G'day folks!
I was gonna create a video about this, but with thunderstorms from the summer heat and random rain, my internet is barely holding together. So just a quick update to my doings.
As you may have seen, I was finally able to recieve Skyrim for Christmas, and in all honesty, I've barely put it down since I got it! Other random titles I've been playing for a distraction: Metro 2033, Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, Dead Space 2 ect. I've been able to catch up on my sleep, which is really needed for the next two weeks, the extra bonus being able to play the game without having to judge it and just enjoying it. Don't get me wrong! Im still taking notes for all upcoming reviews and all that, but for now, I just want to enjoy the holiday season for as long as I can.
Also, all normal gaming videos will resume in the following weeks of my return here, as well as my secret video...one I promised a while back, but it will take a long time to put together...so please keep an eye out!
Thanks very much for reading, and as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Monday, 26 December 2011
Gone Fishin'!
G'day guys and gals!
Well, with Outtakes uploaded, its time for me to take a break!
I'm still gonna be playing online, so if you want a gaming session, send me a message on Xbox Live.
But apart from work, I'm gonna catch up on my Z's. I won't be gone for long, and when I return, its straight to business! I'll be writing reviews for all the games on my list (hopefully Skyrim too) and I'll be back to the videos, with my secret one hopefully coming up.
I'll see you folks on the flipside!
Check above to see my gamertag cause, as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman
Well, with Outtakes uploaded, its time for me to take a break!
I'm still gonna be playing online, so if you want a gaming session, send me a message on Xbox Live.
But apart from work, I'm gonna catch up on my Z's. I won't be gone for long, and when I return, its straight to business! I'll be writing reviews for all the games on my list (hopefully Skyrim too) and I'll be back to the videos, with my secret one hopefully coming up.
I'll see you folks on the flipside!
Check above to see my gamertag cause, as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman
Fatman's Outtakes Episode 3 - Bad Editing!
Enjoy my bad editing and timing! When I was properly singing the song, I forgot you had to sing it normally for the extra lyrics to work. When I was a kid, we'd used to sing the extra lyrics at public gatherings and embarrass our parents! Well, at least my friends and I did...
Just imagine a warm Christmas Eve....people sing it sweetly and all you hear are kids screaming "LIKE A LIGHTBULB!"
Ahh....good times.
Thanks for watching!
Just imagine a warm Christmas Eve....people sing it sweetly and all you hear are kids screaming "LIKE A LIGHTBULB!"
Ahh....good times.
Thanks for watching!
Sunday, 25 December 2011
FGT Short - Shirt!
Have a merry Christmas! One more video and then I'll be back on the 7th!
Thanks for watching!
Have a merry Christmas! One more video and then I'll be back on the 7th!
Thanks for watching!
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Review: Mass Effect
G'day there folks!
Regarded as the "game to change game construction and development", Mass Effect truly changed the way games are played, created and developed. Spanning three years for its creation, Mass Effect was released to the public in 2006, the games producer releasing a statement saying "Mass Effect will make you feel like you're in a real Sci-Fi Movie."
And, by God, he was not lying.
The first thing that you cannot deny is the graphic content. Using a new state-of-the-art game engine, Mass Effect released a large world along with stunningly beautiful graphics, that can easily still be compared to modern graphics today that are of standard issue.
Not only did the game bring out a realistic future, but many believable characters and situations. Characters and development in storyline with both liars, cheaters, the vengeful and the wicked, both adding in this own colour to the wonderful gameplay. While restricting your weaponry down to 4 weapons (Sniper rifle, Assault Rifle, Shotgun and Pistol), combat barely dulled.
Each fight differs, from enemy tactics, to weaponry and upgrades, to grenades and enviroment, to vehicles and worldly based explosives.
The soundtrack also adds a great amount of emotional attachment to the game. A large drum and horn blast from a classical score while charging into a battle is a huge motivator when facing enemies that not only are stronger, but are larger than you (And the ending to both games would be a prime example) is a huge push to fight to the death of you or your enemy!
The game only lacks in one particular spot: Side missions. While the option is always there, there isn't much point to playing them. There aren't much bonuses in playing the side missions other than small boosts in your supplies or credits, as well as experience and storyline. Fans of the series would definitely play them, but for most, they would stick with the main mission plots, as running around the galaxy is enough hassel!
Regardless, the game won E3 2006 RPG of the Year, and is definitely a classic amongst gamers. To veterans who aren't big of RPGs, or people looking for an easy game with lots of gameplay hours and fair easy achievements, this is the game for you.
Out of 10, I gave Mass Effect an 9/10
Good points: A classic gameplay, that will last a long time
Utterly stunning graphics and storyline
Hot aliens!
Bad points: DLCs don't offer much else...
Not much customisations...
Mass Effect can be found at any good gaming store for the standard price of $50
Regarded as the "game to change game construction and development", Mass Effect truly changed the way games are played, created and developed. Spanning three years for its creation, Mass Effect was released to the public in 2006, the games producer releasing a statement saying "Mass Effect will make you feel like you're in a real Sci-Fi Movie."
And, by God, he was not lying.
The first thing that you cannot deny is the graphic content. Using a new state-of-the-art game engine, Mass Effect released a large world along with stunningly beautiful graphics, that can easily still be compared to modern graphics today that are of standard issue.
