Friday 10 June 2016

E3 2016 Preparations!

G’day guys and gals!

Despite the cold wind and rain of Australian Winter, I could not be more heated up and excited for E3 2016, and it’s only a couple of days away!

So this post is a friendly reminder that I’ll be restarting the old fan-favourite posts of E3’s press conferences!
I dub it:
“TLDR Info E3 2016”!
Basically, it’s a short and sweet post with key information about upcoming titles, details and basically any goings on, just to keep it fresh.
If you can’t stay up all night to watch the press conferences live, have work/school in the way or just can’t be bothered to sit and listen to people yack for an hour and a bit, then my summaries will be perfect for you!

The following is what I’ll be covering this year:

  • EA
  • Bethesda
  • Microsoft
  • PC Gaming Show (Hopefully!)
  • Ubisoft

All of these will be posted under the title of “TLDR Info E3 2016” with the title of the company.

Have a great E3!
And as always, have fun and game on!

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