*Please note: Telltale's The Walking Dead is released in episode form. Until season completion, each episode will receive a DLC rating and only a full rating at the end of the season*
This review is completely 100% spoiler free for both this episode and Season 1 & 2. Read freely!
In massive temptation, the fandom of Telltale's award winning series has been awaiting for Episode 3 in the second season for quite some time, and while episode 2 was indeed shorter than expected (You can read that review here), fans were promised a larger impact to both story and gameplay in future parts.
Once more, Telltale have delivered exactly what was promised.
The story picks up moments after the events of Episode 2 and some scenes will differ due to your choices in them. Truth be told, this episode will start out slow, with the lack of much gameplay and more cutscenes/mostly choices and dialogue options. These choices however will set up for the story later on and it will quickly pace upward around the thirty minute mark. You can expect roughly two and a half hours of gameplay to enjoy, depending on how you explore and travel. Free-roaming areas is quite limited this time around, with a lot of the action mostly on-rails and Quick Time Events, these can be overlooked by the action, suspense and awe stricken moments you can come to expect in this particular series.
Plenty of new and unknown characters to explore, jaw dropping and downright frightening, In Harm's Way will not fail to delight fans and newcomers alike. While some areas do indeed fall a little flat in voice acting wise, those moments won't last long and will be quickly covered by light comedy or story. Telltale has truly cared for these characters and their stories and aided them to be not only loyal to the lore and stories but also to differ, change and create new ones entirely by the simplicity of choice.
Episode 3 truly shows the development of Clementine as a character, how she is still fighting, what she learnt from Lee and how her experience is teaching her what it means to be human. This season is definitely worth your love, time and money.
The Walking Dead: Season 2 Episode 3: In Harms Way
Rank: A-
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