Not only did the game bring out a realistic future, but many believable characters and situations. Characters and development in storyline with both liars, cheaters, the vengeful and the wicked, both adding in this own colour to the wonderful gameplay. While restricting your weaponry down to 4 weapons (Sniper rifle, Assault Rifle, Shotgun and Pistol), combat barely dulled.
Each fight differs, from enemy tactics, to weaponry and upgrades, to grenades and enviroment, to vehicles and worldly based explosives.
The soundtrack also adds a great amount of emotional attachment to the game. A large drum and horn blast from a classical score while charging into a battle is a huge motivator when facing enemies that not only are stronger, but are larger than you (And the ending to both games would be a prime example) is a huge push to fight to the death of you or your enemy!
The game only lacks in one particular spot: Side missions. While the option is always there, there isn't much point to playing them. There aren't much bonuses in playing the side missions other than small boosts in your supplies or credits, as well as experience and storyline. Fans of the series would definitely play them, but for most, they would stick with the main mission plots, as running around the galaxy is enough hassel!
Regardless, the game won E3 2006 RPG of the Year, and is definitely a classic amongst gamers. To veterans who aren't big of RPGs, or people looking for an easy game with lots of gameplay hours and fair easy achievements, this is the game for you.
Out of 10, I gave Mass Effect an 9/10
Good points: A classic gameplay, that will last a long time
Utterly stunning graphics and storyline
Hot aliens!
Bad points: DLCs don't offer much else...
Not much customisations...
Mass Effect can be found at any good gaming store for the standard price of $50
Ask Fatman Episode 3
Enjoy this near 10 minute video of all your questions!
Thanks for watching!
Al Fatman
Thanks for watching!
Al Fatman
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Five Easy Achievements: AC Brotherhood
G'day folks!
While only a year old, Brotherhood still has some fantastic game time to play and such a developed Ezio to have fun with and kill all those Borgia bastards with!
But for the folks who want some quick-to-get achievements, look no further!
1: Perfect Recall
30 Gamerscore
This achievement requires you to achieve an 100% syncronisation on an entire sequence. The easiest to get this on is probably the sequence entitled "The Baron De Lavois", as many of those are slightly simpler than the rest. Follow the tasks carefully and prepare accordingly. Your creed will be most useful during this sequence.
2: Deja vu
20 Gamerscore
Quite simple, really. Replay a mission from your DNA memory and boom, there it is!
Starting up the first mission "Homecoming" is probably the easiest. Just help the woman with the flowers and there you go. Easy, done, bam.
3: Tower Offense
20 Gamerscore
See that nasty Borgia tower? Well, to unlock this achievement, just burn all of them (no meme pun intended) in any order and theres your achievement.
4: Perfectionist
20 Gamerscore
Earn three gold stars in the Animus Training Program, so this really comes down to your preference. It would probably be easier to pick three training programs you'd easily pass. Pick three at which your skills are near perfection, whether it would be racing, tracking, killing or stealth!
5: Dust To Dust
20 Gamerscore
Find one artifact in 2012! There's 5 of them all together and they're all not that hard to find. The easiest would either be the one atop the Auditore Villa roof or in the church.
This achievement does require you to become Desmond and leave the animus.
There's five easy achievements, but there are so many more in Brotherhood, especially in the Da Vinci Dissapearence DLC. So go find them all and get your gamerscore up!
Al Fatman
While only a year old, Brotherhood still has some fantastic game time to play and such a developed Ezio to have fun with and kill all those Borgia bastards with!
But for the folks who want some quick-to-get achievements, look no further!
1: Perfect Recall
30 Gamerscore
This achievement requires you to achieve an 100% syncronisation on an entire sequence. The easiest to get this on is probably the sequence entitled "The Baron De Lavois", as many of those are slightly simpler than the rest. Follow the tasks carefully and prepare accordingly. Your creed will be most useful during this sequence.
2: Deja vu
20 Gamerscore
Quite simple, really. Replay a mission from your DNA memory and boom, there it is!
Starting up the first mission "Homecoming" is probably the easiest. Just help the woman with the flowers and there you go. Easy, done, bam.
3: Tower Offense
20 Gamerscore
See that nasty Borgia tower? Well, to unlock this achievement, just burn all of them (no meme pun intended) in any order and theres your achievement.
4: Perfectionist
20 Gamerscore
Earn three gold stars in the Animus Training Program, so this really comes down to your preference. It would probably be easier to pick three training programs you'd easily pass. Pick three at which your skills are near perfection, whether it would be racing, tracking, killing or stealth!
5: Dust To Dust
20 Gamerscore
Find one artifact in 2012! There's 5 of them all together and they're all not that hard to find. The easiest would either be the one atop the Auditore Villa roof or in the church.
This achievement does require you to become Desmond and leave the animus.
There's five easy achievements, but there are so many more in Brotherhood, especially in the Da Vinci Dissapearence DLC. So go find them all and get your gamerscore up!
Al Fatman
Review: Bastion DLC - Stranger's Dream
G'day folks!
After winning many IGA titles this year, it seems this unexpected DLC came from out of the blue for gamers worldwide.
While sadly, its been announced that this DLC will most likely be the only one, many fans of Bastion were happy to take a trip back into Who Know's Where and take the role once more as The Kid.
Stranger's Dream is a short DLC, only offering more insight into the world of the stranger, Rucks, and how he came into the world. Activating this is a simple as reading a book...and The Kid passing out from sheer boredom. Humour is still a huge factor in the game, with Rucks chiming in "Oh come on, they're not that bad..."
