Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Top 10 List of 2017

Happy holidays to all of you!

I know reviews slowed down massively this year, but maaaan has it been crazy so far. Considering Christmas is only a couple days away and nothing too major is releasing between here and the end of the year, once more, here are my top ten picks of the year!
Do you agree? Disagree? Have any of your own? Let me know!

10: For Honor
The ultimate question was answered earlier this year: who would win in a fight between a knight, samurai or viking? Despite its issues, it was a fantastic game with a brilliant balance between gameplay, with a solid storyline, customisation and leveling system. The community is still holding up, considering the state of many other online games this year, and I'd definitely recommend it to history fans for an alternative look, or a group of people looking to experiment outside your standard fighting games.

9: Infinite Mini Golf
A shot-in-the-dark purchase, I was incredibly surprised by this game, and I'm happy to say its online community is thriving. Players can experience custom made maps of their own or the community, or simply play through the standard. Huge customisation in characters, simplistic but easy to use controls, IMG is the 3D Ultra MiniGolf of the new generation of consoles. I hope the devs release a DLC pack of new buildable maps!

8: Call of Duty: WW2
"Boots on the ground" was the rally call of the COD Dev team this year around, and it has most certainly brought back the old fans while attracting the new. While lacking in multiplayer maps, what are there are well balanced, easy to pick up and fun to play. The campaign was well written and acted, with great moments from world war history (With a few exaggerations here and there). Gameplay in the campaign was also mixed up from your standard run and gun, which was excellent to see.
Maybe now...back to WW1? More Aussie rep?

7: Mass Effect: Andromeda
Yes, we know about the glitches and how its now been reduced to its multiplayer side, but what remains is a solid game. Each world is incredibly massive with plenty of side missions. The campaign's story is unique to the series and does well to separate itself from the main series. Great customisation, surprising choices nearing the end of the game, and while it does lack the punch of the original series, it's definitely worth your play, especially considering its current pricing.
Fingers crossed for that DLC. Or at least a Trilogy remaster.

6: Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Admittedly, I'm quite zombie-d out. But my adoration for this game was able to enthrall in its story. Dynamic characters were absolutely essential and the crew nailed it. The graphics are beautifully horrifying and the gameplay is unique to the series. While it does contain jumpscares galore, its atmosphere and rarity of supplies help push this game high on the list. While I haven't had time to play the DLC, I'm still hoping this game causes a trend in the series.

5: South Park: The Fractured But Whole
There are jokes here and there that I still don't get (considering I haven't watched the show in some time - pay tv in Australia is expensive), but overall the game is damn solid. the jokes are raunchy, freaky, and a mirror pointed directly at society. The story is solid and works well, and while areas do feel somewhat rushed, the gameplay is excellent and works! I was admittedly skeptical when it was announced, but it feels natural to play. A must own for sure.

4: Horizon: Zero Dawn.
The first PS exclusive to the yearly list and I'm so glad its this one. I tend to not play much of my playstation because, as a man with giant monkey hands, my hands tend to cramp during use. I played this game so long and often my hands were claws by the end of sessions. I didn't stop because I wanted to, I stopped because I felt my hands exploding if I didn't. I'm so upset I missed my window to review this game: the gameplay is fantastic, the story is great, the graphics are breathtaking, the world is brilliant, I cannot love this game more. Find it cheap, buy it, love it forever, and play the DLC for me!

3: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
It has been quite some time since I've been so captivated from a game unlike this one. Very rarely I play a game immediately after finishing, let alone five times in a row. But Breath of the Wild had so much to explore. I'm sure by now the average gamer has heard enough about the game, but hopefully I'm the tipping point for you. The gameplay is excellent, the story works perfectly, the graphics are stunning and everything clicks, from customisation to sound effects. The story's main beats tend to repeat in themes, but are executed in different ways, and the game is changed by how you play. You want to take on Ganon immediately after the tutorial? You're welcome to! Hell, some people do it before!
If you can afford a Switch, this is an absolute must buy.

2: Assassin's Creed: Origins
"Like a breath of fresh air". The amount of times I've heard that spoken when fans and newbies speak of this is unending. To this day, I still hear it discussing the game. The setting has been one wanted by the community for a long time and its huge open world definitely helped it. A giant customisation system unseen in the series before, a unique storyline (albeit ret-conning a few things from the OG here and there), and excellent gameplay shot this game up in the charts and was much needed. What makes this game so great is simply how much there is to do. When it comes to certain games, there is one fact that will sell a game to the hardcore gamer: you get the feeling that there's too much to do. If you buy this game you will feel that too.

Now give us Feudal Japan already, Ubisoft. I haven't forgotten the AC Rising Sun teases.

1: Splatoon 2
When this game first came out, I admittedly looked past it. It was aimed at kids, to get their fix of a shooter game on the child friendly console, and at the time, I was still infused with finding every last Korok seed. All it took was one friend asking me to buy it and try it.
I have been hooked ever since.
Almost 190 hours later, I can safely say that this is a must own game on the Switch. The gameplay is excellent and works with both people who can handle movement controls or not. The customisation options are great, the campaign is simple, but gives a good sense of direction over what weapons work for your playstyle. The customisation is massive, the maps work excellently in the Lobby, Salmon Run has become a "Stop-Everything-And-Play-It" moment in my life and it doesn't appear to have a stopping point for me at this time. Hell, I'm racing through this review because Salmon Run is on and I want to earn me those Golden Eggs!

What holds this above my favourite series of all time and the game that I spent days playing is just how great the gameplay feels, how it rewards even bad players and simply how fun it can be for kids and adults alike. Games are enthralling until the last second, as one guy with no opposition can give you that .1 percent in inking territory to give your team the win. Surviving that hectic match of Salmon Run only to get some sweet RNG boosters out of it is excellent!
I can go on but Salmon Run calls. Just like the top 3, this is an absolute must buy for new Switch owners. Play with your kids and learn to "Booyah!" when you smoke three enemies at once and ink their turf!

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