Monday 25 January 2016

Jan 2016 Update - Apps/Electronics and E3 Reviews!

G'day there guys and gals! And happy 2016!

Yep, you read that title right; for the first time in years, The GameCave will now offer regular App/Electronic reviews and a return of E3 notes!
In the past, I've made several reviews in regards to products for the Xbox consoles (such as third party controllers, recharging docks, etc) to well success and during my comeback from hiatus of last year with a review on Fallout Shelter, it was also just as well received.

And with E3 also now just around the corner, I'm happy to announce that reviews for Apps, electronics and E3 will now be a full time offer from GameCave!
In regards to this, I'll be reviewing any Apps suggested or currently used, despite of release date, the same with electronics. As for E3, I'll be making key notes of specific conferences and posting them here as well.

So that's it! Expect App/electronic reviews to be smaller than standard reviews but otherwise, it's business as usual! I'm still incredibly busy with University, which must take priority, but again I'll be reviewing whenever possible.

And as always, have fun and game on!


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