30 Round of surviving waves of enemies, a natural voiceover with Rucks reciting the alphabet, from A to Z, including examples from the world. "G is for Gasbag" and all as such, even with some smart observations into the world. "X is for....nothing! But like everything in Caelondia, it has its purposes. And we wouldn't have a Mailbox without it."
While only a small adding, the DLC is such a brilliant transition into the world of Bastion, the creators sparing nothing but what they originally created the game for. Just like the game, a small price for such a detailed and beautiful game that deserves more credit than it already receives.
Out of 10, I gave Bastion DLC - Stranger's Dream an 9/10
Good points: Utterly, ridiculously, cheap
Rucks development as a character
Bad points: Only one DLC? What a tease!
Creators deserve a little more money. Stop being modest!
Stranger's Dream is out now for 80 Microsoft Points
A fricking dollar. Supergiant, you're awesome.
After winning many IGA titles this year, it seems this unexpected DLC came from out of the blue for gamers worldwide.
While sadly, its been announced that this DLC will most likely be the only one, many fans of Bastion were happy to take a trip back into Who Know's Where and take the role once more as The Kid.
Stranger's Dream is a short DLC, only offering more insight into the world of the stranger, Rucks, and how he came into the world. Activating this is a simple as reading a book...and The Kid passing out from sheer boredom. Humour is still a huge factor in the game, with Rucks chiming in "Oh come on, they're not that bad..."
30 Round of surviving waves of enemies, a natural voiceover with Rucks reciting the alphabet, from A to Z, including examples from the world. "G is for Gasbag" and all as such, even with some smart observations into the world. "X is for....nothing! But like everything in Caelondia, it has its purposes. And we wouldn't have a Mailbox without it."
While only a small adding, the DLC is such a brilliant transition into the world of Bastion, the creators sparing nothing but what they originally created the game for. Just like the game, a small price for such a detailed and beautiful game that deserves more credit than it already receives.
Out of 10, I gave Bastion DLC - Stranger's Dream an 9/10
Good points: Utterly, ridiculously, cheap
Rucks development as a character
Bad points: Only one DLC? What a tease!
Creators deserve a little more money. Stop being modest!
Stranger's Dream is out now for 80 Microsoft Points
A fricking dollar. Supergiant, you're awesome.
Christmas Video!
To all my readers and watchers of all things filled with Fatty Fatman goodness, I hope you all have a great Christmas, a brilliant Hannukah, a terrific Kwanza and hope that 2012 is awesome for you.
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching!
Sunday, 18 December 2011
FGT Short - Complications
This was a problem I should have foreseen. But I guess its something you couldn't avoid. A tiny bit of info that slipped through the gamer's fingertips.
But at least from my mistakes, people can learn.
Keep an eye out for more 5 Easy Achievement reviews.
Thanks for watching.
This was a problem I should have foreseen. But I guess its something you couldn't avoid. A tiny bit of info that slipped through the gamer's fingertips.
But at least from my mistakes, people can learn.
Keep an eye out for more 5 Easy Achievement reviews.
Thanks for watching.
Competition Winners 2011
Thanks to all who entered the competition and congratulations to the winners!
Much gratitude for watching!
Much gratitude for watching!
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Fatmans Gaming Tips - Comp Entries Closed
Thanks very much to all whom entered.
Winners to be announced right here this Sunday AEST (Australian Eastern Standart Time) and they shall be notified personally!
Thanks for watching!
Winners to be announced right here this Sunday AEST (Australian Eastern Standart Time) and they shall be notified personally!
Thanks for watching!
Review: Gears 3 RAAM's Shadow DLC
Arguably the most anticipated DLC of the year, General RAAM makes a return to the Gears francise, along with some new and old faces, in the second DLC from Epic entitled RAAM's Shadow.
The game sets you on E-Day, the day that Iilima City fell under Locust control. You play as a member of Zeta-Six, Michael Barrak, alongside Alica Valera and two old faces, Tai Keliso and Minh Young Kim. While evacuating the last civilians out of the city, you and your squad are attacked by a surge of Lucust, leading you to aid other trapped squads and civillians. All the while, flashbacks change allow you to control RAAM, as he storms through the city, killing all the stand in his way with either his Kryll, a stab of his sword or even placing a large hand atop the victims head, dangling him helplessly and slicing his head off, throwing it away in disgust.
Gameplay is in classic Gears style, with a few twists. While you still have all the weaponry of Gears 3 available to you (The exception being The Digger, Mounted Retro Lancer Turrets ect) your health is fairly the same back in the original Gears game. Be fairly careful with your charging into battle, as it may just your last!
The musical score is quite excellent, both modern style Gears while still having a classic style of musical uproar of the original title. Sound effects are quite gruesome with audio being quite excellent, especially the voice acting being quite sublime.
This is definitely a DLC not to miss, especially for fans of the series. Even for fans who aren't much into the Campaign, along with more Weapon skins and the new characters for Multiplayer, this DLC can please all tastes for any person with any preference.
Out of 10, I gave RAAM's Shadow an 9/10
Good points: Play as RAAM? Im IN!
More backstory of the COG
Return of TAI!
Bad points: Not enough RAAM playtime...
Season Pass Download issues
RAAM's Shadow is out now for 1200 Microsoft Points (Season Pass get it free!)
