Sunday 16 February 2014

Updates - 2/16/14

G'day there guys and gals!

It's been a long while since I've written one of these and of course, those who come back regularly are probably noticing a lot of differences here. SO, let me explain.
For the last four years, I've written reviews, easy achievement guides, made videos and gameplays not only to entertain the bored people of the Internet but to supply you all with my #1 goal since day one: unbiased, 100% truthful reviews. So I've moved from being fatmanxviii to The GameCave, as you can plainly see.
Secondly, I'm still trying to write reviews for Betas and I've done a fair few in the last few weeks. I'll be bringing a lot more in the future, as well as future Five Easy Achievements. They were originally going to be moving to video but since I've started University, I just haven't had any time. Typing is much quicker that filming, editing, rendering and uploading a video, so expect some coming soon, Fable Anniversary will be the first.

Lastly, I want to mention that Blogspot is still being a massive pain when trying to sync videos, especially since Blogspot has moved to primarily Google+ and my Youtube account has all it's videos on the original setting. I do have one method which I'll try shortly after posting this. I'll be posting brand new gameplays soon that I'd love to share.
Also, just as a mention, it's occurred to me that this blog has been allowed Monetization for ads. I'm still highly considering doing this but for now, I'll keep this site ad free. I'd love to get paid to do what I enjoy but for now, I will only keep it consideration.

Well, that's about it! Take care and as always, have fun and game on!

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