Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Review: Bastion DLC - Stranger's Dream

G'day folks!

After winning many IGA titles this year, it seems this unexpected DLC came from out of the blue for gamers worldwide.
While sadly, its been announced that this DLC will most likely be the only one, many fans of Bastion were happy to take a trip back into Who Know's Where and take the role once more as The Kid.

Stranger's Dream is a short DLC, only offering more insight into the world of the stranger, Rucks, and how he came into the world. Activating this is a simple as reading a book...and The Kid passing out from sheer boredom. Humour is still a huge factor in the game, with Rucks chiming in "Oh come on, they're not that bad..."
30 Round of surviving waves of enemies, a natural voiceover with Rucks reciting the alphabet, from A to Z, including examples from the world. "G is for Gasbag" and all as such, even with some smart observations into the world. "X is for....nothing! But like everything in Caelondia, it has its purposes. And we wouldn't have a Mailbox without it."

While only a small adding, the DLC is such a brilliant transition into the world of Bastion, the creators sparing nothing but what they originally created the game for. Just like the game, a small price for such a detailed and beautiful game that deserves more credit than it already receives.
Out of 10, I gave Bastion DLC - Stranger's Dream an 9/10

Good points: Utterly, ridiculously, cheap
                     Rucks development as a character

Bad points:   Only one DLC? What a tease!
                    Creators deserve a little more money. Stop being modest!

Stranger's Dream is out now for 80 Microsoft Points
A fricking dollar. Supergiant, you're awesome.

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