Review: AC Revelations Character Pack DLC
While only a short DLC, the team of Revelations has brought out their first of what fans hope to be of many for the Multplayer side of the game. Four brand new characters, all customisable right from the get-go (Allowing you score a 10 Gamerscore Achievement when you do), you have a new choice system for your playing experience.
The characters (From left to right) The Privateer, The Corsair, The Gladiator (My personal favourite) and The Brigand not only add a spice of variety to the game, but also giving players new Templar profiles and some more information and background on the world of the Templars.
This DLC isn't a necessary buy to continue playing the game, but it is worth the small price for a few more fun characters, especially those who like to play as a female AI who smacks her bum as an insult.
Out of 10, I gave the AC Revelations Characters DLC an 8/10
Good points: Fair cheap
New things!
New things!
Bad points: Only a few things...?
No announcement for more?
The DLC is out now for 320 Microsoft Points (Approx $4)
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Fatman Videos on Xbox Live?!
So yeah! My videos on Youtube can be found on the Youtube App on XBL. Search me up for quickness of Fatty Fatty Fatman goodness!
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching!
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Inside Gaming Awards 2011 Results & FTG News
Hey there folks!
For those who didn't know or missed out, Inside Gaming Awards was held of the 10th of this month, many of the games that were up to win the prizes quite worthy to win the part. But in the end, there has to be one winner and here, to make it easier for you all, are the winners in order of annoucement!
Best Sound Design: Dead Space 2
Original Musical Score: Bastion
Original Game: Rock Of Ages
Best Downloadable Game: Bastion
Best DLC: Fallout New Vegas - Old World Blues
Most Compelling Character: Weatley - Portal 2
Best Indie Game: Bastion
Best Game Cinametography: Uncharted 3
Best Animation: Batman Arkham City
Best Art Direction: Deus Ex Human Revolution
Best Narrative: Portal 2
Best Multiplayer: Gears of War 3
Best Trailer: Dead Island - Official Announcement Trailer
Game of the Year: Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls V
With, apparently, Deus Ex a close second.
Congratulations to all the winners, I'm very glad Bastion made a huge mark this year, but well done to all the winners and hopefully we see this many great titles this time next year.
Onto some personal info folks, as the year draws to an end, the holidays barely two weeks away, a sense that a full year has nearly gone sets a panic into most people. Getting older, fear of the new death year, all of that. But I'd like to say thank you all for those who have stuck around this past year of me blabbering on, and seeing as I'm extremely close to 3000 views here, I guess the LEEROY JENKINS! video is going to be on the horizon! I better get filmin'!
Also, the last episode of FGT of this year will be posted on the 18th, to announce the winners of my competition. Entries are still allowed, you have three days! Check out my competition video to know how to enter!
On another sad note, the next Ask Fatman will be posted just before New Years Eve, then Fatman's on holiday for a week or so!
Keep up with the questions for the show folks!
Thats all from me, so thanks very much for reading.
And, as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman
For those who didn't know or missed out, Inside Gaming Awards was held of the 10th of this month, many of the games that were up to win the prizes quite worthy to win the part. But in the end, there has to be one winner and here, to make it easier for you all, are the winners in order of annoucement!
Best Sound Design: Dead Space 2
Original Musical Score: Bastion
Original Game: Rock Of Ages
Best Downloadable Game: Bastion
Best DLC: Fallout New Vegas - Old World Blues
Most Compelling Character: Weatley - Portal 2
Best Indie Game: Bastion
Best Game Cinametography: Uncharted 3
Best Animation: Batman Arkham City
Best Art Direction: Deus Ex Human Revolution
Best Narrative: Portal 2
Best Multiplayer: Gears of War 3
Best Trailer: Dead Island - Official Announcement Trailer
Game of the Year: Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls V
With, apparently, Deus Ex a close second.
Congratulations to all the winners, I'm very glad Bastion made a huge mark this year, but well done to all the winners and hopefully we see this many great titles this time next year.
Onto some personal info folks, as the year draws to an end, the holidays barely two weeks away, a sense that a full year has nearly gone sets a panic into most people. Getting older, fear of the new death year, all of that. But I'd like to say thank you all for those who have stuck around this past year of me blabbering on, and seeing as I'm extremely close to 3000 views here, I guess the LEEROY JENKINS! video is going to be on the horizon! I better get filmin'!
Also, the last episode of FGT of this year will be posted on the 18th, to announce the winners of my competition. Entries are still allowed, you have three days! Check out my competition video to know how to enter!
On another sad note, the next Ask Fatman will be posted just before New Years Eve, then Fatman's on holiday for a week or so!
Keep up with the questions for the show folks!
Thats all from me, so thanks very much for reading.
And, as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman
Review: Battlefield BC 2
Howdy folks!
After being convinced by the latest enstallment of the series, I decided to go back and see if I can find the game previous. After finding it at a ridiculous low price, Battlefield BC 2 was finally in my possession. Some may see this is idiotic, as I was brought into the series by a greater version of the game, but even so, I was quite surprised.
Gameplay, thanks to the modern FPS games, was quite easily adaptable with some welcoming changes and easy instructions. What impressed me was the history of the game itself, DICE obviously had done their homework when creating backstory and the main plot in both a rich and decisive creative note. Graphics, for its time, was of an adaquite nature. Musical score, being quite enjoyable, was sadly rare and some of the pieces not suiting the mood of the moment (For example, being stuck in a snowstorm and nearly dying with a large trumpet horn blasting), nor capturing the real conflict in some of the cutscenes.
