Friday, 18 April 2014

General Updates 18/4/14

Happy Good Friday everybody!

I rarely update you folks on my blog on what's going on with this blog and yet I still get the odd message and so about plans for the future and what to expect, so here we go!

First off: Gamer Rants. They are still in production and will be coming whenever I get passionate about a particular topic. The only current one planned is Game Review Corruption (But it may have a fancier title) and possibly another one about the Australian R18+ Rating.
In regards to this post here, I sent an email to the Classication Board about the censorship of South Park. Surprisingly, I got a reply and a heated debate began to which I'd like to write about.

Secondly, I've also been asked about my old Audio Reviews. Some have been recorded and edited but the only issue is that I never have the time to upload them. They were supposed to simplify the process for both you and me but in all honesty, I'm leaving that up to you. There are a few game reviews and DLC reviews planned for the future but whether or not you'd want this feature, I'll leave up to you.

Lastly, if you have not noticed, I have also decided to cancel this years Competition due to lack of interest. Last year and the year before was massive and I had a lot of fun filming it and giving you all these awesome things. This year I gave two weeks to enter. Within a week and a bit, I had only two entries. Two.
So I'm giving away the things I can't use to Good Will in the spirit of the season and the rest (like the coffee mug) I'll keep for myself.

That's about it! I'll start posting some more reviews soon. Kinect Sports Rivals will most likely be first, then Trials Fusion then more stuff shall be on the way!

Thanks very much for all the support over the years folks.
Have fun and game on folks!

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