Sunday, 20 May 2018

E3 2018 Coverage Preparation

G'day one and all!

E3 is a few short weeks away, so in preparation I'm happy to officially announce the return of TLDR Info, which I'm now rebranding to a far better name: Checkpoint!
Because I'm a sucker for puns, both writing and gaming wise.

That being said, I'll be following as many Conferences as possible and reporting on the key information and games being announced for those who don't want to sit up all night for a few clips.
The following is the timetable, with links to their Twitch and Youtube Accounts. 

(Please note the times used below are for AEST. Special thanks to falconbox on reddit, check out their post for E3 showing times in your area!)

EA: 4am, Sunday June 10th

Microsoft: 6am, Monday June 11th
Twitch, Youtube

Bethesda: 11:30am, Monday June 11th
Twitch, Youtube

Ubisoft: 6am, Tuesday June 12th
Twitch, Youtube

Playstation: 11am, Tuesday June 12th
Twitch, Youtube

Nintendo: 2am, Wednesday June 13th
Twitch, Youtube

See you all on E3 2018!

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