Saturday, 27 November 2010

Review: Assassin's Creed 2

Bon giorno mi amichi!

In anticipation to my review of AC Brotherhood (And hardly stopping to play it over and over) today I thought I would review the game that has been on the top of my list for so long as my personal favourite: Assassin's Creed 2
The predecessor of this game (Assassin's Creed - Original release 2006) I thought had a brilliant storyline, a fair control system, beautiful music to match, great acting for the characters, yet its only fault, but a large one at that, was the way the game was set out. The roaming through to other cities was, yes, great, but it became rather dull and annoying over time and so I was not looking forward to the release of the sequel.
However, the promotional tools sucked me in and soon I couldn't wait to play the game, and my anticipation was well rewarded. The games control was upgraded and was much easier to use, the graphics were hauled out and improved, making the game much more susceptible to the look of Florence or Vienna at day, dusk or night yet still made it gorgeous. The voice acting in particular the protagonist Ezio, (played by Roger Craig Smith), Desmond Miles and Lucy Stillman (played by Nolan North and Kristen Bell) was perfect for the setting and their now better knowledge in the gaming universe.

While the game is brilliant in a lot of ways, there are some points to make about small errors. 
For one account, this includes "The Truth" Video search (And just to make sure, I will not reveal any information about the complete video) While some of the glitches can be easy to find, a fair few are quite difficult and, in all honesty, would not have found them unless I downloaded both the "Battle of Flori" and "Burning of the Vanities" DLC's. Some of the puzzles, I also noticed, were highly linked to historic events. Past the 10th video, I believe, some people will struggle, as I did. (I thank my history teacher for helping me pass year 12 History!)
One other small annoyance was the lack of changing voices. While AC 2 had many, many voices, over time, you can recognize who is who and how many times they appear in one district.

The game itself is brilliant. The DLC's are a MUST BUY and I loved the game and all the missions. Musical score, acting and map location was all improved and I sincerely offer any person reading this to go out and buy this game.

Out of 10, I gave Assassin's Creed Two a 9.5/10

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