Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Five Easy Achievements: The Force Unleashed 2

G'day guys and gals!

To kill the time between the release of Mass Effect 3's Demo, a lot more videos will be released as soon as possible. But for now, a look back on my first game I reviewed on this site here and how to get easy achievements from it. The Force Unleashed 2!

1: Kamfetti
10 Gamerscore
An easy achievement you can get quite early on; simply Force throw 5 enemies into the fans on Kamino. This can be done just after your escape and your first use of Force grip. There will be a short cutscene where three or so Stormtroopers run towards you, but are sucked into a fan nearby. You have to take this path in order to reach your goal (You won't get hurt by these fans unless you walk directly into them) and there shall be some guards waiting to ambush you. A tap of the B button will send them flying into the fans behind them. Repeat with the other guards until the achievement pops!

2: Break The Bank
10 Gamerscore
During the second mission, you'll find yourself in a Casino like place, with many slot machines around you. Simply unsheath your lightsabre and go to town on them until money spits out and they turn brown. Do this to 10 of them and there's your achievement.
There's also a secret character you can unlock by doing this. Right before heading towards your goal, you'll hear a very non-Star Wars-like music (Maybe some kind of Monkey music?) and Jabba The Hut looking very elegant upon a hologram with three slot machines in front of him. Stab them three, a Holocron will appear, pick it up and see your prize...

3: Stay On Target
10 Gamerscore
This can be a very tricky little achievement for such a low payout but it is definitely worth it. After your battle with a Gorog, you'll be put in a free fall, where said monstrocity will hurl things towards you during mid-fall. Avoid everything he throws at you and make it to him once. Only once and the achievement is yours.

4: To The Face!
20 Gamerscore
During your missions, you will come across many enemies, this one in particular is the AT-MP. You can reflect his rockets back and him and cause an explosive death. Do this 20 times and the achievement can be yours!

10 Gamerscore
Its odd how little of people with this game have this achievement. I guess they're not as cruel!
Find a Stormtrooper, specifically the normal one. Force Grip the little bugger, Impale him with your lightsabre, zap him with a bit of lighting and throw him into an object. Any object will do; exploding barrels, a normal barrel, another enemy, just as long as its an object and not a wall.

And just to be nice....
6: Up, Up And Away!
20 Gamerscore
Jumptroopers are extremely annoying during a fight, especially with distance. Zap 20 of them with lighting and there's your achievement. Their screams of horror as they zoom around the place and slam to their deaths is simply the cherry on top.

Hopefully this can give you that little bit you need to it over another 1000 Gamerscore. Many game companies don't encourage boosting, nor do I. But there's nothing wrong with sharing secrets eh?
Thanks for reading and as always, have fun and game on!

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