make, and upgrading your equipment allows you to keep your favourite weapons throughout the series of the game, which is rarely seen these days. To address the elephant in the room, yes there are microtransations in the game and the Time Savers do help a fair bit, but honestly it's much empty a few garrisons out of men, loot and all their weapons to get money than it is to use RWC to buy the currency in game (especially the crystals you'll need to upgrade your gear). It's moments like these as to why I mention customisation in a review, as its these moments that really help immerse a player into the game: I was obsessed with upgrading one particular sword because Bayek was attached to it. I hunted down Level 40 killers, I did plenty of side missions, all the while using this sword to upgrade it as far as I could. These are the things that keep players engaged long after the story is finished. The main story is roughly 20-30 hours long, with heaps of things to explore along the way (I haven't had a bad Side Mission yet), with plenty more to explore as you level Bayek slowly but surely.
With open world games, there are plentiful of bugs and issues, and I found quite a lot. I had two crashes, where the game paused for so long I was pushed back to the main menu. The game also froze quite a lot, and traveling across the map cause everything to pause while it loaded. Plenty of floating rocks, unloaded textures and glitches in NPCs are out there in the world, and I did experience one frozen side mission where a NPC failed to load where he needed to be at mission's end (Blood In The Water side mission). These did take me out of the experience and thus needed to be mentioned here.
Chariot racing, War Elephant attacks, Gladiator missions, the mass amount of side missions littered over the map, tracing the stars, finding the hidden tombs, exploring the Pyramids of Giza, traversing across the deserts (while I had the Prince of Egypt soundtrack blaring), Assassin's Creed Origins gives the series a new RPG-eske breath of fresh air into the series and I thoroughly enjoyed my time in it. At around 50 hours have I finally decided to take a break, as my side missions are starting to run thin. From mild to hardcore fan, I do recommend this series without a doubt.
It does have its bugs and faults: the main story begins to drag by the time you begin to focus your energy on the final Order members, and obvious heartbreaking moments lose their punch when you've known the character for less than two cutscenes, but nevertheless, I enjoyed this game without a doubt and definitely are looking forward to replaying from the beginning soon.
RPG fans rejoice, and welcome to the Brotherhood.
Assassin's Creed Origins - 8/10
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