Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Five Easy Achievements: Mass Effect

G'day folks!

For the upcoming finale of the series, how's about giving the original games a try?
With Mass Effect 3 right around the corner, its time to take a trip down memory lane, brush off that old copy and save the world once again as Commander Shepard!

1: Long Service Metal
25 Gamerscore
This achievement is easy enough, especially if you ignore all the side missions. Simply play through the campaign, on any difficulty, twice and the achievement is yours.

2: Shotgun Expert
15 Gamerscore
Achieve 150 shotgun kills and this easy achievement is yours. Any of the "Expert" achievements are possible this way, just by killing. But with the original game, it all comes down to the class you begin with.
For example, I was able to have this achievement because my Shepard is a Vanguard, who specialises in Pistols and Shotguns.

3: Lift Mastery
15 Gamerscore
Use the Lift biotic power 75 times and this achievement is yours. Once again, this is the same as the other "Mastery" achievements and all depend on your class.

4: AI Hacking Specialist
15 Gamerscore
75 Hacks to an enemy will score you this achievement. Once more, this achievement like the other "Specialist" achievements requires you to be a specific class, in this case, to have the Tech abilities.

5: Medal of Exploration
50 Gamerscore
This one is actually quite simple. Land on an uncharted world!
The achievement can be done quite early on during the game. Once you start your search for Liara T'soni, you can have the option to land on two worlds. One is the planet Liara is on, the other, an explorational planet. Simply land there and the achievements yours.

Hopefully this can help you out to fill up those gamerscore and remember folks, March 9th!

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