Acting, while of a decent quality, was quite...stereotypical, sadly being overdone, forced even. This type of acting is called Melodrama, a particular style of acting used for shows full of conflict and issues, such as "Days Of Our Lives" or "Bold And The Beautiful".
Gameplay was quite enjoyable, not only giving the player different options to tackle, allowing both stealth and straight up gun fights with recruitable prisoners, but also puzzle solving and tracking for different routes into your targeted area.
Multiplayer is quite well done, both smooth and efficiant. But possibly due to its sequal, many long distance games (Even short distances such as parts of Asia) won't connect properly or glitch and boot the player causing this.
Some of the slighter annoying parts mostly involve health level in Campaign. The pain recepter isn't quite well done, often being unable to tell whether close to death or just shellshocked. Being shellshocked, while quite accurate, can also reduce the colour of the pain recepter and fool you into thinking you are healed when the slightest shot, even a pistol, will end you. Checkpoints can tend to be slightly frustrating, only appearing during quiet moments when passing an objective or going towards your indicated area. Weaponry, sadly, are also an issue. While there are a huge selection, all with their own strengths and faults, they all seem to have the same damage ability. The only real differences are between pistols and rifles. Rifles and SMG's don't have much difference, nor Light Machine Guns. Snipers do have some difference, but it comes down to shot placements.
Overall, while a slightly older game, Battlefield 2 is definitely not a game to miss. While having quite humourous moments about older men drooling over Cheerleaders as well as serious moments of betrayal, loss of friends during the war and the fear men feel during war.
Out of 10, I gave Battlefield BC 2 an 7.5/10
Good points: Gameplay is unique
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders = hothothothot....
Interesting puzzle solving and history
Bad points: Musical score kinda flopped....
Checkpoints lack
Health system is frustrating.
(Battlefield BC 2 Limited Addition is available at Big W for $25)
After being convinced by the latest enstallment of the series, I decided to go back and see if I can find the game previous. After finding it at a ridiculous low price, Battlefield BC 2 was finally in my possession. Some may see this is idiotic, as I was brought into the series by a greater version of the game, but even so, I was quite surprised.
Gameplay, thanks to the modern FPS games, was quite easily adaptable with some welcoming changes and easy instructions. What impressed me was the history of the game itself, DICE obviously had done their homework when creating backstory and the main plot in both a rich and decisive creative note. Graphics, for its time, was of an adaquite nature. Musical score, being quite enjoyable, was sadly rare and some of the pieces not suiting the mood of the moment (For example, being stuck in a snowstorm and nearly dying with a large trumpet horn blasting), nor capturing the real conflict in some of the cutscenes.
Acting, while of a decent quality, was quite...stereotypical, sadly being overdone, forced even. This type of acting is called Melodrama, a particular style of acting used for shows full of conflict and issues, such as "Days Of Our Lives" or "Bold And The Beautiful".
Gameplay was quite enjoyable, not only giving the player different options to tackle, allowing both stealth and straight up gun fights with recruitable prisoners, but also puzzle solving and tracking for different routes into your targeted area.
Multiplayer is quite well done, both smooth and efficiant. But possibly due to its sequal, many long distance games (Even short distances such as parts of Asia) won't connect properly or glitch and boot the player causing this.
Some of the slighter annoying parts mostly involve health level in Campaign. The pain recepter isn't quite well done, often being unable to tell whether close to death or just shellshocked. Being shellshocked, while quite accurate, can also reduce the colour of the pain recepter and fool you into thinking you are healed when the slightest shot, even a pistol, will end you. Checkpoints can tend to be slightly frustrating, only appearing during quiet moments when passing an objective or going towards your indicated area. Weaponry, sadly, are also an issue. While there are a huge selection, all with their own strengths and faults, they all seem to have the same damage ability. The only real differences are between pistols and rifles. Rifles and SMG's don't have much difference, nor Light Machine Guns. Snipers do have some difference, but it comes down to shot placements.
Overall, while a slightly older game, Battlefield 2 is definitely not a game to miss. While having quite humourous moments about older men drooling over Cheerleaders as well as serious moments of betrayal, loss of friends during the war and the fear men feel during war.
Out of 10, I gave Battlefield BC 2 an 7.5/10
Good points: Gameplay is unique
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders = hothothothot....
Interesting puzzle solving and history
Bad points: Musical score kinda flopped....
Checkpoints lack
Health system is frustrating.
(Battlefield BC 2 Limited Addition is available at Big W for $25)
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Five Easy Achievements: Gears of War 3
G'day folks!
Gears of War has never been known for its easy achievements, some of them being a little tricky. Thankfully, for those looking to make a bit of easy gamerscore, here's five achievements that are simple to achieve.
1: Pack Rat
10 Gamerscore
While there is an achievement before this one, Pack Rat asks you to collect 20 Collectable items. While sounding like a difficult tasks, Collectables are packed within each mission and there are many throughout the Acts (The smallest amount being 7 in Act 5), one even starting right from the beginning of the game.
Arcade will be a big help to achieving this, for if one person picks up a Collectable, both have it from then on out. Keep an eye out for the COG symbol pained on walls, as this is a sign that one is nearby, whether its a COG tag or a small item.
