Thursday 11 August 2011

Thank you all

Hey there guys and gals!

I just wanted to say thank you all so much for watching me, reading my reviews and giving me the chance to put my voice out there for the gaming community. Over 600 pageviews. That's 150 more in a month. Thank you all. Please, tell your friends, spread the word, I'd really appreciate it.
I am on my way to buying a video cam so I can record a few more tips, instead of doing Avatar Kinect. I'm trying to keep it fresh with some dumb jokes but I will get there. I just have three things I need.
New laptop: Check.
Retrieve my Sony Vegas Pro video editor from my old laptop: Working as we speak
Camera: Saving up.

For me, its 11:30pm and I need some sleep. I just got Fruit Ninja Kinect so that shall be on my "To-do" list next, then Bastion then the rest shall follow.

Again, thank you so much for all your support.
See you later!
Al Fatman

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