Saturday, 10 December 2011

Five Easy Achievements: Gears of War 3

G'day folks!

Gears of War has never been known for its easy achievements, some of them being a little tricky. Thankfully, for those looking to make a bit of easy gamerscore, here's five achievements that are simple to achieve.

1: Pack Rat
10 Gamerscore

While there is an achievement before this one, Pack Rat asks you to collect 20 Collectable items. While sounding like a difficult tasks, Collectables are packed within each mission and there are many throughout the Acts (The smallest amount being 7 in Act 5), one even starting right from the beginning of the game.
Arcade will be a big help to achieving this, for if one person picks up a Collectable, both have it from then on out. Keep an eye out for the COG symbol pained on walls, as this is a sign that one is nearby, whether its a COG tag or a small item.

2: Judge, Jury and Executioner
10 Gamerscore
As with the previous game title, this achievement requires you to kill an enemy in the Campaign with every weapon. Killing them in Multiplayer and Horde will not work. The hardest weapon to do an execution is the One Shot, as it rarely turns up in Campaign. There are some places where to find them, but the two simplest would be during a raid on a particular character (No spoilers) near a weapon stash and again nearing the end of the game where you use the last Silverback of the game. There will be a One Shot nearby.

3: Welcome to Verses
10 Gamerscore
This achievement requires you to do 10 things. Kill 10 people! Simple! This also applies (To some degree) for the other simular achievements "Welcome to Horde" (Survive 10 waves), "Welcome to Beast" (Survive 12 rounds) ect.

4: The Host With The Most
25 Gamerscore
(Note, this achievement requires you to have the Horde Command Pack)
Quite simple, this one. Host a private horde match with 5 players on any HC Pack map. Simply start her up, play a round and boom goes the dynamite.

5: Respect For The Dead
5 Gamerscore
I know this one is a very small achievement, but some people easily miss it. During the mission "Dust To Dust" in Act 4 Mission 1, do not directly destroy any of the Ash people. Some will be destroyed on purpose by another character but as long as you don't bump or shoot any, as you head into a safe zone, there will be a building you'll be lead into. To your right, a weapon stash. If you didn't hit any, the door will open and the achievement will pop!

Hopefully this helps you out and remember folks, to keep an eye for the next DLC "RAAM's Shadow"
Achievement list and guides in the link below:

And as always, have fun and game on!
Al Fatman

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