Thursday 6 March 2014

Review: Telltale's Walking Dead S2 E2: A House Divided

G'day there guys and gals!

*Please note: Telltale's Walking Dead Season 2 is released in episode form. For now, each episode will receive a DLC ranking (A through F) and the full experience by the end will receive a numbered rating*
This review is 100% spoiler free, for both Season 1 and 2! Read freely!

The return of Telltale's Walking Dead was seen with much rejoicing and happiness as players were able to take the lead with Clementine who, for the entirety of Season 1, was mainly a side character but was heavily liked by the community. Older and wiser, Episode 1 of the new season saw Clementine make mistakes, decisions and take the charge of her own choices through the teachings of Lee. Episode 2 picks up moments after the previous episode and thus, we start again.

Without giving away the story of either this episode or the entirety of Season 1, fans and newbies will still be able to find something to like and enjoy about this particular episode. Players will have about two hours of gameplay and of course, decisions to make both hazardous and moral. A little sad factor to mention is the amount of time playable throughout the episode; around an hour of the gameplay is nothing but lengthy cutscenes, with no chance for any exploration and fixed in one way motion with mostly Quick Time Events. The only decent chance to explore comes near the end of the game, with very few puzzles to solve. Fans looking for the action side of the series will be disappointed for a majority of the game while die-hard fans will find each payoff acceptable/overwhelming depending on previous choices. Voice acting and musical score were, once again utterly amazing, the monotone moments of the previous episode completely gone. Take note also that sound effects and graphics are also of the same high standard quality.

Overall, fans both diehard and casual will find this episode enjoyable, with no doubt in mind about that. New fans may be slightly disappointed with the lack of the content this time around, but hold hope that Telltale's promise of more next time in Episode 3 may be a possibility. Regardless, Episode 2 is a fine purchase and worthy of your time.

Telltale's Walking Dead S2E2: A House Divided = B rank

Episode 2 is out now for $6.50 or $24 for Season Pass.

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