Saturday, 20 November 2010

Review: Fable 3


Out of sheer lack of sleep, I thought I would post another review of a recently released game. Fable 3

Again, I highly enjoyed the previous games and I was looking forward for the rest of my gaming life to hear John Cleese as my butler. 

The beginning of the gameplay was filled with a Black Comedic joke from Cleese talking about your Prince/Princess sleeping with an friend, only to turn out to be your dog. But from there the game turns a dark corner and makes you choose between two options which can make you pause and think (being the indecisive guy I am, I sat there with my game on pause for about 10 minutes)

The near all British star cast of the game was, as speculation claimed, creater Peter Molyneux's "pathetic attempt to win back fans" that he had lost with the release of Fable 2 (to be honest was a great game)
The cast, however, were perfectly adequate for the roles they took. Sir Walter Beck (voiced by Bernard Hill) was perfect for the role, giving the character a thunderous voice, a very sarcastic humor and great emotion to the more tense areas of the game.

The gameplay is pretty much the exact same as previous games and yet different with the new styles (My particular favourite is when fighting Balverines, you can stab them in the chest as they lunge at you)
Once again, a lot of negativity came toward the gameplay's way as word reached that manipulation of the Magic was coming, yet to mold the different styles, a gauntlet must be worn, which completely gets rid of the previous games' style of casting magic directly from the AI's palms. While this, I agree, is a bit of a bad idea, there is a logical reason for this. The Hero race is a dying breed and the gauntlets help the Prince/Princess bring forth the magic. 

A few faults did nearly ruin the game for me. (Warning: SPOILER AHEAD!) As you obtain the throne, you must amass a large amount of gold. 6.5 Mil to be precise. And if you choose to be a good Hero (As I did) you will find it extremely challenging to obtain the gold, and I don't think any player would want to spend hours playing the Lute to get about a mil, only to have it gone the next day, as I did. If you'd like to do this, you can use the Money glitch in the game, to which the money can be obtained easily. (I won't put it up here, as its pretty easy to find it somewhere else) If you really want to save Albion, you can always be an evil king. 
The other small things that are slightly annoying are: One, in order to get the black dye, you must download it. I, for one, was ticked! Two, if you play online with a friend, it is possible for them to take your key from the top of your money pile in your Sanctuary! Again, I was ticked, I blitzed my friend for about 10 minutes (For he had already unlocked his chest) and lastly, a small annoyance that Molyneux said that Fable 2 accounts could be transferred over to Fable 3, which turned out to be false, as you cannot see your father's portrait in the castle, there is no mention of your mother (who could have been of your choosing) nor what was happening to the other characters (Such as Hammer for one) and finally, if an online friend has downloaded anything from Xbox Live and you have not, you cannot join their world until you do, which caused a lot of frustration.

Overall, the gameplay was great and the actors (especially Shaun of the Dead's Simon Pegg as Ben Finn) were enjoyable and the ending was a fair surprise. I look forward to Fable 4, announced a day after Fable 3's release.

Out of 10, I gave Fable 3 an 8.5/10

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