*WARNING! During this review there are possible spoilers for both Metro 2033 and Last Light. Please read at your own caution!*
To the readers who don't know, I am a massive fan of the Metro series. I've read the original novel
and played the first title, Metro 2033, many times. When THQ first announced the game's development, I was instantly enthralled with the thought of returning to the shoes of Artyom and back into the world of the survivors in the Metro. But here, on this blog, I am a reviewer and no matter how much I love a series or a particular game, I must look at the newer titles fresh and with a neutral mind. And even so, I must admit that THQ, 4A and Koch have taken what made the original great and made something even greater.
Here's a quick summary for those unfamiliar with the series; Metro Last Light follows Artyom, a young man from the station Exhibition with one goal - save his station. After bombing the home of the Dark Ones, homo-sapiens who feed off radiation and can control humans with a wave of their hand, Artyom returns to the Metro as a hero but full of doubt and guilt for killing so many creatures. He becomes a Ranger, a neutral protector of the citizens of the Metro, and begins his life anew.
Metro 2033 and Last Light are based on the novels of Dmitry Glukhovsky and to which THQ originally began creation until Koch Media took over after the company's collapse.
Back to the game!The original Metro was well known for its alone/horror factor along with being one of the only games to feature little to no HUD. Metro Last Light builds on that and makes its better. Gameplay is the same yet much different. The HUD has even less features for players and yet so much more. Navigation through this is much easier this time around, more options for changing filters and charging your lights is changed but still very simple. One of the little features is mask wiping; while wearing your gas mask, with a simple swipe, you can interact to clean any blood splatter, muck, grime and water. Never before have I played a game that allows that much HUD interaction and while it's still such a small detail, it's one that I oddly find enjoyable. With new weaponry, to which all are customisable, more responsive grenades and throwing knives and newer enemies, gameplay has definitely become more addictive. Watchmen, Nosalis, Lurkers, Rhino, Spiders, Prawns and a whole lot more, many enemies live in the newer areas that you can now explore.
Speaking of exploring, the graphics and area is just perfect - the ruins of Moscow are now captured within the swell of black clouds, rain, massive gales and the sense that you're constantly being watched while underground in the Metro you feel safe in the cities, like life is being brought into the dark grey walls and murky green water from the melting snow. Sound effects and musical score is something that I just cannot describe in a single paragraph; a single step of a foot can set off a chain reaction of both people and echo becomes a huge counterpart of this - one misstep can send enemies searching off in your area. This along with the mood of each city within the Metro is set perfectly from the bustle of the people and the soft guitar or piano playing in the background whereas battling Nosalises on the surface can have booming instrumental score blaring as you fight to survive.
All this aside, when you come down to the core of what makes this game great, it's the vocal acting and storyline. Artyom is searching for the secret that holds the key to survival to the people of the Metro and while he still does not speak, the vocal acting truly improves this time around. While there is no confirmed voice cast (Other than the one on IMDB), the acting is quite improved from the same voices station to station in the original. Pleading prisoners, begging for release, the roar of a Bear as it charges at you with a group of Watchmen attacking you and her, Last Light takes you by the collar and drags you down into a story of redemption, regret, love and loss, where any small decision from listening to a conversation to sparing a mutant creature can mean the difference between life and death from beginning and end.
While some are complaining that the game isn't as dark as before, there is a gamma option to darken your experience. Most are complaining about the Ranger mode but that is only a choice, the game works perfectly well without it, while Achievement hunters will just have to suffer the 400 MSP to download it, while we wait for the upcoming DLC to be released. I went into this game with a level head and finished it out of breath, jaw-dropped and damn near crying. THQ may be gone but Last Light definitely deserves a place on your shelf and a place in your heart.
Out of ten, I give Metro Last Light a 10/10

Last Light is also the newest edition of Fatman's Choice! I highly recommend anyone to give this game a go.
-Stunning graphics
-Fleshed out storyline
-Gameplay is extremely well done
-New areas to explore
-Fun and addictive gameplay
-Easy to play and challenging too
-Teeny bit buggy during ending mission
Metro Last Light is out now for the standard price of $78
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