2: Judge, Jury and Executioner
10 Gamerscore
As with the previous game title, this achievement requires you to kill an enemy in the Campaign with every weapon. Killing them in Multiplayer and Horde will not work. The hardest weapon to do an execution is the One Shot, as it rarely turns up in Campaign. There are some places where to find them, but the two simplest would be during a raid on a particular character (No spoilers) near a weapon stash and again nearing the end of the game where you use the last Silverback of the game. There will be a One Shot nearby.
3: Welcome to Verses
10 Gamerscore
This achievement requires you to do 10 things. Kill 10 people! Simple! This also applies (To some degree) for the other simular achievements "Welcome to Horde" (Survive 10 waves), "Welcome to Beast" (Survive 12 rounds) ect.
4: The Host With The Most
25 Gamerscore
(Note, this achievement requires you to have the Horde Command Pack)
Quite simple, this one. Host a private horde match with 5 players on any HC Pack map. Simply start her up, play a round and boom goes the dynamite.
5: Respect For The Dead
5 Gamerscore
I know this one is a very small achievement, but some people easily miss it. During the mission "Dust To Dust" in Act 4 Mission 1, do not directly destroy any of the Ash people. Some will be destroyed on purpose by another character but as long as you don't bump or shoot any, as you head into a safe zone, there will be a building you'll be lead into. To your right, a weapon stash. If you didn't hit any, the door will open and the achievement will pop!
Hopefully this helps you out and remember folks, to keep an eye for the next DLC "RAAM's Shadow"
Achievement list and guides in the link below:
And as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman
Gears of War has never been known for its easy achievements, some of them being a little tricky. Thankfully, for those looking to make a bit of easy gamerscore, here's five achievements that are simple to achieve.
1: Pack Rat
10 Gamerscore
While there is an achievement before this one, Pack Rat asks you to collect 20 Collectable items. While sounding like a difficult tasks, Collectables are packed within each mission and there are many throughout the Acts (The smallest amount being 7 in Act 5), one even starting right from the beginning of the game.
Arcade will be a big help to achieving this, for if one person picks up a Collectable, both have it from then on out. Keep an eye out for the COG symbol pained on walls, as this is a sign that one is nearby, whether its a COG tag or a small item.
2: Judge, Jury and Executioner
10 Gamerscore
As with the previous game title, this achievement requires you to kill an enemy in the Campaign with every weapon. Killing them in Multiplayer and Horde will not work. The hardest weapon to do an execution is the One Shot, as it rarely turns up in Campaign. There are some places where to find them, but the two simplest would be during a raid on a particular character (No spoilers) near a weapon stash and again nearing the end of the game where you use the last Silverback of the game. There will be a One Shot nearby.
3: Welcome to Verses
10 Gamerscore
This achievement requires you to do 10 things. Kill 10 people! Simple! This also applies (To some degree) for the other simular achievements "Welcome to Horde" (Survive 10 waves), "Welcome to Beast" (Survive 12 rounds) ect.
4: The Host With The Most
25 Gamerscore
(Note, this achievement requires you to have the Horde Command Pack)
Quite simple, this one. Host a private horde match with 5 players on any HC Pack map. Simply start her up, play a round and boom goes the dynamite.
5: Respect For The Dead
5 Gamerscore
I know this one is a very small achievement, but some people easily miss it. During the mission "Dust To Dust" in Act 4 Mission 1, do not directly destroy any of the Ash people. Some will be destroyed on purpose by another character but as long as you don't bump or shoot any, as you head into a safe zone, there will be a building you'll be lead into. To your right, a weapon stash. If you didn't hit any, the door will open and the achievement will pop!
Hopefully this helps you out and remember folks, to keep an eye for the next DLC "RAAM's Shadow"
Achievement list and guides in the link below:
And as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman
Friday, 9 December 2011
FGT Short - Voice control!
I completely forgot the update to the Kinect, so heres my reaction to it!
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching!
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Fatman's Gaming Tips - XBL Upgrade and Banana Tip!
Its 4am and this finally uploaded!
Give the banana tip a try, I do think it works!
Thanks so much for watching!
Al Fatman
Give the banana tip a try, I do think it works!
Thanks so much for watching!
Al Fatman
New Xbox Live System
Hey there everybody!
Just a small little review on the new XBL changes! These are just my thoughts so please, let me know what you think!
For those who don't know, Live was due to have a complete uphaul to system, with a more cleaner and user friendly dashboard and basic Online experience. However, Microsoft didn't expect what the first two hours of their new interface would do to many gamers worldwide. At approximately 3pm AEST (Austalian Eastern Seaboard Time), the new update was available to all 360 game consoles across the globe. However, the update threw people offline and then once completed, denying them of Online Access, not only on their console, but on Xbox.com too. Estimates show that 89% of all 360 Gamers online weren't able to access their account and Live, while small pockets had little to no trouble. Microsoft have claimed that the issue is due to the original 360, not having the memory or capacity to hold the data. This cannot be true, as it affected me as well, and I have the Slim model.
An hour later, the service was able to work once again, but for some, crashed once more. Finally, a half hour later, the servers were fixed and it seems to be smooth sailing now.
This was an unprecidented bump in the road, but for now, seems to be doing fine. This event, though, has raised the eyebrows of many of the community. Many people are enjoying the new format, but are still cautious to what it has done already.
But these are just my thoughts and some facts. Tell me what you think!
I'll be posting a new episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips shortly, where it shows off some of the new features!
