1: Final Editions of Current Gen Consoles
It's no big secret that we're in the last few years of the Current Gen consoles. Technology is constantly upgrading and updating and the next wave of consoles is approaching in the coming years. In previous generational releases, Microsoft and Sony have been known to release one final wave before the end of their lifespan. We have the PS4 Pro, we have the Xbox One X, now we simply need their upgraded forms. Small improvements to overall quality, better UI and most importantly, larger internal storage.
1TB simply isn't enough for the modern gamer. We need more, without the requirement of external hard drives.
2: Updated Console Controllers
If you follow me on any social media, you'll often hear me complain of my big, monkey sized hands. Doing everything, even writing this, is cramping my hand and hurting to write. One of the many reason I'm an Xbox fan is because their controllers are so much larger and fit my hands easier. With the return of the Duke hitting Australia next month, I'm ecstatic for its release, but there are other consoles out there I use that need an upgrade.
Sony, Nintendo, I need larger controllers. Please I beg you.
3: Elder Scrolls?
Fallout 76 is looking to be one of the big launching points for Bethesda's conference this year, but many fans are left wondering where the rest of their timeslot is going. Skyrim has been re-released so often that it's become a meme to even mention new Elder Scrolls games at this point. With Skyrim on the Switch and now ESO Summerset's release, the time is perfect for another Elder Scrolls to take center stage.
It has been seven years since Skyrim first released. The time is now Bethesda.
4: Jet Set Radio Future
There has been absolutely no word on this from Sega or anyone from this speculation, and this is just pure hope from a die-hard fan of the game. But fans of the old game have been kicking up a storm of a HD remake, a remaster, or even a new game in the series, since Splatoon 2's eerily similar grinding controls made an appearance.
It has been 16 years since the cult classic game was released, and fans have been left out in the cold. Even making it a part of Xbox's Backwards Compatible system would be celebrated with fans. Speaking of...
5: Backwards Compatibility Overhaul
Microsoft has had a lot of success with porting the original classics of our childhoods to the current gen, many fans and critics alike praising this decision. Xbox has almost 500 games now in their selection, while slowing releasing Original Xbox titles as they're approved for release. The more it grows the more fans are asking: when is Sony and Nintendo joining in?
Sony has the Playstation Now streaming service and Nintendo is introducing classics when paid online service comes but this needs to be pushed hard, furthering the options and libraries. All the original Pokemon titles on the Switch, the original God of War games from Sony, etc. The last few years have proven a strong fact.
Nostalgia sells.
That does it from me, my next posts here will be of my new E3 coverage posts, Checkpoint. Have a great E3 and enjoy the ride!
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