Tuesday 27 March 2012

A big line up!

G'day guys and gals!

Seeing as its nearly 11pm, I thought I'd end my day with some big news!

Tomorrow, I will be filming and releasing a new episode of Fatman's Gaming Tips. Expect this one to be....say, I don't know....how's 10 MINUTES LONG sound?
This episode is gonna be chocka-block (Aussie saying) full of news such as;
-Game release dates
-Mass Effect 3 DLC news
-Rumours and such.
and a huuuuge article on...
Assassins Creed 3!
Ubisoft has only just released a hell of a lot of information on the game, including Collector's Additions and backstory into the game!
Plus, some info on the new segment that has just been created here on my blogspot pages, Suggestions!

Not to mention in anticipation of Naruto Shippuden Generations, I'll be doing a small walkthrough of the demo before its released in Australia tomorrow!

Tomorrow's video will be long, so bring a box of popcorn!
Thanks for reading and as always, have fun and game on!

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