Personally speaking, it's earned the right to brag.
Of course there isn't much to report on this game, as what little story there is resides in the set up of the world; taking place in the Titanfall universe, Apex Legends sets itself on the outer edge of the galaxy where legends of the battlefield compete in small teams to become Champion and achieve fame and glory among their peers.
Players can choose up to six legends (with two locked away until bought/earned through gameplay) with various skills and abilities that range from scanning nearby enemies, healing teammates, creating ziplines for faster movement and so on.
Gameplay is surprisingly fun; the Titanfall controls make a comeback (with some slight alterations), so anyone who has played those games or any shooter will pick it up quite fast. Titanfall has always prided itself on its fast paced and fluid combat, which is also present. Some were worried about the lack of key features from said games, such as wall running and Titans, but I'm happy to say that their lack of presence here doesn't detract from the fun.
Musical score, for what's there, is fairly well done and does well to make those moments epic and massive. Sound effects are tight and well balanced, voice acting is surprisingly well done with some high named voice actors. Graphics are bright and while a little simplistic, suit the world and make it seem almost comical.
While I haven't found any major game breaking bugs, the closest I've experienced is a KTD after being inactive on the main screen for too long, and have clipped through the world twice (both at Airbase) when downed.
In full honesty, I've never been one for Battle Royal games. I played Fortnite and was unimpressed, the same for Black Ops 4. But it seems the genre has finally found its fit for me in this release. Although it features heavy microtransactions, all can be unlocked or created with loot boxes, earned naturally every time you level up or bought. For whats here, addictive and fun gameplay, all for a completely free game, I find myself thoroughly impressed. Jazz it up with Titan included battles, or similar modes, and I see a long life for this game ahead.
But please don't let this replace Titanfall 3. I beg you EA.
Apex Legends: 8/10
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