To the people who know me, I am utterly terrible with all Trials games and to those who do not, I am awesome at Trials games. While I was not waiting for this title with bated breath, Trials Fusion offers a lot more to fans, bored gamers or newbies, regardless of their thoughts of physic-based games.
There isn't much to say about Trials Fusion that can't be repeated from Trials Evolution: Gameplay is more or less the same with the varients of new vehicles (The BMX unlockable only at the end of the game) and the new challenge mode, where the game will score you not on your speed and fault records, but by tricks. Unlocked naturally during gameplay, players can perform certain tricks by using the R Joystick in specific motions when the bike is in a position whilst mid-air. Doing these tricks and your landing will award you points. These challenges will progress once or twice in each stage of the game. There are ten stages each with 8 maps, four stages will have tutorials and most will have Trick Stages after you have unlocked them. Otherwise, it's business as usual; you take place as an unnamed player known only as "Rider" however this word is used multiple times over and over and in reference to other players. Storyline, as expected, is weak and barely there, with two AIs as you ride talking about certain events happening mid-game or the Rider themselves. You can try to rope in the Squirrel storyline as well but that would be a massive stretch. One annoying mention to this as well is the fact that you will eventually start to hate these small snippets of comments, especially when trying to perfect a map as they repeat each time you restart the map (You'll be safe if you only reset to the checkpoint).
Sound effects have really improved, being much more clear and robust during gameplay however the musical score is small and limited, quite annoying also to add to that list. The menu music will start ear-bursting loud and will play the same tune over and over each time you enter in the menu screen, even after the end of every match. Soon enough even you'll be yelling at the top of your lungs "WELCOME TO THE FUTURE! MAN, MACHINE, THE FUTURE!" giving credit where it's due, the song is damn catchy.
Graphics on the Next Gen consoles truly bring out the beauty in the scenery of the game, but expect a lot of screen tearing, especially when checkpoints are a distance apart from the starting point.
Outside this is the customisation, which Fusion does have a bunch. While currently there are only roughly 6-7 clothing options (One being unlockable until you play specific maps), only a few can modify their colours, which limits down the options for originality. Some items are only Uplay unlockable, so if you wish to adorn a Clown or Squirrel mask, better download the Uplay app on the console. Multiplayer is also present, so far only a copy and paste: players can have up to three friends (Themselves as the fourth) and host can pick five maps to race around, with no other additional modes available. Map creator has also been added to the title and is incredibly fleshed out; players can pick and choose different areas from the large map and begin building, or deconstructing the landscape to their liking, all this with much more creative options.
Finally, I want to mention a few final things. As a person who is terrible at the Trials games (I tend to fail at the Medium courses. Let that sink into your mind) I found Trials Fusion to be simply too easy. It wasn't until I was a moment until the Expert Courses that the game became Rage Quit frustratingly hard. That, along with the many game freezing or kick-to-dashboard boots, as to be expected but not this long after release, I would only suggest this game to people like me finding the Next Gen consoles lack of content or fans of the series. Maybe the future will hold some great new updates, but right now, Trials Fusion can't welcome me to that future
I give Trials Fusion a 6/10
+Terrific gameplay
+Awesome tricks and funny crashes
+Map Creator is brilliant and fleshed out
+Beautiful graphics...
-...But get used to game tears
-Customisation is lacking
-Want an awesome outfit? Buy/play our other game!
-Too many game-breaking glitches
-Soundtrack/dialogue repetitivity
-Much too easy
Trials Fusion is out now for the standard price of $20
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