For over ten years, the Australian government has argued over the possibility for a new rating system
for movie and video game titles. Gamers, families, retailers and more had longed for an updated movie and gaming rating system due to the severity of the amount of kids being able to download, pirate or even order in banned or unedited games and movies into the country.
The main focus from the Attorney-Generals was the instatement of the R18+ rating system, what content should be allowed and monitored and if Australia was ready for this rating. For those who don't know, as of January 1st 2013, Australia finally achieved this victory - with many companies now reapplying their games for sale here - all to which fans are delighted for.

Since the surge of Australian gamers in the early 00's, video games have been diluted of content and some even banned completely. In the court of the Attorney-Generals, for any laws to pass they must have a unanimous vote of approval and for many years during his occupation of Attorney-General of South Australia, the only man to hold back this new rating was Michael Atkinson or as some gamers referred to him as: "The Cerberus of R18". While all the other A-G members agreed from early 2004 that a R18+ Rating would be suiting for the public, Michael Atkinson completely rejected this idea, claiming in many interviews that "...allowing this bill would open the floodgates of slanderous and horrific content I truly believe the Australian public should not have."
And to this, I - and many Australian gamers would agree with me - would tell him to shove his beliefs up his nether region.
While Mr Atkinson truly believed in this thought, the signs of him being utterly wrong was all around us. I wrote about this subject previously: "Studies have shown that the average age of Australian Gamers are 32 and that women take 47% of the total percent of playing a console. It's also shown that 9/10 homes have at least one console device, whether it's Xbox, Playstation, Wii, ect.
Since February this year (2012), over 47'000 letters, e-mails and such have flooded the offices of the Attorney-General and 98% completely supporting the use of the R18+ rating."
And even before this, children were still buying the banned and uncensored titles, even as Mr Atkinson still kept this bill away from reaching publication.

There is still talks of an X18+ rating coming into the country (For such more lewd games) but for now, the Attorney-Generals are focused on computer and mobile game ratings for now but rest assured that the R18+ rating is here to stay. Finally we can be treated as adults.
Now if you excuse me, I'm going to the play Metro Last Light and head to a specific place in Venice. You know what I'm talking about.
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