Thanks for reading!
Al Fatman
Just a small little review on the new XBL changes! These are just my thoughts so please, let me know what you think!
For those who don't know, Live was due to have a complete uphaul to system, with a more cleaner and user friendly dashboard and basic Online experience. However, Microsoft didn't expect what the first two hours of their new interface would do to many gamers worldwide. At approximately 3pm AEST (Austalian Eastern Seaboard Time), the new update was available to all 360 game consoles across the globe. However, the update threw people offline and then once completed, denying them of Online Access, not only on their console, but on Xbox.com too. Estimates show that 89% of all 360 Gamers online weren't able to access their account and Live, while small pockets had little to no trouble. Microsoft have claimed that the issue is due to the original 360, not having the memory or capacity to hold the data. This cannot be true, as it affected me as well, and I have the Slim model.
An hour later, the service was able to work once again, but for some, crashed once more. Finally, a half hour later, the servers were fixed and it seems to be smooth sailing now.
This was an unprecidented bump in the road, but for now, seems to be doing fine. This event, though, has raised the eyebrows of many of the community. Many people are enjoying the new format, but are still cautious to what it has done already.
But these are just my thoughts and some facts. Tell me what you think!
I'll be posting a new episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips shortly, where it shows off some of the new features!
Thanks for reading!
Al Fatman
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Five Easy Achievements: Modern Warfare 3
Hey there everybody!
Achievements! Everybody loves achievements, especially Hunters, and here, I'm going to point out 5 Easy achievements for those who are having a few troubles getting them. Whether you're new to the francise or just having a bit of difficulty, this will definitely help you out!
1: Strike!
20 Gamerscore
Requiring you to kill 5 enemies with a grenade, in either Campaign or Special Ops, there are a few simple tricks that can help you get this. In the mission "Eye of The Storm", you'll have your chance to throw a grenade at a large group of enemies all massing around a statue in the middle of a courtyard. You'll recgonise the area as Captain Price appears overhead on a roof atop an apartment on the opposite side of a street.
Otherwise, in Special Ops, pick any map that you like, wait till about Round 5 and then head for a corner of your map with decent cover (A random car nearby will help extremely) and wait. As soon as you see 5 + enemies come close to you, cook your grenade and throw!
2: Jack The Ripper
20 Gamerscore
This achievement is quite easy, asking you to knife 5 enemies in a row either in Campaign or Special Ops. A warning! Using a pistol with a Tactical Knife won't get you the achievement. It has to be the average melee. The easiest Campaign mission to achieve this would be "Mind The Gap", in which you'll eventually have to reveal your position to a group of enemies below you. You'll slide down and then attack. The enemies here sent to singulate themselves from each other, making it much easier to knife them and not be killed from behind. In Special Ops, best to just start the game and knife your enemies as they come. The weaker they are, the easier it'll be to unlock this achievement.
3: What Goes Up...
20 Gamerscore
Simply, in the mission "Persona Non Grata", you must shoot down all the helicopters while using the UGV's grenade launcher. Even the one bullet from your machine gun wont count! Doing this twice was my mistake.
As you take control of the UGV Turret, waste as much bullets on your foot enemies. Take your time and move through the area at your own pace. When any helicopter appears (Don't forget about the ones that drop troopers), aim slightly above the target and let loose!
4: This Is My Boomstick
20 Gamerscore
While using the XM25 during "Black Tuesday", this achievement requires you to take out 30 enemies with it. Try not to use the weapon until you come to an area in a bank, overlooking some enemies down below. Dispatch those first, then switch to the XM25, as more shall appear in the hole in the wall. Keep shooting as they appear. Head outside and continue killing them. If you run out of ammunition. Finish off the rest of the hostiles and head towards your marker and use the ammunition crate to restock. Continue on and you'll be in the heart of Wall Street. As you move through it and begin to occupy it (See what I did there?), keep killing the enemies inside and the achievement will pop!
5: Flight Attendant
20 Gamerscore
SECRET ACHIEVEMENT! I've been slightly surprised to how many people I've seen without this achievement, then again, many fans of the francise only bother with Multiplayer these days. This achievement requires you to kill all 5 hostiles during the Zero-G moment of the Campaign mission "Turbulence".
All you need is a steady hand and control your trigger finger, and as the the sequence begins, take control and let your AI movements be able to kill the 5 enemies. Controlled bursts should kill them easily. To know if you failed to unlock the achievement. After the sequence, any alive hostiles will move and then be shot by another person. At this, quickly reload the last chapter, as there is a checkpoint right after this. If not, you'll be forced to restart the mission all over again.
So there you go! Five simple 20G achievements for an easy 100 Gamerscore added to your account. There are alot more that are pretty easy for those who wish to try unlock them. Hopefully this helps out!
And, as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman
Achievements! Everybody loves achievements, especially Hunters, and here, I'm going to point out 5 Easy achievements for those who are having a few troubles getting them. Whether you're new to the francise or just having a bit of difficulty, this will definitely help you out!
1: Strike!
20 Gamerscore
Requiring you to kill 5 enemies with a grenade, in either Campaign or Special Ops, there are a few simple tricks that can help you get this. In the mission "Eye of The Storm", you'll have your chance to throw a grenade at a large group of enemies all massing around a statue in the middle of a courtyard. You'll recgonise the area as Captain Price appears overhead on a roof atop an apartment on the opposite side of a street.
