Wednesday 25 September 2013

Blogger Upload Issues

Howdy folks!

So I finally figured out why I can't post any of my videos here on Blogger: With Google+ (Seeing as it forces me to use it these days) it acts like a different account to my actual YT account. While FatmanXVII has over 260 videos, my G+ account has none. And since this account was made with the same email address as my Blogger, the accounts overlap. No matter how hard I try, my videos can't be posted unless it's uploaded.
Issue with that is, uploading is failing each and every time. Whether this is due to the size of the video's length or the HD, the only way to post videos for now is simply post the URL.

SOOOOOOO, I recently began a Game Review in video form!
Go give it a watch if you'd like!

If this issue keeps up, I'll start writing both reviews on here and posting a video form on YT.
Oh you like to f**k up something so simple....

Game on folks, take care!


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