In a long standing series of games, there are always bound to be downloadable content ready for the mass of fans eager to revisit their characters and explore the new worlds. Onslaught is no exception, delivering on four new Multiplayer maps and a new chapter in the Extinction mode: Nightfall.
Ignition is a remake of Modern Warfare 2's popular map Shipyard and is recreated in interesting ways, featuring different elements such as danger areas (such as a firing jet engine), underground facilities and more to see. Despite the changes, it's still quite recognisable and favours mid ranged players.
Bay View takes place in a Californian bay, offering open sniping areas and intense closed in areas, giving the option to hide in plain sight or hide in the twists and turns of the many shops and different areas. The moving trolly on the far left of the map is a great addition to the gameplay, giving fleeing players a place to hide or wait for an unexpected enemy.
Fog is by far the most popular out of the four maps so far; in a unknown, threatening area, players desperately rush through catacombs, spiked vine gardens, pitfall mines. Mid to short ranged players will find themselves at home in the fog, but be warned! While I'm unsure still how to become him (Most evidence leading to enough kills/killing the previous Michael/picking up the red tropheys), suddenly you become the axe wielding maniac. Don't get me wrong, it's a blast to sprint through the fog to kill your enemies, Myers is incredibly overpowered, and having a one hit kill marker, the first player to become Michael has a massive advantage to stay this way.
Containment takes place in a small city inside Mexico and by far is my personal favourite map.Sitting in the middle of the map on a bridge is nuclear material, which distorts your satellite image of the map until you leave the area. This map offers the best balance to short to long distance fighting, with players fighting on the rooftops to brawling in the stairways at the corner of the map.
The new Extinction map, Nightfall, will definitely satisfy fans of the new series. Offering a large amount of lore and new backstory to the events in the mode, the map layout also features map elements to help control the aliens attack your drill such as electric fences, mounted weaponry and so on. These items, and a multitude of weaponry from the get-go (The new Maverick will definitely come in handy for some), Nightfall is a great map to play on your own or with friends.
While there are some issues such as map spawning (especially on Ignition and Fog) where enemies instantly spawn behind you, this DLC is a must by for horror or COD fans alike. For those wanting a little more bang for your buck, I'd highly suggest watching a few videos to make your own decision. $20 for five maps ($4 per map) is a little bit of a stretch in order for price.
Call of Duty Ghosts DLC - Onslaught rating: B-
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