Otherwise, in Special Ops, pick any map that you like, wait till about Round 5 and then head for a corner of your map with decent cover (A random car nearby will help extremely) and wait. As soon as you see 5 + enemies come close to you, cook your grenade and throw!
2: Jack The Ripper
20 Gamerscore
This achievement is quite easy, asking you to knife 5 enemies in a row either in Campaign or Special Ops. A warning! Using a pistol with a Tactical Knife won't get you the achievement. It has to be the average melee. The easiest Campaign mission to achieve this would be "Mind The Gap", in which you'll eventually have to reveal your position to a group of enemies below you. You'll slide down and then attack. The enemies here sent to singulate themselves from each other, making it much easier to knife them and not be killed from behind. In Special Ops, best to just start the game and knife your enemies as they come. The weaker they are, the easier it'll be to unlock this achievement.
3: What Goes Up...
20 Gamerscore
Simply, in the mission "Persona Non Grata", you must shoot down all the helicopters while using the UGV's grenade launcher. Even the one bullet from your machine gun wont count! Doing this twice was my mistake.
As you take control of the UGV Turret, waste as much bullets on your foot enemies. Take your time and move through the area at your own pace. When any helicopter appears (Don't forget about the ones that drop troopers), aim slightly above the target and let loose!
4: This Is My Boomstick
20 Gamerscore
While using the XM25 during "Black Tuesday", this achievement requires you to take out 30 enemies with it. Try not to use the weapon until you come to an area in a bank, overlooking some enemies down below. Dispatch those first, then switch to the XM25, as more shall appear in the hole in the wall. Keep shooting as they appear. Head outside and continue killing them. If you run out of ammunition. Finish off the rest of the hostiles and head towards your marker and use the ammunition crate to restock. Continue on and you'll be in the heart of Wall Street. As you move through it and begin to occupy it (See what I did there?), keep killing the enemies inside and the achievement will pop!
5: Flight Attendant
20 Gamerscore
SECRET ACHIEVEMENT! I've been slightly surprised to how many people I've seen without this achievement, then again, many fans of the francise only bother with Multiplayer these days. This achievement requires you to kill all 5 hostiles during the Zero-G moment of the Campaign mission "Turbulence".
All you need is a steady hand and control your trigger finger, and as the the sequence begins, take control and let your AI movements be able to kill the 5 enemies. Controlled bursts should kill them easily. To know if you failed to unlock the achievement. After the sequence, any alive hostiles will move and then be shot by another person. At this, quickly reload the last chapter, as there is a checkpoint right after this. If not, you'll be forced to restart the mission all over again.
So there you go! Five simple 20G achievements for an easy 100 Gamerscore added to your account. There are alot more that are pretty easy for those who wish to try unlock them. Hopefully this helps out!
And, as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman
Accessory: Bluemouth Kinect Camera Stand
G'day folks!
A while back, a viewer here asked me where they could find a stand for their Kinect. Well, here's a model! 3rd Earth's Kinect Camera Stand.
(Before we get started, sadly this device won't work on a box television set and is only designed for a flatscreen/HD/Plasma)
This device had a holdster for your kinect, snapping onto the base of your Kinect with three different clips: one on each side, another on the back and the last connecting connecting the holdster to the base of the stand itself. On this stand had two rubber grips, one on the front and another on the counterweight at the back.
To attach, follow these steps:
1: Clasp the Kinect base to the grip base.
2: Place the Kinect in the holdster until you hear the clips snap.
3: Stretch out the back counterweight until it connects to the back of your television set and levels out.
There is a slight risk that over time the rubber grips can wear out and slip, but so far there has been no evidence to support this.
After using this several times, I am extremely satisfied with this device. As my television sits on a low cabinet top, my Kinect always had trouble identifying me, as well as being unable to identify my voice. Oddly enough, the Bluemouth device had helped with both these issues.
For those who have trouble with standing their kinects on a solid stand or having problems with controlling the Kinect, this would be a perfect gift for the holidays. Cheap, effective and very useful.
Cost: $13.95
The Bluemouth Kinect Camera Stand is now available at local Toys R Us and Big W stores.
A while back, a viewer here asked me where they could find a stand for their Kinect. Well, here's a model! 3rd Earth's Kinect Camera Stand.
(Before we get started, sadly this device won't work on a box television set and is only designed for a flatscreen/HD/Plasma)
This device had a holdster for your kinect, snapping onto the base of your Kinect with three different clips: one on each side, another on the back and the last connecting connecting the holdster to the base of the stand itself. On this stand had two rubber grips, one on the front and another on the counterweight at the back.
To attach, follow these steps:
1: Clasp the Kinect base to the grip base.
2: Place the Kinect in the holdster until you hear the clips snap.
3: Stretch out the back counterweight until it connects to the back of your television set and levels out.
There is a slight risk that over time the rubber grips can wear out and slip, but so far there has been no evidence to support this.
After using this several times, I am extremely satisfied with this device. As my television sits on a low cabinet top, my Kinect always had trouble identifying me, as well as being unable to identify my voice. Oddly enough, the Bluemouth device had helped with both these issues.
For those who have trouble with standing their kinects on a solid stand or having problems with controlling the Kinect, this would be a perfect gift for the holidays. Cheap, effective and very useful.
Cost: $13.95
The Bluemouth Kinect Camera Stand is now available at local Toys R Us and Big W stores.
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