Tuesday 18 December 2012

Last words of 2012

Howdy folks!

Well, as we near the end of the year, you can see I've posted a few new videos which I hope you enjoy. While the "End Of The World" is only a few days away I thought since I don't usually post written blogs here, I might as well do it now, properly.
I've been writing reviews, tips, easy-to-get achievements and more for the past two years here, all starting because I felt that all the online reviewers were slowly becoming too business-like and lacked the passion and love the average gamer has for all their games. It dawned on me that if I, the average gamer, wrote a review about games, it might give newcomers a better idea to what they might like and prefer. As I write these words I have over 9'000 views on this blog, (Insert Dragonball Z joke here) and I never thought it would continue to grow, I doubted that I'd even get as high as it is now and for that, I truly have to thank you. Whether you're a viewer, a subscriber to my Youtube channel or just a passer-by looking for an honest opinion about a DLC you've been looking at, I truly thank you for all the support over these last two years.
As 2013 approaches, and with many fantastic game titles soon coming out, I can only hope that you continue to enjoy my work.

On a serious note, the Fable review will be coming shortly, but since Christmas is now a week away, things are definitely becoming hectic. There will be a shortage of videos until the new year due to me taking a personal break, a thing I have never done before, the exception being unscheduled events such as family issues, funerals and things such like that. However some reviews and Five Easy Achievements will pop up between here and there.
But I digress.
I sincerely thank you for all the support over the years and I look forward to bringing more reviews, silly videos and gaming news in 2013.
From Al Fatman to you, merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa and stay safe over the holiday period.

And as always, have fun and game on!

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