Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Review: Sonic 4 Episode 1 Demo

Hi there folks.

Before I begin to sum up my review of Ninja Storm 2, I downloaded the demo of the new Sonic game and, much to my disappointment, found the experience to be an utter letdown.

The first thing I noticed was the return of the classic arcade music of Sonic, yet made new through what I guessed to be a different variety of beats. As I played my way in the first level I also noticed the new targeting system. This, I found to be slightly more easier way to kill enemies high above me, but after a short time found it much too easy to defeat enemies with a simple tap of A. Using this, you may kill multiple enemies in a matter of seconds, instead of the classic way of actually using some skill to achieve the points.

The AI was also upgraded but much to my distaste. Apparently, Newton's law of physics does not apply. As you use the dash, unless you hold the the joystick in the direction you wish to go, the dash will last around three seconds.. I was also annoyed with the new jumping system. The AI can no longer jump to reach specific levels and in order to get to higher ground, you must backtrack slightly to reach the speed boost.
And Sonic himself was characterized improperly. When I first saw the new Sonic, to me he looked like Goku had suddenly gone Super Saiyan 3 and turned blue. I laughed at his looks but then became slightly annoyed with the game itself.

All previous Sonic games have lived up to the name it has created within the boundaries Sega has set. Each Sonic has had a large portion of time in my life and holds great memories of me and my grandfather. To me, Sonic 4 is just a giant middle finger to all its fans, the old gamers who grew up with the blue Hedgehog and spits on every single one of them. Sonic 3 was a great way to finish the franchise and this new attempt by Sega is nothing less than a way to exploit the fans of their hard earnt cash for a game that deserves to be left alone in our memories.

Out of 10, I gave Sonic 4 Episode One a 3/10

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