Friday, 28 October 2011

Review: Battlefield 3

G'day folks!

Known as one the only games to rival the largely successful Call of Duty franchise, Battlefield 3 has just been released for the entire world to enjoy.

Firstly, this being my very first game experience with Battlefield, I did not know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of realism and great fun in the game. Graphics of this quality were quite fantastic, showing off not only the great beauty of the surrounding world, but the chaos around it too as you fight to survive.
Not to give too much away, the game begins with you as Staff Sergeant Henry Blackburn, a man who is put before two Federal Agents, questioning him about recent events, and also, to his exclaimation that a man named Solomun was going to destroy New York with a Nuclear bomb. Through the different topics, Blackburn thinks back to those days and you take control of him. There are three other playable characters; One being an Air Force pilot Leutenant Jennifer Hawkins another being a tank driver Sergeant John Miller and the last, Dimitri Makayovsky, a GRU operative trying to stop the nuclear threat.

Not only is the voice acting of this game of quite high quality as well, but the sound effects too. Both delivering a certain realism to the game, making me even duck under fire (The reason to that shall be explained soon!)
With this only being the Campaign side, I couldn't wait to dive right into the Multiplayer.
Mostly being a COD Multiplayer gamer, I have never experienced this sight before: gamers playing together to achieve a goal. It was quite a fun sight to see. The controls did take a while for me to get used to, but after my first match of TDM, my result being 2/13 KD ratio, I decided to try my best. With the large maps and the different tactics and routes to take, the game's multiplayer really is a great experience for all types of gamers.
However, it supports friendly, positive and team player gamers. Run and Gunners will definately not survive long.

With this in mind, I had to put some annoying features into this review, beginning with the first.
As soon as I put in the disc, my Xbox completely froze due to the updates. On the first day, a 167MB update was required. While this is small in size, it completely froze my console, forcing me to turn off the Xbox, leave it for 10 minutes and repeat the update. Off to a bad start, but still looking forward to it.
A small annoyance was also having to switch discs, before I even got to the menu. Campaign requires the HD upgrade from the Multiplayer disc, this wasting another 10 minutes.
I also highly recommend to gamers to install both discs, if you have the space. During the first runthrough without installment, the game jolts when moving from area to area, when installed, the jolts are reduced and small, hardly noticable. However, once seen, you begin to notice it every single time.

With these small problems, its easy to see the forest through the trees. It seems since the Beta, EA and Dice have stepped up to the plate and gone to resolve the problems seen by the public. With this possibly being the last in the series, and hopefully not, the Battlefield is quiet but the war rages on!

Out of 10, I gave Battlefield an 8.5/10

Good points: Fantastic vocal acting.
                    Realism brings you into the world of BF3
                    Storyline is quite intriguing, very unpredictable

Bad points:   Some lag problems on/off Online gameplay
                    Disc downloads before playing? Sad face...
                    The end of the competition for!

Battlefield 3 is available now for $75

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