This being my very first PC gaming review, a change from console, I decided to pick a game that I've been so infatuated with, a game with appeal and one I truly believe has potential. Enter the Verdun beta and here we are.
To the history buff in me I can't continue this review without a little information. The game directly drives from the Battle of Verdun, which took place between February and December of 1916 between the French and German armies. Over the course of eleven months, the forces wore each other out with such means of mortars, heavy machine gun fire and even introduced the fierce flamethrower to the world. Eventually the French would take control of the field but not without massive losses to each side, to which the game comes in.
Taking place in strategic areas across the line of Verdun, players can assume the role of four different classes within the field of battle. In short they vary as Commander, Scout, Heavy and Soldier in a team of four. Basically, Commander takes on the role of a military officer, directing troops on where to go and also takes control of Mortar shots. Scouts are those who clean out advancing enemies from a distance (Depending on which side you are on) with or without a scoped weapon. Heavies are the slowest but strongest of the four, carrying large machine guns across the battlefield (which was a rariety in WW1). Although they make a big target, with some patience they can take out whole squads at a time. Soldiers are the standard, the cannon-fodder if you will, basically leading the charge and advancing on enemy position, using grenades to open up the areas.

Even despite the expected bugs, the game is fluent and one soldier can literally change the result of a game. To say any more would be to spoil the great features the team at Blackmill Games and M2H Studio have been working on. Keep in mind the game is in it's early stages of development.
The following is a simple list of what I'd really like to see in future development
1: Customisation: If this game will be purely Multiplayer, then customisation is key for the soliders. Players creating their own characters using level unlocks would be a great feature, even if it's as subtle as extra ammunition, different weaponry or different clothes, a single change will bring a buzz and further the competition between gamers.
2: Underground Bases: While not necessary, officers of the First World War were known to have deep holes covered by tarps or debris. By doing this, hurt players could hide temporarily inside these bunkers or possible a "Capture The Flag" element could be introduced, a mode where players have to capture their leader from the opposition's bunker perhaps?
3: Weather Elements: As we saw in your "Christmas Truce" video, snow was a very real element that could take place in the battlefield. Rain would be an excellent choice; by adding in rain and mud textures, players running in sloped or dipped areas could be slowed down while walking or running. Explosions or heavy gun fire could also tip over trees or debris.
4: Award System: Now I know the first idea to mind is "ACHIEVEMENTS!" but no that's not what I mean. Small mid-game awards to boost either customisation progress or leveling progress would be excellent. Perhaps scoring a headshot without using a scope, or killing the same person three times in a row, things like that that add extra experience.
Otherwise, let me finish this off by writing this.
To the people behind Verdun, as a University student studying to make games, I truly admire what you're doing and let me assure you, you're succeeding in your goals. Verdun is a game that you can easily lose hours of time within. I'm not the very best PC gamer but I'm sure that Verdun will be a smash at full release.
Check out the Verdun Beta website here:
The beta is out now for the standard price of $9 on Windows, OSX and Linux
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