I just wanted to say that about a week ago, I had my first taste of real battle. Paintball War but still, closest thing I'm gonna get to the army. A very dear friend of mine, Marjorie, was celebrating her 19th birthday, and how does she celebrate it? By getting shot by paint pallets. She wishes to join the army, so we all agreed, no mercy!
I still have some bruises on me, but it was terrific fun and I loved every moment of it.
Plus, I was the only guy not to wear a cup. I was one of the only guys not to get shot in the genitals, so I think thats a pretty good victory for me.
I wish I had more photo's but I guess memories last longer anyway.

It was a load of fun and I cant wait to do it again!
And to those who have been thinking about having a go yourselves, go do it!
If you can stand a small sting and a bit of blood, then I definately recommend it. Cause the payoff for achieving a headshot and a nutshot on your best friend is very satisfying.
Its not satisfying when he get's payback, but still! Fun.
Thanks for reading this non-gaming entry!
Al Fatman
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